Wednesday, 6 April 2022

Poker Tables


I'm tired... 'Not unusual for you Ren, your lucidity was high last night.'

Inka?  'What?'  errrrr like that is it?  Ok, I'll just sleep.

'Come here Ren?' Kaylo?  'Your house'  ok.

A visually odd dream.  Dark black hex basalt columns.  Massive cliff walls of them with an unusual group of climbers.  In the front was a man with a iron peg hammered into his head where his face would be.  Attached to it were 2 safety chains. 
Next hanging from a chain was a man dressed in brown with a mask and large fancy-dress horns.   Following them were a group of very tired teenage kids & young adults.  Very cosmopolitan like a mix from a city university.

The kids were really tired and wobbling all-over.  In certain spots people were placed to catch, push them back towards the rocks if they were stumbling or falling.

I was formless above looking down on them.  They had to get the kids to a spot to rest.
I don't recall leaving Kaylo but I did jump to Inka who was right about Ddads chair
It looks so odd now, a badly painted milkshake pink.


He'd dragged the mattress thing I'd manifested to where he could lean on the wall and was smoking there. 
I shoved him over a bit so I could lay down to dream.

Next dream a teleport hub with 2 round poker tables.  It felt like a tacky game show, in some way the 2 tables were also competing against each other.
They both had a cheep green table cloth that kept getting pulled and slipping.

I was bringing drinks n snacks to and from the tables and trying to work out which player was tugging the cloth.

Inka confirmed I was on clean-up tonight.

The next dream was smelly!   I'd been in my main dream space in that house I've been in before.  Dad and Ann and others are often there.
This time I'd just let a maintenance contractor in.

He'd finished fixing something but when he opened the door this god-awful smell came in from the street.    He shut the door again and we went to look out the window.
Their was no obvious cause for it and he was confident he could get to his van before the smell made him puke so, he let himself out and I watched him leave.
Was like raw sewage or something
😆 really grim.

Last dream was my main dreamhouse. 
It's still bright there and open plan...  The tables from
this meeting,  had been pulled apart and were around the room now and covered with used plates, mugs and dirty clothes. 

I was clearing up and many people mainly young people were coming and going.  The back door was open.  

I could hear a child arguing with his mother, realised they could use some mediation the kid climbed over the wall and the Mama came the front way.  
Once inside they could talk easier more adults were arriving and without being asked started helping me to clean up.
A large industrial dishwasher we were emptying together it had such a strange mix of things, plates, dental brushes,  diving air tubes and breathing equipment.

At the front window my wood hog toy was floating about looking at me, only it just had one big eye!
I'd let it back in when it pressed up against the glass.  It was worried someone might carry it off.


Wow!!  Haha  this was the meeting at the white square table?  Before we took over Ddads hub and I ate the cube.... 
That has the toilet system and Main tenace in a card game!! 

Inka what are we up too?  
'You'd better hope one of us has a plan  Ren 😏'  Hahaha

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