Wednesday, 19 January 2022

Home Hubs

First part of the night I didn't dream much.  I was at the hunters room with Kaylo and nothing much else till Inka arrived he asked Kaylo if he wanted to come, he didn't and Inka ported me to some of the others who were just outside.

They were sitting at the outside fire which was violet again and I'd just flopped down with the blanket I still had a hold of and went to sleep in the smooth mud.

Darth Dad, Inka and Poseidon were sitting about smoking and talking mentally, I just remeber the feel of the mud on my cheek and then was in a dream.

The dream was a re-entry from the other night.  The one with the family meeting and the laundry.  Their was more white appliances in the dinning room and a strange wasps nest with magenta tissue like paper.
A massive queen wasp thing kept coming out and looking at me.
Someone had arranged for it to be moved and the house was having building work to expand the front room.
A wall had been knocked down and there was now an amazing view over open country to the north.
Jill the other possible mother I'd had on my radar pre birth was there so was her daughter and granddaughter... They had made the steps to the property into a water slide to play on.

I was supposed to be helping cleaning the appliance room but work was on hold till the wasp queen and nest had been moved so I'd gone for a walk.  I was quite lucid so decided to go to my roundhouse and see if the dreaming version of me was there or any of the others.

On the way where the community centre is was a strange field of cows and 2 buildings.
Their is a conflict between these 2 groups.  
Kind of hippy like but both groups adhered to a different type of dogma I spent a little time passing message between them trying to get them to get on but the 2 groups really didn't like eachother. 
I'd got woken up by an alarm.  
When I dropped back to sleep I was still with the others pretty grubby again, I was more human like but very grubby with muddy matted hair. 
I don't recall if Malico was there but one of them had commented on how dirty I was even worse than when I'd last had a bath 🤣 

Oh yeh I'd bit Inka too and he bit me back.  Duno why, Darth Dad was complaning we were worse than animals.  😛

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