Saturday, 1 January 2022

Happy New Vessel

Inka made a boat for us to play on, he pointed out how stupid I was.  That big ships had a smaller 'launch' aboard to go inshore so he made a massive old wooden ship but it's really plain.

Like a Minecraft boat no character or paint.

I got handed an old wooden brush he told me he was captain I could be a deckhand!

Malico got a room which he's decorated in his style, Loci is on navigation till I sort myself out.  😆

It's a cool ship, lacks character at the mo...  I've got a hammock style bunk tight shit wouldn't give me a room.

He told me he'd make me walk the plank and I'd replied I hope there was a giant octopus meby I'd finally get my Kraken / crack on 🤣

It's got lots of potential as a dream hub, may be this is when we became space pie rats.

Oh Malico was going to cook too!

Loci was in the crows nest I tried to climb up and failed miserably then he reminded me I really was an idiot and I just needed to fly.
Inka's room is just plain and empty it's funny how like a Minecraft space it is.
Just all new wooden boards and me with a brush....

Looking forward to seeing what we all add to it as I've a feeling it's linked to other dreams I've already had.  Poseidon for instance, I feel he needs a room on it as when I was at his hub it felt like it was onboard an amazing old vessel.


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