Tuesday, 18 January 2022

Child's Play

Fun dreams.  Lots of games.

We were part way threw one.   Had been chasing and reality jumping and suddenly all the crew was there. 

I'd gone over to talk to them.  Inka appeared and picked me up started carrying me off.
Which at first annoyed me. 
'That's why it's faster to just move you Ren, or knock you out'
  I quickly realised the game was still on and I was teaming with him against the rest and we needed to move fast!

Then another dream that kind a followed on.
This was in and around my main dream space but it was one of them layered dreams were I was on several layers at once.

My family and also crew were there and we could all shapeshift everyone was playing.
Oh yeh!   I remember we were like kids!
It was linked to the dream were we needed to go on a long journey but our parents above us were still arguing and all the kids had buggered of to play while we waited for them to sort there shit out and stop fighting.

This was the same, only the games had got well out of hand!  😅

There were games in games, lots of people had been playing so long they had forgotten the games were supposed to be fun. 

Some had even forgotten how to play or why!   So we'd made all kinds of games for all types, just kept making more and more games while we were all waiting 😛

It was so layered.
I was zooming way out with game creators and then back in with all the players.
On one layer were others like me who LOVE playing.   'Wicked Playful Ren'  
Oh yeh you told me that in the dream with Kaylo and reminded me this morning!
Some of us just duno when to stop!!  😉

I love the chasing and jumping stuff, teaming with Inka is kinda fun as he'll randomly appear and shove me out of the way or trip or kidnap me up then vanish again.

The people like me..... which is crew and certain members of my family and many friends were all bringing toys old and new.
We kept setting them up as play zones and rooms then at the end of a game we'd clean them up and start again.

Only it was bonkers! 
We'd made everything a game.... Was like if all the adults had vanished and left kids in charge and all the kids started taking there own toys into the street and mixing it all up to play!
But we'd been doing it so long stuff was so mixed up it was near impossible to sort out.

Some of the older people with the model train track were more organised than most.
They were connecting the play zones and keeping the games going.

As games were concluded tracks would be quickly changed and re routed!
It was impossible to keep up with the way things were being manipulated.
It's why our crew game like we do with a massive gestalt awareness.

Escape rooms and puzzle games had been further complicated with locks and keys!
Only then the keys had been put into different games.
I had a key for something locked into a silver puzzle chain.

We all had contacts and needed to find people better at different games so things could work out.  I was looking for someone good at puzzles to help get the key free but I'd forgotten what the key was for or where it's lock was

Inka was annoyed with me too as I was supposed to be cleaning up but the floor was just getting covered with more and more popcorn.

Oh and I kept falling asleep or getting drunk and forgetting what I was supposed to be doing and they had to keep finding and reminding me!
😆 Sorry! It was fun and kinda silly.

Haha all the key dreams!  
I'd just keep losing them - Crew and fam kept bringing them back or tying them round my neck.  
This current one I heled had been made into an epic puzzle chain!

I'd been sitting on a red carpet in a pile of popcorn mess when Inka had appeared again.
I'd been trying to get the key detached from the silver puzzle chain.
He'd jumped me to a different game with someone who could help me.

This place was darker and interesting. 
It was more of a GM level. I could see a spinner used for archetype and personality selecting.  
It was like a wooden pentagram but had many layers. 
It was wooden twig star that span.  
It was to do with game parameters and times of birth.  
The person who I was meeting was between Capricorn and Sagittarius.  

Oh yeh this was utterly fascinating it was archetype creation level, my recall was amazing...
The space was dark and void like apart from the things I was observing.
I see my contact pick up darts.
Their flights are feathers of the same dark blue that was in last nights dream and the shafts are brass.
I'm right next to the dartboard which is brand-new and never been used. 

The first dart he throws slams into the board sideways and I'm confused.

The second hit double 10 and I woke with the 3rd.

Hummm...  I know this is to do with Orion and other systems and the concept that some of them are stuck in duality fighting.   Myths and stories.
The darts are linked to Darth-dad (Pluto) too but he is not deep blue, or hasn't been.

Oh Sun, Moon and Pluto were all aligned last night.


The key too, it reminded me of when I met my grandad Fred.
I'd used his key.

He was there again too, he was part of the toy train team. (timelines) 
Oh yeh it was the same night Inka gave me the key to the
grandfather clock winder 🙂
Me and Zak had unlocked the prize room but the other game rooms were still playing and now the priests were in with the gamers.
Hummm that had the crank-handle too. 

The silver key puzzle I had had been made by errrr like fantasy elf like people tall attractive with pointy ears - they don't tend to like my type much which is why we'd taken this key via a different route.

Orion and the Pleiades myth too was something to do with this.  Inka had told me I was a poison tip on Orion's arrow?  Lots more dreams with rodents and toys!

Hummmm  That dream with Malico and the
weapon in Egypt.  
Inka and Malico making me into an arrow to fire at Neptune.

Darth Dad chucking darts at each others eyes.
Darth Dad wanting me to pick a side! 
But both sides are family and crew to me which is why lol we play in between!!
Haha waiting for the 'parents' to stop fighting so we can continue on the
journey again....  Haha and some of them are getting sick of the crazy games we keep making!!!
That's why lots of people are pissed off with us

Last dream
The last game was a board game with a strange black cloth and one large black foam dice, I was told the name of it and around the bored were rats, cats and mice.
While we were distracted a cat had bit a mouse and we had to open it's mouth to get it back out.
Then the mice escaped and ran all-over the place and I was having a conversation with a rat that had human like hair.

'Reality manipulation is child's play to us bitch' lol fun   Can I play more??  'If you learn to clear up!'  Hahahaha

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