Monday, 16 August 2021



Was with Inka...  He was still locked in 2 places.  Was mainly emotional I remember crying a lot and feeling a lot.

Linked to the crystal palace mountain dream.


'I'm showing you alot Ren, think of it as a dance or breath, play'   Oh.. It's reality and concepts ok..  'Mmmm' 

It makes much more sense before I wake up!  'I know, come bk' 

I'd jumped bk to Inka, he's still locked up but in more of a ward like room.. I'm not solid when there.

Awareness with very low coherence, mainly just inside his awareness though. 


I'd wanted to know about the pain in my finger joint... We were in it but also in fire or inflammation.

Felt orange... It was like going deep till we found underground heat.

I'd had a long dream of a messy garden. It was dusk or dawn... 

2.30 AM there so I knew we were somewhere far North.

Low sunlight just below the horizon making the sky look beautiful.

I was moving stuff that was releasing clouds of biting insects.

Grubby silver jewellery had been dropped all-over the garden and I seemed to be colleting it into my hand.

Small silver star earrings and cuffs... Dirty rings.  My hand was grubby too from damp soil.

I left the garden and looked out onto expansive countryside...   Flat farmland, or grazing.

I was beside a large puddle with an almost greasy surface... The lighting sky reflected.
Was beautiful.  Unfamiliar.

Tall conifer trees in distant hedgerows that were mainly just odd patches of scrub now. 


I'd walked alone and realised I felt vulnerable in an unusual way for me.

I didn't know where or who I was.  

Boundaries to the land were strange too, chopped logs heled with wire mesh made walls just over a meter tall.

In them were gates with old padlocks,

the walls with wired were easy enough to climb but the wire was rusted and they gave way sometimes.

I could hear a 4x4 buggy type thing in the distance and was aware I wanted to avoid who ever was riding it.
As there was little cover I was staying in the shadows of the walls.

Ground was damp and muddy.

I wake again Inka is showing me runes...  

Y shape but also X the chromosomes too.

I'm seeing them symbolically and inside them the Y shaped parasites that climbed into my calf muscle.

They are opening closing runes.. 

Structural too... Were in-between everything.  Below too.  Liquid and fire.


Next was another long dream. 

I'd been in a large stone church laying in a back room at a hearth, stone hearth the fire hasn't been lit here for years.

On the floor was a sticker for the Holy See thing... That key again that I let fall into the holy well.


I could hear a service, I knew a very old friend Jean was close, I didn't move just lay and listened.

I felt like I was small... Perhaps a child, I felt inconsequential just laying around.  
I was looking and listening though.

Men in long white fancy robes.


There was a box too, elaborate looking... I didn't know what it had in.  It was on the hearth too.


Next was an odd dream.. Main dream area my gran lived there too. 

I was cleaning for her and Aunty Irean.

They both had badly hurt cats in their front rooms.  
One had been in a fight, one of it's hind legs had been chewed off and face clawed up.

The other an RTA ... They were both in a bad way.

I was trying to work out what was up... How I'd carry to large cats with no carriers to the local vets.

I didn't understand the injury's either as both had been locked in.

Sleep again.

Oooo thanks for unpack!  'Welcome, Mouse'

He'd taken me way back simplified the layers, like onions again...

Echo's, ripples only this time it's not just an onion...   It was like earths shield.   

An onion with poles but the energy from one side. So I was seeing something like earths magnetic shield pattern...


Seeing is the wrong world...  Was being!!

This was the X  the Y was code, structural and connecting. 
It's bloody hard to bring threw to waking what I'm experiencing..

Code and structural...  All inside out?? And inside and out...


'Here Ren Come back'   Inka is still flat out in both places so I'm just inside his awareness. 

I wake up with look into Vulcan Teclomancy  or Telconacy or I duno the word....  Was Vulcan first...  Will look.

Ohhh Vulcan is a god of fire??

That track again...  Standing at the edge... 
You keep pulling me back Inka....  'You keep trying to jump'  

I want to fly!  'You do' 

It's hard to recall what you show me...  

You are showing me layers... Magnetic...  Like rainbow too?? 
'Vibrational layers'  Oh.... 


The 4x4...  That's like the 4 guys with 4kg weights? The building took off without them?


In my dreams there were guys in sport branded clothing.    They were farmers? 



4x4 is 16 too.. a square, square fence metal again.

Ive told you I build walls n you hop over n under them.


DNA weaving .. ladders? 


Rings.. metal pipes...  Mars is Iron, Saturn Lead. Pb like plumbing pipes..


Iron man hole drain covers .


Iron-man Fe male ...  hummm.


'Run Ren, juggle- you have been pestered from slumber'


Sun is He is that helium or is that H... humm H is hydrogen


He man she Ra.. but shaman  she man...  he Ra.  Hummmm 🤔 



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