Friday, 8 April 2022

Cell Division

Inka?  If you wanted the right pupil  ... Who is best to teach the left... That eye doesn't focus as well? 
'Ask Leon Ren'  Ok
Leon?   'The offer I made last night mouse still stands...  Meet me in any space' 
Emmm  my shoulders n neck tickle so much as I wonder where.
I'd like you to come to me please.
'As you wish Ren'  Thanks.

'Stop drinking Ren' 

'Eat too, then sleep'   Mmm

I'm blushing?  'Then I won't have to slap your face' 

Leon?  'Ren, I was more abusive than Inka ever was' 
Hummm  It's blurry.. 
'He gave you options'  Eh?

'I gave you non'  Hu??



I'm cold...  'Emotionally chilled Ren'  sorry??

'When you detach yourself from Inka, you are a drift' 

I think I'm just tired.

'As you wish'


Dreams are really hard to recall..  'It is as you are still dreaming alone Ren' 

I'd found Leon or he found me..

It was a strange dream a gothic building with small rooms where pc stations are set up around the walls.
The windows are stone and intricate like a church and the PC's are all white with deep monitors.
I was there in another dream too.... Years ago??

The PC's are all for the same MMO style game. 
Not one I've played here.  
I'd got my avatar stuck.  The games makers were in the same building and I was telling them I was stuck and they were adamant that it wasn't possible.

I was showing them.   I'd set a spawn / reset point just before a fight but when I'd jumped back to it my gear set changed to that of one of my other avatars.


I didn't have what I needed to take on the mobs there & couldn't get past...and was trapped now in a death loop... If they wanted me to continue playing they would need to roll me back.

'The game was being reset'  Hmmm the last time I was there?  'Should help you to find it Ren'   Thanks it did.


I did this too with the black puzzle cube and before I got sectioned?  I set myself reset points 'Like Time loops?'  Yes... 

My first recalls of you are 2012 ish?  'They are Ren'  But they go back before then?  'And long after'   It's the future memories that made me angry with you?  'Indeed' 

I didn't want to integrate you... 'But had to' 

Aquarius Leo stuff....   2 different Suns??  Hummm

The other dream was more vague a dirty degrading space like a filthy public bathroom that we were being made to use by someone.


Inka came to join us later in the night.  I was aware of my heart centre reaching for him like iron fillings to a magnet and he suggested upside down.  
This was an attraction heart to mind.  Mind to heart. 
Like a playing card and the RNA & DNA from last night. 


A funny dream we were like soldiers getting ready for a campaign.
All the same only I was different... I think this is cause I was my awareness attached to Inka. 
It was all the same uniform squashed together I was so small my feet didn't reach the ground and I was just moving as the crowd did.

Then we all...... it was like going down a slide... That astral feeling of moving very fast. 
Last 2 times I've felt it was when I slid into hell, and then Inka pulled me back out of a highly lucid experience.

On waking I realised it felt like we'd just been ejected
😆  As on another level I was a cell again or inside the nucleus as we were DNA & RNA but I had no idea which one of us was which!

Next a strange jumbled dream.
I had 2 lovers but they were the same person. 
One was Marcus and old boyfriend but then he'd morph into someone I've never met before... This was strange as they were sort of jealous of each other but to me they were the same person. 
Andrew was there, who I'd known as a kid.  My Dad had agreed to care for him as Jude & Jim went to a wedding.
Em was there with her mother in law I never met.  Another one lost to dementia.

I was trying to mix and grind salt and pepper only using science equipment. 
I didn't have enough hands and I'd manged to get it all wet.

After or during this in the liminal space I was perceiving different things.

The transcription devise that I'd hidden when we were captured by another crew?

Was to do with RNA too.... we were using it to make multiple versions of realitys

This was also linked to the stolen creation, and having the blame for something pinned on me again! 

Another room filled with PC's but this was futuristic.
Rings of halo like blue/white lights that were sending information.   

The room was very white.... Each work station was linked to one person.
The person was remote but I was perciving the connection. 
A specific frequency of blue light.  

I was formless observing there and I could hear Inka asking me to 'Get the Data Sets'
B&W cat jumped on me and woke me here.

My dream dust was the same as the other day when I merged awareness with Ddad and Inka and I was understanding the equations.



Then I was watching a pinecone pop in the sun... Scattering seeds as it unlocks.

The night I'd danced on them all barefoot under the full moon.

Leon or Inka had asked me back then... What if the magic you are about to do is the thing that went wrong in a world! 
Heheheh, dirty blood too... 
 'You're crazy enough to take responsibility for any old shit'
I already knew I was capable of forgiving myself as I'd done it
'TIME AND TIME AGAIN'  Haha sorry...  'It's ok Ren, you are what you are'  🤣

The bastard creation... That was what that Apocryphon of John book was on about.

This April the 7th Loop I'm in.. that ripples year on year.... 2020 that day  I made a world with my Son!

This is the Daddy/Daughter stuff and Mama/Son  Oedipus too


I was deliberately breaking from consensus reality cause I was tired of people not realising they are living in a magic dream! 
But the people who perceived like me were very few and far between.

Go back to sleep and I'm seeing worlds replicate like cells
'You wanted to give everyone their own private hell Ren!'   lol,  yeh well it's not a bad place once you're used to it. 

'Game Master?'  Wow!  We can go back there!!!   'Soon mouse, Yeh'   😁


Its  a lot Leon... the half a monarch.

The pop as my soul was pulled apart years ago


'I'm an excellent teacher to Ren. Given the right methods you learn very fast.'
Learnings not that helpful when I keep forgetting everything!


What did you do anyway to end up in stasis?  'Taught you'  Haha ok...  the nightmares as a kid? 


Earth was my school already i didn't want domesticating... 'Yes Ren you made that exceptionally clear...'

Hahaha the domestos n toilet wand 😆

And the pitch fork? Hahaha 🤣

'You needed an animal tamer' 


Leon.. you gave me a hall of mirrors where in every reflection I found myself..

'Yes'  why?  'For you to find what you are and what you are not Ren'


This is why we made what is not to examine what is? 
The Mono Story the Monarch Butterfly?   

I got 1/2 a butterfly.



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