Thursday, 20 January 2022

Half Built Temple

'Yes Rat, if you sort your self out we will take up where we left off'
Nice...  'Depends on your taste Ren'
'I've convinced the others you will do as I say'
Hu??  'It's why we team'  You're crazy! 
'As are you, you are also lazy, and often rude'
This is how we did all the other shit I remember? 

'TIME NOW, mouse'   woosh...   Lol it's why I knew I'd already agreed. 

Duno weather to be scared or excited or both. 

Lol excited it is... 

'You are too stupid and reckless to quit' 
I want to play! 'It's why we can train you Ren'

The Play-drive??  Who am I talking to now?

Feels different like you are all together?
'We are Ren, as are you. It's why when you lose it we get fast'
Hummm the reality flips? Why did I have to look into a creatures eyes? 
'We will show but also hold you now.  Listen to Inka Ren and do not fight us or laugh at reality, play with us' 

You sound like the sea and the air and wow....    'Yeh mouse, but ffs listen and let us cover your but!'  Hehe rear guard.   🤣  Yeh ok.  I do not want to go back there again.


First dream was dragons and fish... Bubbles walls of bubbles it was like a mix between water and air easy to float and move in. 

There was a really grumpy teacher around too. 

I'd forgotten the other convo with Inka from last night. 
I was having lots of detailed dreams but was pinned under a massive cat so couldn't make notes to remind myself I know I had fun.

I was chewing a tree bark at one point.   It didn't taste nice I'd chew and suck it then spit it out but I kept taking more or putting the same bit back!
It felt odd and didn't taste like anything I know.   It was bitter I suppose.
I was sorting too, lots of old forgotten fabric, gifts and paperwork.

The last dream was like a class outing!   We were a strange class had taken a journey on dark dirty trains like a cross between coalmines and underground network. 

Oh there were 2 people in a jeep too only they were covered in blue feathers like birds.

Hummm like the blue dart flights from the other night. 
They had chicken like legs
🤣 the feathers stopped around their knees and then they had scaly ankles and bird feet. 
Anyhoo they were going some place different to us but I'd watched them remotely for a bit while waiting for the train as they were odd.

We get to the place we are visiting and it was amazing!  It's a half build carved stone temple.
The stonework is amazing it's like marble or soapstone on one side but the other side was more of a sandstone.  
Sacred geometry and all kinds of things carved into it.  
It had not been completed something had happened during the construction a disaster and I was feeling threw times to connect with what had gone on.

While I did this I was on like a cross between a tire swing and pendulum
This was crazy fun as I was getting shoved about by energy and ghosts  and they were not at all gentle trying to ram me into walls and other people!
So I was having to use my own momentum to stop breaking stuff or hurting anyone.

I could connect with various times, in one reality the builders and architects were still there like ghosts caught up in a loop repeating the same process over and over.
They looked pretty cool.  

The builders were also an army? 
Or they had on metallic armour, it was gold but with a rainbow iridescence about it.
Feathers were I duno the term but the helms were made to look feathered and the different colours glinted in the gold.
They had similar breastplates over clean white tunics and robes.

It was all visually kind of epic as I was in many layers at once watching them fray apart and merge I could focus on the soldiers and then change my errr I duno but when I did I can watch them blow apart like sand.

In between the dreams we were again on the ship hub, I was using Inka first then Darth Dad to help with recall.

Ddad was also telling me more stuff about factions and sides... Only it wasn't words it was like mental maps or flow charts!


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