Thursday, 27 January 2022

Domino Racing

Slept early and my first dream was a strange martial art game. 
It was like a house of cards.. Domino racing.    On thing triggering a chain of stuff falling over.

'You'll find out fairly soon Ren that the monkeys are running the show'  ? 'House of cards' Hummmmm ?  Oh kk I think I know what you mean.
Monkey and organ grinder??  'Yup'  lol It's shit like this mate!! 
'I know Ren, it's why you need to Shhhhhh'  lol ok. 

The kids scaring kids?   'Pretty much'    Sheesh ok.

Ooo the layers and ripples I see so much.  Recall is great again 😁

'Yes, so share when I tell you too ok?'  Mmmmmm

'Fuck off to Ddad'  errrrr ok.

Cool dream this was a battle PVP style but it was almost as cell level it looked bonkers and had the feel of kids having a food fight or chucking paper balls.
we were collected into different groups.   It was really good fun a stupid free for all where anything could be used as ammunition.
As the fight is concluding I zoom out but I don't zoom back into me I zoom out to see a guy dancing with a broom as he is sweeping up

Next dream was visually crazy.  I'd been in a group of 4 females and we were hiding in a bathroom.
But the bathroom was filthy one toilet overflowing and shits floating.  I was wading around bare foot in the shitty water trying to sort stuff out.

On another layer we had an elderly Dad or Grandad and we were being given care instructions as we were to look after him.
A massive list of personal care we were to help with. 

While we were listening me and what felt like a sister were just looking blankly at eachother as the father in question was a difficult stubborn asshole they likely hood of him letting us help with anything was zero to non!  🤣
We knew the guy well though and would get buy somehow.

At one point I'd crawled over some army guys ... Not sure what I was but there legs were big.  Meby I was a rat or something?? 
Anyhow I'd gone to see a friend.

It felt like Berwick but the bridge over the river was massive and a suspension construction. 
Reminded me of when Inka was telling me about weapons in the sky back in 2020.
I was being asked or in a discussion about a weather event.

It was like spontaneous tornadoes or waterspouts that would pop up 3 or 4 at a time and they were causing issues with the resonance of this bridge.

They would make it vibrate and it was humming and putting stress on the structure.

It was a vast bridge I was seeing, very busy with modern lights on.

I think it was linked to an army that wanted to cross.. But using the right vibration the bridge could be made to shatter or something. 

Next up I was in a class room, the lessons were over and I was supposed to be helping with clean up.

There was tons of recycling but I kept sneaking of to sleep.

I was sleeping in a bathtub with an amazing view of a sun rise or set.   Huge mountains, I must have been high up as I was looking over the top of stuff.

I'd go back now and then to help with the clear up.
I was pilling old news papers up they were all the same one called 'The Star'
I'd put them in a heap to be collected.  It was a modern looking publication the paper was of higher quality than normal newspapers.

Once the clean up was done we were to take a long journey by car / ka. 
It would be full and dark.  I was regretting that I'd slept so much as it would be boring in the car, I'd had some sedatives I was considering taking to pass the time.

There was a hold up with us leaving though.

Some of the people who would be in the car were involved in a stand-off

This was at my main dream house.
A transgender sister had a room there.  I didn't know any of these people and didn't care they were using my house.

The house was empty and a group had gathered outside wanting access to the room the transgender woman was using and people from there group were waiting outside the property to prevent them.

I was sat in the car somewhat impatient as it was a long enough journey anyway.
I'd got out not to get involved just to tell them all to hurry the fuck up and sort there shit out as it was holding everything else up.

Somewhere in all of this too I kept zooming out to a wheat field with a small pool / pond and a square patch of young bamboo  - I was with the 4 females from earlier in the night and we kept getting into the pond.  It was full of small pond life, leaches and water fleas and stuff.
I was asking them about the bamboo and asking if they had a different plant smaller and spiky..... I've a feeling it's in another dream I duno how to find.

I'd also sent a call out to someone to be ready before 13.02 on waking I realised this is another 101



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