Tuesday, 11 January 2022

An RGB Dragon Coat

Early was in another astral version of my bed.  The room was filled with people a mother there but not mine.

There was food on the bed too and cats.

In one dream I was getting married and having a birthday only I wasn't getting married to anyone.
It was more of a party/celebration.
Not sure who I was I was taller and very thin with straight long blond hair.


Another dream I was with very small animals breastfeeding them! Tiny kittens and strange red frogs 😛

Mainly though I was a dragon thing...   We made it.
I'd jumped back to the boat to dream there again.   Oh yeh I'd joined Inka's awareness instead and was formless on the boat just dreaming inside him.


I could see a white light woven loopy thing... It was like chainmail made from glowing white light but it's not person shaped it.

We were moulding it.

It was like when we form stuff in the void space but I didn't recall what or why we were making stuff.
Once we had this flowing glowing white mesh we created another layer, both were separate to start with.

Second layer was glowing RGB rainbow hair??  
It was like watching long glowing rainbow grass blow in the wind rippling.  It glowed and cycled threw the colours.

Once we had made both these they were wrapped around my awareness and I became something different.
lol It was like that odd dog dragon thing I'd been was being layered up!
The white mesh became a layer of invisible white light scales that fed the wispy light fur.

I was strange too I could grow and shrink.  I was a massive serpent thing asleep on the ships deck or a smaller dragon / dog like thing.

Being a dragon wasn't unusual though it's been a while since I was a big one.  

I think it was the night in August I tried to shake Inka off who was riding on me at the time.  I've not been a glowing hairy rainbow one before!
They were telling me that they had needed me a bit more agreeable before I was big.

I was shown back in 2016 when I kept going massive I was usually dreaming solo....
Oh Malico was reminding me how he was the big black dragon I used to meet.


I was seeing all kinds of strange hieroglyphs art and images from different cultures and they were recalling to me all the other dragon dreams I'd had.

Oh also a while ago when Inka had told me we had RGB control!
I'd told him both ends 🤣
Haha Raibow dragon was the center of that spread! Hahah

So back to the rainbow dragon me...  
I was to get used to teamwork by starting small.  (Cause I'm volatile)

'Bity Ren. Dragon bites hurt more than mouse'

So I shrunk down to only a ft or so long like a wyrd hairy caterpillar but could also change form.
We played a dream game.
I was trying to learn form swapping fast.

Was like a cross between school PE and capture the flag!
2 teams at 2 ends of a large hall.

I could be a person on a team with 4 other females or this tiny coloured dragon that could cloak and shield my team mates when I was small though I couldn't keep up and anything that touched me turned me back into human form.

Our side was outnumbered too with the team trying to stop us scoring forming human nets to stop us getting threw.

I'm aware this ship dreamhub is cool.
It's like a dragon aircraft carrier I can land and take off from oh and snooze on, but I can merge with the boat too
When we have been dragons before we have all been different colours but now I've got a crazy glowing hairy dragon coat.  
I've added some magic lamps to the ship in the dream-room with the shaped nests.

It has sails now too made from the canvas I saw
the other night.  It's covered in the runes I saw, I duno what they mean I think they are elder fulk-something rather than Ogham. 


Last dream I was with an elderly uncle who has dementia.  I'd promised to wash his hair so we were in a bathroom I was going to massage his back after too.
He was with it in the dream like he used to be and I recalled this is the second time I've been in dream with him in the last week.


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