Monday, 21 February 2022

Trouble and Fun

Sending from Yellow?  'Yes Ren you were' I've not done that before 'Not that you recall' 

I was reading a post and 'realised that what ever you say or do will be miss understood?'  










Emmm..   You are pre-empting me?  What dose that mean?

pre-empt (v.) 
also preempt, 1830, "'secure (land: etc.) by pre-emption: occupy (public 
land) so as to establish a pre-emptive title to it," a back-formation from 
pre-emption or pre-emptive, originally American English. In the 
broadcasting sense of " set aside (a program) and replace it with another" it 
is attested from 1965: American Fngli•h_ a euphemism for "canceL" 
Related: pre-empted; preempted. 
Entries linking to pre-empt 
pre-emption (n.) 
also preemption, c. 1600, "a purchase by one before an opportunity is 
offered to others," originally as a right; literally "a purchasing before 
others," from pre- "before" + emption "purchase_"


I was going to reply to a post and I realised nothing I can ever say will be enough? I don't understand the pre-empt stuff?


'It's why Ren I'm showing and teaching you how to shut up'  Wow, it's working!

'We make eachother good at what we do Ren'  I remember that. 

Left alone 'We are fucking more than enough'  lol  too  'Yeh well bitch, lets not blow shit up?'

Agreed 😁
I'm not sleepy.... 'Want to play?'  Always...  'Go then Ren, but listen in'  kk

I'm already realising 'there is nothing much for you outside yourself?'
You keep finishing my errrrr    Sentences??


Hahah... Tune ??

Jorn van Deynhoven & Sue McLaren - I Need Your Lovin' (Like The Sunshine)

Every body got to learn sometime??

Ok... Show me some time and some one??  'You know this shit Ren' 

OK, so if I know some TIME and I know some ONE...  - Just amuse me then??

'Best done in sleep... '

Mictlantecutl Xolotl • 10 February at 20:24 
In shamanism, the shaman is given the ability to alter reality or collective perception of 
healing spiritually and respond to a kind of causal logic. This can finally be expressed, for 
example, in the faculty of healing, communicating with spirits and ancestors, and 
presenting guessing skills. It is the term used to indicate this type of person, present mainly 
in societies dedicated to spiritual medicine. In some cultures it is also believed that the 
shaman can indicate where the hunt is and even disrupt the climate factors. 
The term comes from the noun in Tungusic languages (Siberian) shaman ('the one who 
knows'), and this one from the shahia verb ('know')

'Yeh,  so you want to keep kicking a tree or come here and be?'
Its 8pm??  'You're telling me the time Ren?'  kk point taken..


I was dreaming with Inka all night.  We were swapping between Ddad's hub and Leon's island were him and Kaylo were.

I was in a dream with a bro. 
We were using a TV show and coordinates to leave clues for eachother.
A magazine was helping us to decode.
He'd left a clue but the coordinates were in a deep fast flowing stream.
I was struggling to swim down and stay in the same place long enough to dig them out.

Next dream was similar.. We had lots of symbiote prawn things.  All slightly different colours of light.
We were placing them were we would need them for the next round.

303 I wake as a woman writes on a till receipt for another female.  She writes Ham-Shire stories 22.
The dream before that had been really cool.  I was in a world made from lego. 

It was being built as I moved around it.... No one was placing the bricks.  They just arranged themselves.
One building going up was a blue and yellow  castle or cathedral.  It had 2 tower's that would be finished with large ornate lego glass windows.

The world was populated by lego and cartoon people who were a similar height to me but I was only about 3ft.   I was playing a game there with red and blue balls... It was a little like pool but the table was white and the holes went just in the corners.
On the table in red writing was the instructions for a complexed scoring system.

I wasn't interested in that, I was just practising hitting the coloured balls down the holes.

Oh yeh at one point Inka and me jumped from Darth Dad to Leon.  As we did we had a packet of lol like shop brand kit-kat - snappy fingers.  (Oh another ME?)  Anyhoo as we had jumped the packet they'd been in swapped from blue to red.

Next wake at 404... The dream we'd had while with Kaylo and Leon had been really good fun.
Inka and me were chasing eachother playing first to spot red or blue and then swapping it over.
It was really fast, the things we were seeing were buttons or badges on peoples clothes.

It reminded me of the dream years and years ago when people had buttons on.  One team were trying to turn people blue.... Errr one colour woke people around them up??

'Find in a bit Ren'   This time it was just Inka and me doing it and we were freaking fast!  The reality's were just a blur and we were swapping any colour we found!  I woke up dizzy! Bang on 404🤣

After that we both jumped back to DarthD at this point we'd pissed a lot of people off... But were ditching credit as we were going.
Inka told me he had something to do but this time I could come too.
On Ddad's hub I'd followed him into a grey room with a errrr thing in there.
We'd been given access by another guy in a blue overall.  Oh yeh we were all dressed the same.

The other person wasn't sure about giving me access to the room but Inka had told him.

'She's sharing awareness with me, don't worry she'll just dream'
He'd pointed at the floor were I was to fall asleep. 


The machine was cool.  All black and very futuristic .. Looked like a vr thing mixed with a gyroscope?  Once we were inside the other guy locked us in, Inka got into the thing and true to form I fall fast into a dream.

I'm in a strange and what should be beautiful city but huge trees are being cut down all over the place.  
It's making me feel quite ill, only a few are being left.

The trees are ancient and massive and the roads are filled with massive logs and tree trunks waiting to be picked up.
Oh yes...  I remember... Before he got into the machine Inka showed me the colours of errr darth Maul He'd told me he was going black and Red and to think of something blue to balance him.  

I'd become a bright blue sky!!  
That's how I'd got into the tree dream.  I'd been looking down from the sky at the trees but as they were vanishing I'd gone down to find out what was up!

So as I'm watching these amazing trees come down... Huge old scots pines and other conifers more of the bright blue sky was apearing above.

I'd found a guy with a chainsaw and gone to talk to him about what was going on. 
He was in a green top with ginger scruffy shoulder length hair his skin was pink from being in the sun.
I'd asked him why all the trees were being removed.

He'd told me it was for safety...   A ruling class or city management was worried about incoming storms.

I'd told him it was madness to cut the trees down, he'd told me it was a temporary measure. 

I'd told him but it will take thousands of years to grow trees like these back... I could tell he agreed but he was only doing a job..... It would have been way better to build any squashed houses back up!


Last dream Inka and me were back together again...  We had jumped once again to Leon and Kaylo.

We were both in the same space waiting on a lift out. 
I'd finished packing up and we'd needed to stay low.
He knew a place in a building we could go.
We get to the top floor of an apartment block and the door when open opens into a thick black almost void.  It was like black glass but we would if given permission be able to pass threw.
We couldn't see the person on the other side and they didn't want company, Inka seemed to know them and was explaining we needed to vanish for a bit while we waited on our pick up.

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