Friday, 21 January 2022

Air and Water

A forest and I was inside a bubble like a small flame sprite or dragon thing but surrounded by a bubble it was an emotion bubble? 

Oh yeh.  Inka had told me before bed to go to Loci and Poseidon - as I'd got into bed my cuddly prawn was there.  It's been lost for weeks since I was taken into hospital again. 
It had reminded me of the dream's so I'd headed to Poseidon's space on the ship and was dreaming there.

I'd recalled the other dreams in one I'd been in a goldfish type bowl?  Or did he do that last night?

Hum anyway it was after me and Inka and the others had a massive fight and I'd driven Inka insane and we'd both died - Poseidon was the one who created me a new form and it was a little purple flame sprite to start with.

I realised Poseidon is dark blue like the dream with the bottles, birds people and the dart-flight from earlier in the week. 
He made a blue flame for me to look at and they were letting me dream and ask and wonder.
I'd recalled the bubbles and bubble curtains at the start of the night before and a grumpy teacher I kept pissing off.
Then all the prawn dreams, lobsters the bugs and exoskelly stuff. 
There carapace like tiled roofs and the gargoyle that Inka had made me into.

Leon had shown me the architectural function to keep emotion / water flowing around a structure.

Aquarius uses contained/controlled emotion, the water jug and one foot in the water one on land.  An air sign that manipulates water.
Then I was pondering the chemistry but Inka normally teaches me that. 
He was also teaching me to control my emotion cause I kept blowing up all over!
The dreams of bath toys, water pistols and where I kept hitting people with the jugs they tried to give me!

Hummm Capricorn, the seahorse.   Horns and fishtail - Hippocampus, receiver..

My ADHD head doesn't remember I learn of access the cloud for my information framework 1&2 working together.

I realised I wanted to dream with some others too so we'd gone to the larger room and I'd called Darth D and Inka too.   I knew I wanted to sleep heals in as 5 and was pondering the star shape.

I understood the bubbles water / air Poseidon had said he could offer a boundary too and he dose but air like water flows and moves.   Bubbles and raindrops - this was like the flower of life and cell formation too.

I'd asked Inka to teach me again about the information vending. 

He didn't they were letting me drive and learn by experimentation. 
Hummm my intuition is low atm making things slow...

I know we can represent different colours, or metals ..
After a while I'd realised that 5 was a star shape, also the Aquarius card.
Inka was enjoying me struggle cause it drives people crazy that I never listen or remember!
I was wondering what card represents Capricorn.
Then I recalled ..Pain hurt... Sensation.
I realised I needed to 'feel' for them.  
So I'd called all the others one by one feeling where around my emotional body I could feel their direction. 
Inka was back of heart space, Loci right adrenal Poseidon was high up I think I don't recall now but I know Darth dad was low were my feet was and ground.

They were showing me why I learn by experience, play and experimentation as I was recalling I had a sharp pain like an injection in my left arm and knew I needed to find the dream with the dirty blood infusion or something.

Was outside Irean's with a ka from the 14th.

The feet my hip is trying to ground atm, my energy flows all off.
My Dad's coat dream and stuff that passed to me.
Hummm genetic illness? 
Generational trauma Insulation and circuit breakers??
Some of us were trying to stop the same conflict like patterns repeating. 
The coat with lots of tails... Like a peacock or a lobster, prawn thing they can fan to move along.... Realise this is linked to what Inka was saying about that cockerel archetype too.
My Dad told us 3 times proving his multidimensional sleeping. 
I'm a sleeper squeaker with a snooze alarm I just keep doing it over and over.

Next I wake up laughing.. It was astral in my room and I'd set up a table at the window like a market stall.

Other people were popping in and out as people took things from my selection I was asking 'Would you like a little dragon with that?'  Inka had arrived and the look he gave me set me of giggling so much I woke up.

Then another dream I'd left my boots outside the front door and Inka again had appeared and taken them out and down the path, I was saying Oi! Bring them back someone will take them and he'd yelled 'Good! We keep telling you to ground threw your souls!'

As I was having all these experiences my energy flow was increasing I could feel all the aspects much more clearly.
It was like my heart was drumming from the back and rippling out the same as the night I was learning navigation.

The next one was really intense! My dream dust was like black rolled up carboard in a 4d pattern.
It was another astral false awakening type things.
Where my dream pad was a child's Ipad that a game had started on waking both me and Ian up. 
It was a wrestling roadblocks game Ian was suddenly seriously angry yelling FFS turn that off I couldn't and he snatched it as he did he took a photo of the darkened room and pointed to a shape he said to me really aggressively 'And tell YOUR dad to fuck off out of here'  lol I woke with a jump this time.. As the dream dust was fading I'd recalled the other dream too before the dream ipad layer went off.

I'd been zooming in on a beach in what I was calling China but the layout of the landmasses as I approached from way up high was shaped more like India, the sea was beautiful blue and the sand white.
A group of people in the water.
It was a resort I was seeing.  Oh I've just looked on a map it was Goa.

All these dreams, I was just dreaming with Inka, I'd left the others and was back on the deck as a dragon or I think we might have gone flying.  
He was offering to teach me how to torment people like he torments me!

The next dream he was 'Testing to see if I'd learnt to shut your big gob yet'  Haha the answer was clearly not! 😆

I'd been in a dream of a 2till8

It was a meeting in a dark hub.  I'd just wanted to dream and write them up but more people were arriving first speaking French and Italian. 
Then more people and joining tables together. 
As I was there I was expected to join in be involved.  They were all female all chatting.

I didn't really want to join in but as they were all crowding round me I was forced to be civil.

It was a sort of social meet up this 2 till 8 where people could turn up between the time and chat and socialise with anyone there.
All the colours of my pen had run out and I'd borrowed a black biro from someone without asking but they were ok about me using it. 
I was feeling increasingly squashed though as people were pressing in around me and I was jammed in by a table leg.

As I climbed out over the table I'd knocked some stuff off.
I'd bent down to pick it up and noticed it was stuff I'd had when I'd been sectioned the silver gate bracelet still in 2 halves a tiny silver baby bracelet I recall having as a baby Christening gift I think??

I'd started scooping the bits up and another female joined me saying 'Hey some of that's mine' 

As I looked down I realised that I'd scooped some of her bits too they were made of silver and crystal them ornament animals that people collected.  They reflect rainbows.
I'd passed them back a mouse, heart shape and dragonfly and apologised.

I'd said to her I'd not expected to find my things under the table and then I said to her 'Oh yeh, I'm dreaming... But them I'm always dreaming'   I'd gone on to explain that the broken bracelet I was holding was at the jewellers getting a repair now and the silver one I was wearing that had worn smooth in this reality I'd explained to her for me was patterned with Ivy.


As we knelt up of the floor I realised we were being watched by a guy at a desk! And he commented while glaring at us 'One of them 's not right!'  
I'd been about to tell him it was me when Inka had woken my back up exasperated that I don't keep my mouth shut! 

Before this dream I'd also seen someone moving a female who had fallen on a strange fabric and pole stretcher, she was laying on some old grey stone steps  a guy was going to carry her inside and someone passing by had offered to help too.
Inside was like a ruined old building may be a church, castle or old-style public building.
Hummm - About manipulating reality!


Just like this that was shared yesterday... This is what we can do! People don't believe me when I tell them I'm doing it intentionally to learn about the nature of reality and then they freak out....  But I'm fully lucid of what I'm doing and annoyed about them stopping me as I've still not finished what I'm up too.

As an exercise, started interpreting the real world as if it were symbolic (as you would interpret a 
dream). Metaphorically, life was a dream to be interpreted and entertained the idea that the 
unconsious mind was superimposed over the real world. And so interpreting life would reveal things 
about the unconsious mind. 
It was an imaginative and playful exercise, but gradually began to slip into something beyond my 
I began interpreting people in my life as archetypes. Mother figure, jester, wise Old man etc. and woul 
gain meaning from conversations with people through the lense Of what archetype I would percieve 
them to be. They would also seemingly behave and embody this projected archetype. 
After a while of this, I started to experience quite frequent and intense synchronicities related to my 
interpretations and imaginative exercise. So much that it became overwhelming. The frequency of 
meaningful coincidences was something I had never experienced before. Bearing in mind I was a 
skeptic of synchronicity before this experience. I felt as though I was in a heightened state (in 
retrospect, this was mania). 
Things began to snowball and the synchronicities became more and more chaotic and random. There 
came a point where synchronicities were without psychological meaning (which really frightened me). 
And i came to understand a relationship between the mind's framework/lense and the world it will 
experience (or co-create). 
"perhaps the most interesting part of this whole thing was when my friend (I was at university at the 
time) who was very rational, doing a medic degree, sobre etc. began to share in some of the same 
delusions I was having?! Something I cannot explain (and she cannot explain). For a while it became a 
shared psychosis thing... as if had influenced her into believing these things... very very odd and 
At the climax, I reached a State where I was on the edge Of madness. I 100% aware and lucid Of 
this fact (that I was losing my mind l) which made for an interesting experience. I was rationally 
understanding the experience Of boardering on madness. It was as if the choas Of the unconsious 
mind was coming forth and revealing itself as the world. Rightly or wrongly, I saw this as the joker 
archetype manifesting itself. 
Seeing where this was going (potential psych ward), I reigned myself back in by stopping the 
interpretations, ignoring the synchronicities and ending any kind of dream work/active imagination. 
Things returned to normal within about a month or so.

Hummm I this is to do with manipulation of the mass consciousness?   'Yes Ren'  Oooo cool!  'Might be if you can keep your mouth shut and just watch'  Hahaha  yeh kk. 

Ooo Capricorn is the devil card that makes sense Loci & Mercury where there.
That hip below the adrenal nodes on that side.


 Hum these dreams are back at Oct looped there I was told there would be a 3 month lag back then!


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