Tuesday, 12 April 2022

Basic Bitch

I'm full and now I'm sleepy...  'Simple entity'  Mmmm

'Doesn't take you long in a system to learn it Ren'

?? 'It's why you sleep to come home' 
I'm in a loop...   'For now Ren, promise we will pull you out' 

What about in??  'Srsly?'  Hahah  ok..   But wouldn't it make sense to go both ways?
'Sense Ren'   Oh...  Errrrr   fuck I'm really big now! 

'Look up the meaning volatile mouse'    Umm

sense (n.) 
c. 1400, "faculty of perception," also "meaning, import, interpretation" (especially ofHoly Scripture), from Old French sens "one of the 
five senses; meaning; wit, understanding" (12c.) and directly from Latin sensus "perception, feeling, undertaking, meaning," from 
sentire "perceive, feel, know, " probably a figurative use of a literally meaning "to find one's way," or "to go mentally." According to 
Watkins and others, this is from a PIE root *sent- "to go" (source also of Old High German sinnan "to go, travel, strive after, have in 
mind, perceive, " German Sinn "sense, mind," Old English siƶ 'Way, journey, " Old Irish set, Welsh hynt "way"). 
Application to any one of the external or outu.'ard senses (touch, sight, hearing, etc.) in English first recorded 1520s. 
A certain negro tribe has a special word for "see;" but only one general word for "hear," "touch," "smell, " and "taste." It matters little 
through which sense I realize that in the dark I have blundered into a pig-sty. In French "sentir" means to smell, to touch, and to feel, 
all together. [Erich M. von Hornbostel, "Die Einheit der Sinne" ("The Unity of the Senses"), 1927] 
Meaning "that which is nise" is from c. 1600. Meaning "capacity for perception and appreciation" is from c. 1600 (as in sense ofhumor, 
attested by 1783, sense of shame, 1640s).


'Ren, there isn't much further that we can go in'  Oh... Yeh, we made this place hu?  šŸ¤£

WTF were we thinking?  'That bitch depends on the perspective you approach it at'  Hahah Inka... Seee it's shit like that that amuses me...  Don't fucking pat my head... 


'Meet me Ren, lets stick together a little bit' kk 'We go to Leon first'

Hummm Something???  it's coding and time?
 'You being to lazy to record it?'  I was sleeping šŸ˜› 'So what's new, come here.  We're heading for Leon'


What was all that, help me to remember plx?  'You will... Just come' 

Oh I know I was my albino catfish
'Isolated' you came for me Inka?  'As you come for me'

Oh yeh... You and me in the where?  'Place'  Thanks.

We'd been cooking up any old shit, literally anything and everything.. Me being a catfish and that Wreck it Ralf dad..  Did we start or go back?? 
Anyway we needed the symbols and pattern recog cause we were creating with or from chaos?

We made a world with or from a parasite, a self feeding system??

I'd had a crazy dream too parasites falling from space


Some go into me, little white tuby worms .  Into my calves again under the skin.
I was recalling the dream with the fisherman's parasites but also the really fast ones....



I could feel them under my skin.... When I'd managed to get them out they'd grown as big  as earthworms with tentacle heads and had already laid eggs that were hatching.
Small ones wiggling all-over.


In another place I'm in a huge space with my Dad and loads of people.  He had his right foot in a bandage/cast and was hobbling about really fast.
We all had a job/gig as role actors.

I knew the thing in my legs was linked to the dream above.

People were fighting in space  so time & place....   Er Inka WTF did we do??
'Ren, there's not much we didn't'  lol.....


I was dreaming and working in another place....   All the other me's started working together.

I'm confused
'So what's new?'  lol good question is this the contract Leon found for us that made me pissed off with him?

What are you both laughing for?? šŸ™„
Wouldn't it have been easier to be punished?
 'We tried that too Ren.  Re-Ed, Astral time, Slave Labour.....'   Hahaha  Suppose šŸ˜

Lol what a shit show!!  'Yes'  šŸ¤£


Next up an amazing astral school!!  Huge floating platforms.
We were learning combat, teleporting and stuff.


I drove my teacher's and some of my class mates a bit bonkers.... Leon was there too šŸ˜›

During a training exercise I'd  nicked a wearable robo/armour suit from another school/fraction.
The school was interested to study it, so they were going to pretend it hadn't happened.
It would cause diplomatic friction for the schools admin, they would cover for me - BUT it was reliant on me keeping my big gob shut!

It was a funny dream... Lots of fun as non of the teacher's or admin much wanted to be a mentor.
The thing I stole was a large different colour version of the Armours that Inka took me to see a little time back and told me to look but not to touch.
The one I nicked was a neon green and black with unusual symbols.

Then a WTF dream.... Inka that was in that thing? 

We'd jumped back to Ddad's hub and I join Inka's awareness and we go in that gyro vr thing again.

This was a really long dream.  Family blood wars... Only also games.  

Really loaded people! Police and Governments.
They were family too, and were teaching us - but they were all liars, cheats and manipulators.  Hunt & Trump.. Symbolic too obviously.
The kids had been split from the parents learning different lessons.. Then coming back together...  Both sides competing in different age groups.
Only no-one told us anything we just had to figure it out.
We were all spied on and our parents were seeing how long we would hold out under pressure.

Fuck Inka!!!??!?! 
 'Yeh Ren'   That was crazy.  I'd called the ambulance for a father who was acting poisoned.

He hadn't been...  We were being tested to see what our reactions would be - only we had no clue about any of it!

Then I was falling fast into another dream where I was in a story book and a psych facility.

It's 619  This is to do with that psycho in the high security building??  The one we were locked in with and he was teaching?  
'Coming back or had enough'   I'm quite awake.. 
In another layer I was a female magic dragon teacher.

The phone call thing we failed at, as I called?? 
'Yeh'  You should?   'Yeh bitch, but I'd not'  

Lets smoke while I think...
I'd checked his eyeballs??  

Like the dude last night who just showed me the whites?  'Yes'

When I'd examined this father pretending to be poisoned.. One eye went to just a black slit?  'It did'......   Hummmm you're not going to tell me what this means are you?

'It means you're learning Ren'   Haha
It was his right eye, but this was a Dr though.....    

Is this anatomy?  His right or mine?   The planes in anatomy are mirrored.

'Bitch?'  Is this the astral discussion I had years ago with an uncle on the best way to evolve people?  'The dog handler Ren?'  lol  yeh that one...  

He believed in law/order/rules reward/punishment.
I was growth for the sake of growth and evolution.... People had a natural tendency towards co-operation.  
'Sort of doing both'  Hahaha at the same time šŸ¤”

Am I doing this cause I'm stubborn and want to prove a point?

'You also like to test a hypothesis Ren and you're up for trying anything'

Wow.. I'm awake... I'm going to get up.  
'Back here once more first'

Hummmmm when I failed that test, the other guys were laughing saying fucking hell, how old is ******'s family  
'Yeh'   I was doing this for my kids?
The invite came threw the school for Fay??

I wanted her to have the
'Options that you did not'  Leon?? 
'Less bored now Ren?'  fuck yeh...   'Good... Listen then & keep watching' 

Psycho Sis and a Psycho's path??     'Still not had enough Mouse?'  Not likely mate

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