Saturday, 29 January 2022

Messy Fun

Inka? 'I know you need my walls Ren'
I wana play too.. 
'Queen?'  Play king?  'You don't know what you're asking Ren' 
I don't need to. 

We don't play chess?  'Ren we merge every game'   Oh yeh.  
I still want to play.  'Once again, I'll get back to you mouse'

You know I'll always go all in.   'Yeh Ren, we are gaming against crew. You play to win and when you do, you haven't a fucking clue what to do' 

Oh yeh....   'Why we are in our mess bitch'  
Hehehe  OK...  You know it would be fun right??  
Were good at making all sides... 'Shhhh Mouse... My Job'  hehehe  ok...


Oh yeh you were Orion and you made me the hunting dog... Only I was a swivel eye Chihuahua
'You know how much trouble you are Ren?'  
Mmmm I still wana play

Headed to bed..

 'Come Ren, bracers n time off lets play'  Really?  'Keep time close and I'll keep you near'  Errr kk.

First dream was odd it was a bus full of conservatives a tour bus, dirty money.  They were being laughed at.. It was hazy but they were being given a taste of their own medicine.

'Come back'  

A funny dream of police, actors are performers plays.  Oh yeh roleplay we were swapping and changing to learn.
A funny horror film too it was in a house party that parents had put on.


It was comical I had 2 roles one upstairs and one down.  A few of us did and we would keep meeting on the stairs in the middle.

Inka was showing us this is how our crew was formed.  We kept meeting at the
middles or extremes until we all became familiar.  We were in different roles or sides often competing against eachother as order and chaos.

We became the things eachother needed to balance or turn us round and when we started to use eachother we could create massive momentum and energy.
Wow  I've
😆  'Yeh you learnt to recognise me as I was one of the few who could stop or catch you'  lol cause I can reality slide.  'Yeh'  but I realised it was also something he taught me.. or at least we learned together from the other side of time 😏

My recall was vast again.  I recalled
where we'd agreed to team. 😁


Planets astrology helped us create reality from illusion?  Hummm this is so hard to bring all here.

'Yeh Ren it's hard to linear your comprehension'   Do the other planets serve as loci like when we co create in the void??

'Will show'

Hummm I'm seeing newspapers and printing presses the dates and headlines.
Then a tent pitched on a shore line and I was arguing with Inka over the tide line.


'I told you seasons less fickle than time, Witch'  Hummmmm...   'Come back'  kk

Next I'm standing outside our house by the telegraph pole and looking into our living room from behind it.  
On one side one side people were behaving one way and on the other another.

This is where I have an eye in 2 worlds? 'Yes'   It's when I'm seeing other people glitching then I end up getting sectioned.

I'm trying to navigate to the better reality? 'Sort of.  Here again'  Time and seasons?  'Here'  lol kk

Hummm it's co-creation but conscious. I'm lucid as my flicker rate is high it's what they were calling mania?    Only I'm doing it all deliberately.

Inka was showing me this dream....  With game creators and kids, I'd been asked to speak for them who didn't have voices.

Also talking to people with dementia they are in another reality layer.

Deaths not real for me it's just a shift of main focus...
This was like Enders game and Speaker for the Dead I was told to read.


Next up a hyper detailed dream. 
I was part of a surgical team and was cleaning up after an op.   Greasy surgical instruments.
I was removing forceps that had clamped blood vessels that had been feeding a mass that had been excised. I was about and about to put the mass into the clinical waste when Inka appeared behind me saying 'Bite it'  I'd jumped and woke up as he appeared so suddenly. 

Ewwwwwwwwww!! 'You wana play 😈'  You're nuts!! 'Mmmmm   as are you'  lol 

'Scavengers aren't fussy Ren and dogs eat shit'  Blugh...  'You've bitten worse'  lol suppose...

Next was an epic dragon battle! 
It reminded me of the one from years ago, in that one I was healing...  In this one I was defo on attack. 
The other one had been like flying dinos lizard colour but this was very colourful metallic flashing scales...   It was all claws, teeth and colour and really kicking off.


Then I was back in a hospital dream again Em was there just Em /Me I was acting as a runner for her.  She wanted a pink IV canular I forget the gauge. 
She also wanted me to get her a light.  
She said 'Use your brain as a candle'  I see the tiny stump of an unlit candle and I'd replied giggling that I didn't think it had much fuel left

Next I was fighting physically with Zak... Neither of us would back down, it had started with 3 books he'd dropped on me and wouldn't pick back up.

After the dreams Inka and me jumped to darth dad I'd felt sick and vomited blood all over the floor of his hub.   He'd  asked incredulously
'wtf did Inka make you do?'  😆

I think it came from the dino battle but I'm not sure...
There was also a long standing row  over heaven and reincarnation from our current perspective both were equally valid.  It was the dream the other night when me and guy were fighting over a dead cat.

The disagrement had caused a lot of friction and energy rippling out.
Inka had reminded me that me and a priest that had worked together... He wanted to save the church I'd wanted to protect the graveyard... This time we had priests onborded with gamers.  

We'd visited Poseidon and Leon too.  

The room was really noisy last night lots of knocking!  
When we were all together they were reminding me as a team we all know well each others strengths and breaking points..  This was architectural stuff... Like knowing your materials.  I was shown in another dream.

So when I see them glitches I'm standing between 2 versions of me?  'Straddling an intersection Ren'  Hummm odd.   That night with seasons less fickle than time Loci had asked me how many pieces on a chess board?  Prawns and pawns.

'You don't care about the rules Leon taught you to play using intuition'  Humm suppose.  'Run' 

This is the night you wanted me to find?

'Yeh.  Read then Run'


Humm??   'Run don't think.  You were sending stuff back last night'  Ok.....  Oh that's what I feel from the back of my heart space?  'Run'  Ok Ok


How do I know what that mass felt like between my teeth 😫

'You bit it. 😉  You'll do anything for a dare Ren'  Sheesh 🙄


'Dogs eat crap'  so do flyes! 'That's why bitch, WE can fight over any old shit'  🤣


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