Wednesday, 26 January 2022

Inky and Pinky

Inka??? Where is shadow where is my cat..... It's not beyond you to do that 🥺

'Shhhhhh'   Hu?   'We are trying to teach you to shut up'  I don't do that? 

'WE KNOW!'    Then why?

left ear pitch high to low??  'Like being sectioned?'  Obviously no... 

'Then don't fuck with other peoples reality's'  HU???
What is consensus reality??   'A better question' 
Hummm what's that?    MY story, his dream??  Eh??  
which HE?   'Ego'   I'm confused...


Hummmmm   The stuff you showed me last night.  
Funny Face death but she was cold inside they killed her all wrong and she didn't want to die... She came into - she came back...  

'Yes mouse' 
Is in part Derpy and oh....  Derpy has a twin in another place??

'It's easier to just show you this'  kk

'If I tell you to stop?'  I'll shhhhhh?   'Would be the first time'

Meby I am a sociopath...  'You'll stop at little to prove a point' 

I get that from you! 'Mmmmm Ren.  Think about that a bit'

Oh...  This is why we get in a mess??
'Could say that Ren.... Now please try and time now' 
It hurts so fucking much 'We know, your emotions are safe with us'

I can't sleep with a snotty nose...

'Its why you talk to us while your tears leak'


You know how much I love that cat...

'We know how much you love everything Ren'


'Make bead then bed'

It hurts...  

'Then cry into snotty nose though please'



Why do I cry alone?

'You don't need fixing... You're leaking'

Lol  kk


Lost things, missed steps.

Forgotten words, fallen cares.
Grasping hands that miss a mark

Hurt words that close a heart.

Wide eyes that watch,

Deep breaths that hold,
Quiet minds that hear,
Warm feels that know.

Slept downstairs in a pile of cats so couldn't make many notes.

Woke at 222 I'd been dreaming of Cyrus again, I'd been told he would experience the same as me ages ago, I'd tried to talk to him a bit but just sounded crazy then it started happening to him.  

He's been uncontactable for a bit the dream was hazy.  It had a score bored though... Space. 

Dream where Zak had cut his leg up with a razor trying to shave hair off.

In the sea I had with me and old pink bag I owned years back.  I was on a concrete boat slipway and it was steep.  I'm swimming in lots of clothing and it's hard to stay afloat I was putting the bag onto dry land or trying too but it was dragging me down.  Others were standing about laughing.

I went upstairs at 5am cold and was in a long strange dream were we were in what was like a segregated council estate or vast mental institution. 

People were being separated by race, species and ability's.   I was being kept away from other telepaths as they hated that our communications could not be monitored.

'They' were like a staff in the employment of this odd space - I'd sneaked into the accommodation ment for them an odder and larger house in the same style.
It was a retro/modern with odd ashtrays.
It wasn't obvious at first it was staff quarters I was in I was just looking and sending to the others as fast as I could. 

The staff arrived on lunch break and were shooing me back out. 
I recall I felt like a monster on a leash!

'You're telepathic for a reason Ren'  I know  'Then Shhhhhhh'   Blugh you know I want to say NO!
'I'm trying to teach you when to keep your mouth shut' . 'GL trying to teach Ren anything' Hahah  Hey Kaylo. Oh yeh I'd been dreaming with you two for that part!

I'm trying to learn the balance of questioning consensus reality,  respecting it and free will?   

'You're trying to not be a crazy megalomaniac'  Phahahah Pinky and the Brain! 

'Find it bitch'   kk.......................... I can't search is borked 'Well behave'  Humph  🙄

'There'  Thanks. 


'Now Read it' kk

Wow...I've just been to the dentist to fix the tooth that broke when I was locked up!!
I was thinking of that night
'So want your own medicine?   Or what someone else thinks you need?'   

My own plx... 'Then stfu when I tell you too!' 
Hahaha perhaps...
🤣    lol  don't you fucking threaten my pets... 'That's why we get in a mess Ren'   Sheesh   OK  I'll try.   
This is like the night you lot helped me smash my final
ego tower?   'Twice Ren in a few days on 2 transitions'  Humph   the moon and lunacy card.  

'It's funny to you Ren and us, but to others your a crazy bitch pissing yourself laughing so plx shut up and behave'   kk you made your point again.
I want to play though.... 
 'And you can if you listen and stop when enough is enough.  You know how much stuff hurts when it goes wrong'   Hummmm   OK... Thanks.  IOU again now I suppose 😁

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