Tuesday, 31 August 2021

Speak, Spell.... WHO canTell?

Tide walker.
A male aspect gaming with him.

Serial numbers, very old PC's handed out to kids.  
Each kid tagged with a code.
(It was like a errr what they called ...speak n spell)  lol ffs 😆


Next I was at train tracks (Timelines again) 
There was a hold up, many wanted a ONE account.

Then a big crowd... 
We (Crew people I knew) were all collecting people for role.

I'd been with Darth Dad, Malico much of the night...

They were telling me much of what I knew
I wanted Inka and this they can use.
They don't much like either of us but our attraction to eachother is strong n strange.

Humm don't like us is wrong... we are distasteful or grubby😆
Also tricky and unmanageable alone.
Inka???  'DW bitch, bk for now' 
'Lay still or dance' 

Wowo   Ooook...   TY <3


Anyhoo he was back.  
Earlier in the night as I was waking to make bread I had odd shit my right Adrenals. 

Numb... My near Ren. I knew it was crew.  
The others were showing how they use me n Inka for energy shift.

I didn't like it... But understood. 
I was surprised when I jumped bk to main dream space n he was just there.
On the far left on the bed again propped up smoking and looking amused.

I'd just crawled beside him glad he was bk he'd laughed at me and told me.

'Bitch, they use your stupid love'
He told me he'd been where he needed to be, much like me.

As is the case my dreams with him are sharp.. 

22nd of Aug was a link, he'd fucked of then for us to go different ways.
I was seeing a dead bird, it was a magpie then a black bk gull...
Had been killed by a larger predator bird.
Feathers were covered in fresh blood...

Yet I was seeing maggots fall out. 

'You will hang with Bug's Bitch'  I'm glad your bk either way tbh... 🤣

Iron fillings..   Errrr or as I'm flopped on the hunters bed next to Inka relived he was close once more
I was seeing magnetic flow.
Like watching Iron fillings moved by competing magnetic flows.

'You never bk down Ren'  😏

I've been so squashed n Caged..  🙄

'That is true...  As I told you last night mouse, We have both been where we need'

Oh yeh... He'd not tell me where he'd been or what or why.
Linked to the 22 of Aug too?? 
This one?
Instead laying by his side I had a dream of my old cat carry. 
Dulaity cat.
She was in an NHS changing room.  
Squashed into a hamster cage.
Pissed off.
And I was too.   
I hated they had my cat in a cage,
I was reading psychology there. 
I visited her and told her I'd be back soon.
We only needed somewhere small n warm,

We could be together again soon. 



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