Sunday, 27 February 2022

Clean up and Mess

Errrrr wtf?  'You swapped Ren.  I can play cosmic fairy if I want'  I duno what I was seeing! 'Fractal void suit'  With glowy bits?  'You're supposed to be with Ddad not spying on me'   I'm not spying anyhow don't you normally stalk me? 

'Lets see Ren'  Eh?  'What did I tell you this morning?'  oh that one of us recalls what they are asked to do!
'Yep Bitch, and it's not you'  Errrrrr   So??

'You're shit Ren, but we love you. Fuck off back to what you started'  I'm actually to confused to argue.

I was also while seeing you all glowy in a Facebook chat from inside out.  

'Well recalled mouse'  Inka??  'Ren?'  ok.... I'm going? 

Humm wish my writing was clearer here...

In a vast 'space' we were being made to hunt our crews and slid systems.  We had weaponised astral and the ????
What we had created in another system for mainly navigation had rippled out and made a crazy system were it was being used as a form of mind attack and manipulation.

As we'd created it we'd been sent to fix our mess.

  'Come Ren'   Loci?  'It's ok, you're outside of time looking back'    Yeh ๐Ÿค”That's ok...  That was wyrd though.    'Let me show?'   Can we just play something fun? 

'Yeh I'll meet you at Ddad's hub'   Thanks.

๐Ÿ˜†  That was crazy  I'd been viewing what looked like star nebular shaped like a toilet bowl! 

Stars were being formed around the toilet seat and spiralling out in long arms, and plasma and dust where coming out of the bowl and the waste pipe below
It was strangely beautiful I was watching it form and giggling about the toilet bowl.

'You're heads full of shit Ren?'  lol likely.....  'You were suppose to meet me at the hub'  I know, I just keep crashing out.   'It's why Inka took to dragging her around'    ๐Ÿ˜›

A strange version of my neighbours house.  I'd gone over there in the dark.  Dave had stopped his watch on the floor.  It was a strange old fashioned one.  It had broken as it hit the ground and it was bleeding red blood.

It looked like it had flesh inside. 
Shirly was sitting on the floor and she wanted me to change her socks.  I helped her put some white ones on.
I'd gone upstairs where it's more typical of the astral versions I experience of this house.

Everything was back to front.
Shirly had followed me up and was walking and standing straight.  I'd commented oh, you didn't need the chair lift.
She was going to get into her bed.

I was leaving again when I meet a tall guy in her house.  He was early 40's perhaps white, dressed in a shirt and trews well built.  Not someone I know.

I didn't speak to him, we just looked at eachother.  I could feel he had some kind of authority to be there so I'd gone to let myself out.
When I got down stairs he'd moved the chair with the dog on to in front of the back door and pushed it up to the door lock.

It was a strange thing to have done, and I had to move the dog and the chair to let myself out.

I did actually make it to the hub this time.   Me and Loci were in the room still young, I was hungry and Loci magicked up an apple for me.
When Ddad came to collect him he was annoyed with me for writing on the matrass.  Oh lol then he was pissed off with me for talking back cause I'd told him I was bored just stuck in a room!
So he'd taken us both to the main room there but Loci and me just curled in a chair and both went to sleep.

The dream was detailed.  I'd arrived back at my main dream house.   The downstairs rooms were knocked threw.  A large white square table had been made from smaller 2 people desks and the room is filled with people I'd not met.

I had a mother there.  A large black woman with short hair, she was wearing a purple jumper and I'd brought her a gift.
It was a cheep calendar, she seemed pleased with it telling me it was a war calendar?   She showed me it had sections on the bottom of each month that could be torn off and folded to make a small model.

I showed her a grey headset I had, on the side were 13 buttons or channels. 
They were arranged a little like the kabala tree of life pattern.  
I was telling her I had no idea how to use it yet.

After this we go sit at this large white table, Oh Loci joined me there at that point. 
Me and him had a green and a blue lightsabre one each.  
The Mama brought the calendar to the table and I had the headset with me.

There were already 2 guys seated there with learning difficulties.
Then another guy I don't know comes in. 
He has with him a massive chocolate traybake and a jug of cream.
He sits down and starts eating it all his self.

It was like some wyrd dysfunctional meeting. 
I kept nicking some of the chocolate icing when he wasn't looking though I got  the impression it wouldn't be long before this started to annoy him.

Ddad then came over and dream shared with us too.
First up was 2 miss matched socks?  A photo of Obama.. But we were being shown something in the back of the photo.
It was a clue to look up.

Last dream I was at a new school.  We'd had a registration were some children had been picked something. 
Parents were there with children one child from our class had been selected.
I was trying to work out the timetable I'd been given. 
It was on Red paper and I was on 'C floor'  Standing in front of room C16
I was supposed to be making my way to a class on 'Road Signs' 
But the red timetable was confusing enough.  

I had shadow my cat with me, he was sitting on my shoulder, as I was standing outside doors wondering where I was going I was listening to what was going on behind them and wondering about synchronicity.


A woman arrives and askes me if I'd look at something for her.  I walk with her and she wants to know how to stop kids sliding down the banisters!  I recalled at this point Marie middle me was there too and we had all come from some kind of social kids care home.   
Me and Marie had been wondering which one from our crew would be first to get into a fight.

The stair well was odd it was like a red, blue and white patterned helter-skelter it had a dome above where blue butterflies were playing in the air. 
Once on steep stairs turned into a fast slippy slide.. It was strangely pretty and mesmerising, the pattern was repeating.... I told her I didn't think there was much of a way to stop kids sliding here, it was too much fun.

.. I hope that red, blue white spiral slid isn't heading to a war with Russia fun ๐Ÿ˜ฌ


Yday afternoon.


I,Hypocrite Retweeted 
The Simpsons 
#TheSimpsons #Simpsons #1Jkraine 
7:22 PM • 2/25/22 • Sprinklr 
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NEET voicel @GASLIGHTER_ • 7h 
Replying to @TheSimpsons 
Where's this same energy for Afghanistan, 
Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yugoslavia, Iran, Etc, etc, 
Q 120 119 
Tweet your reply 
Sav e 


The 'yellow/blue Yellow is 'contract / personal power' Blue wisdom??... Wisdom & voice.

People are being manipulated into putting there personal power into a a ukcrane? a you crane?
Is the red/white blue are using the masses emotional energy to get a lift up?

Is this the timeline highest?

Hummmm It's gaps like this where I break from consensus reality.  Where it feels like a symbolic dream.


Inka??  'You've fucked off to Ddad bitch.  Ask him instead' 

Hummm OK...   Ddad?   'I've offered you my support and protection Ren.  You can observe now how and why I chose to have shared reality sectioned.' 

I'm poking it again?  'You are Ren'  Hummmmm   'So it becomes you or them'   Why??


'That's my responsibility'  And I've put myself back into that .. Hummmm
Ok, can you help me get your perspective please?   'As you wish' 
Thanks.  Teach me in astral plx...   Don't much want locked up again. 


So I can still poke the collective dream?  'You are learning that Ren' 

Mmm it fits with them 2 cubes, I've seen in the past few days?  The one of mirrors and the dark black fractal borge one?  
Is this how we get the illusion of reality where our own shit is mirrored back at us?  ๐Ÿค”

Sooooooo this is what I was seeing with the weaponised Astral space??   Last night?  'Yes Ren, I can show you more'  Ok..  Yeh plx, is this the clean up crew stuff??  'And more'  Ok..

This is tricky Hu???  'Yes Ren, it's why the games were seperated'  Not so much now?? 


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