Monday, 17 January 2022

Caterpillas and Deep Blue.

Sunday 16th.

Woke at 202

I'd been in a strange city trying to find Em. 
I was with crew and her and her and her guys were around the city too.

The city's communications were not working though.
Everything was too compartmentalised.

An admin issue and everything was failing because of it.
It was very dystopian the schools and government.

I was a dragon again... Or I was in that form as awareness not visible to the other dream characters.
Leon and Inka were with me in the city. 
Oh cars kept crashing too and we had a small rusty old red banger.
It's reg was I AM MA I   - It didn't go though we used the public transport hubs instead.

We were contracting in this place.
It was dream game like and it remined me of snakes and ladders I was the snake.
Oh yeh DNA - Hummm what was the other dream about that.....

Anyhoo we were working with the in-between again. 
Mice, Rats, water, air and insects the stuff that ignores arbitrary boundaries and goes were it feels like.

A ferry had been stopped from an Island too.   It had run twice a day but now would have to be chartered cutting a segment of people off and isolating them.

Black and Orange caterpillars the kind that feed on ragwort.

---Last Night

A white pony.. It had no hair and it's skin/hide had been sliced with a scalpel blade.

The person who was treating it wanted me to find them Suet and milk of magnesia which was in an old bright blue glass bottle.

Travelling threw Scotland in a bus or crew van.  Zak was there in a camo/tartan outfit bright green and white but it matched perfectly the countryside we were moving threw.
The bus/van had a glass roof.
It's sunny and I'm floating as awareness above too taking in the scenery when I see an aspect glitching.

It's like google earth were somethings been blocked out but as I was viewing this live it was more like something was cloaked or in visible.

The building was symmetrical and I could see a car driving on the small road around it. 

It was distant though so my perspective was high up.

From some vantage points it looked like something was floating or hovering over it.

Our destination was a village... Goat kids met us as we got there and then I slid into a gift shop.
I was apologising as I'd dropped the beach pebbles I had in my pocket.
The store was owned by 2 females who had been expecting us.
They were unpacking stained glass type window ornaments.

One with a toadstool, rainbow sun and cloud I liked.

Other things they were pricing up were fish and seaside window stickers.
My fairy god mum Aunty Betty arrived she was good.
It was nice to see her again, she wanted to remind me of more of my story.

Emma was with me and we were waiting for Chris and my father.

They were getting an express train to meet us.

While I was waiting I'd gone exploring and found an underground carpark that was connected to the glitch I'd seen earlier.
Depending where I stood the sky appeared or vanished.

Back in the shop Chris and my Dad arrive they were both young Betty too 30's younger as they were before I was born.
We were using a blank wall to create on they were reminding me we were all creators and the wall was like void space that we could use light and mind on.

Zak was our crew too.  

Chris and Dad had been my 2 choices as father oh same DNA they are both cousins.
I'm not sure who the common grandparents were.
Oh it was like the other dream with Zak they were both in.
While we were creating a caterpillar dangling by a thread from the celling was spraying.
It was spraying a deep blue ink

Lots of it landing on my father and me.  It was stinging my skin.

I'd asked if I could go clean it off and one of the females lead me threw the back into an interesting kitchen.
It was a guest house she let out and she asked me not to make a mess as new guests were due soon.
There was a large dark marble work surface filed with antiques and a stone drainer and skink. 
Liquid soap in a brown glass container and a cloth/rag - It was hard not to make a mess as the water was splashing all-over.
Again was the Milk of Magnesia but in a different older bottle.


The other dream was more similar to the dreams of the past few nights. 
The very modern edgy spy vibe.
I'd been dreaming with Inka and Darth dad again back on the ship hub. 
The dream style is familiar in that it's like the control vs chaos dreams but this time I was chaos working with control.


We were in a metal hanger or warehouse or spaceship place.
The walls are smooth metal and everything echo's.  Violence is commonplace.
I was contracting for a bunch of dodgy Indian guys but was lazy and mainly sleeping - this was getting me into trouble but I didn't really care, they suffered my crap and I put up with theirs as our arrangement was mutually useful.
I was hanging about sleeping in cargo bays filled with black and metal large box's wide shiny corridors with hovering magnetic equipment for moving stuff round.

They/we were futuristic news or information vendors.  
They traded in intel and I could obtain it.  They were irritated though I was lazy and less than helpful. 
Hummmm  I feel like one of them was Inka but my lucidity wasn't enough to fully recognise him.



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