Saturday, 8 January 2022

Time Lines & Glitches

Yesterday reality glitch.

I'd been playing ff14 with Ian and we'd left mic's open on Discord while doing other stuff.
I was cooking and came in to jump my toon.

On the mic I can hear Ian talking to his sister.

He's saying .....  

'She's fine at the moment, but it's only a matter of time before she needs help again the kids are watching her'  Or something like that.
I go up to ask him wtf he's on about as I'm fine and I'm not going back to be sectioned again ever.
As I go up confront him he freaks.

He is talking to his sister but apparently having a different conversation about her kid and his work.

He dropped the call came down and was freaking out... Was like watching Golem go from smegol to golem and back but he was doing it really fast.

He told me I looked different and that he didn't recall ever seeing an item of clothing drying over the back of a chair.
Now I've seen reality glitch like this before so it didn't freak me out.  

He felt like he was in a dream

He's getting less freaked out each time it happens we had a cider and put it down to a glitch.

As I get better each day my reality gets stranger!

It's like I'm on 2 similar timelines and I can stand in the place they are glitching.

It was happening in the mental hospital. I could see people arguing or just talking depending on where I positioned myself relative to their exchange.

He asked his sister about the call yday... the didn't talk about that but she recalls that conversation from months ago in the summer!


Oh yeh before I was sectioned I was learning navigation to merge 2 reality's.


The numbers for navigation..


The medication my periods.. Hum, it messed with my Ren flow?
KK... That's what's coming back online.


Anyhooo dreams..

First dream I'm in a strange retail setting with my bro and his wife.

A circular outdoor café and then bulk retail outlets around it.

We were at a bulk pet care supplier he was getting sacks of dog food.

'He has a bitch'  lol there are a few of us kicking around.

I was looking at massive bags of rodent supplies.


A large white lorry with blue writing on it had jack-knifed into one of the outdoor stock displays.

I'd also been sitting in a lake, at the side of it we had our heads above water and were chatting about stuff, I was flying in this space too. 

I was overhead when I noticed the lorry.

A room with many TV screens some were out of sync with a different channel but the TV showing the different channel would change.

An errrrr  celebrity style magazine.
It was showing princesses and the pages had been ripped. 
Princess Diana and then others underneath.  

It was showing something it looked like a scrap book the way it was ripped in layers.

Next dream was visually epic a military mine but the tunnels had been dug by crazy looking worms their mouths were like a mix between flower stamens and drilling machines.

Giant lizard like dragons too with mosaic scales all multicoloured they also had strange tongs that split and forked like the centre of flowers when they opened there maws.

I think our overalls were blue the same as this dream here where I enrolled at a strange military psychic place.


I was mainly interacting and looking at the massive dragon and monster things - their tongs were amazing.  Creepy too, like giant parasites but also beautiful like flowers.

A carrier bag filled with jam jars with candles in.  Each jar had a white lid with a hold and a tealight. 
They were going out in the white carrier bag but I had to move them all.  I was hoping one would stay alight so I could light the other back up.


Then a long dream of a city with a canal, I'd arrived there on a flat barge. 
They type used for moving stuff.  It was white and modern, grubby too and rusted in parts.
I'd leapt from it onto the bank.
The dream was centred around a youth club hub.  I was young.
Downstairs a very busy cafe with people pushing back and forth.

It was summer and the clothes were festival style above the cafe some of us stayed.
One room was a shared shower room and another was full of art supplies and coloured make up and dyes.


I'd left my bag again and suddenly realised this was stupid as someone would have taken my stuff.

In the dream I knew the other dreams where this had happened recently.

The one with a guy I'd caught doing it.

The one where Inka had told me he'd help (Friends cancelled the cards)

There was another with big tents on the green here.

My phone had gone too and I was recalling Inka had told me this is why I needed chipped!   Lol I was tempted to agree as I couldn't be arsed to cancel anything and now I was skint and likely in dept as my cards had a large contactless limit.

(I'd been dreaming with him and Leon still... Or had Inka bogged of and said he had something to do, he did at some point in the night)

I'd woke feeling like Inka said last time the stress and hastle of ownership.
I'd walked threw to find Malico but still went back into the same dream!
This time I was in my main dreamspace to start but I was still skint, on the mainstreet was a new shop, for a very modern sports car. 

A pile of what looked like yellow rusty metal car ramps were stacked up next to a sign saying 'go-carts' a market stall had a bowl of free bruised apples.

I was hungry and skint so I'd helped myself to an apple on the way past that I then managed to drop behind a large red reversing bus!

It had tasted nice but was now squashed and crushed.

I'd tried to pick a bit back up but it was covered in sand now and had that odd sand crunch.
The bus was full of school kids and I realised Inka was trolling me again.

I'd though back to the other dream and was back there again only I'm also watching myself from slightly above and behind. 


I had pink candyfloss coloured hair and realised I was more like 20 year old me.  

I looked at my face in a shop window but wasn't this me.
I'd gone back to the hub wondering how I could cancel my stuff but realised I couldn't be arsed and was likely just going to be credit fucked.
I'd wandered about a bit seeing if there was a bank I could go into and cancel stuff but I'd kind of decided it was easier to go back to the youth hub and be credit less.
Just busk doing stuff for food.

-I keep dreaming of pink atm...  Guess we moved from purple. 

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