Sunday, 13 February 2022

Worlds and Dreams

An odd long dream.   A farm on a hill below a castle, lovely sunshine.  I wasn't me I was a very beautiful young red-haired female.  Hair was very red and curly and I was waring a embroidered blue hooded shawl thing with floor length pink skirt feet were bare.

I was walking down a cobbled path threw the farm looking at the animals lots of breeds of chickens and ducks.  I meet a strange guy he was also very detailed had white hair and unusual teeth though he wasn't especially old.  
He had had some sort of financial arrangement with the female I was dreaming as. 
But it was about to change as a wedding had been called of now.

Perhaps he was having a relationship with the red-haired girl and they could be together now.

I should have written more down as I forget now.  It was very pretty though like being in a fairy story.

Another dream was more surreal... A father had been asked to get cat biscuits and had gone way way over the top buying and entire shop display stand.
I'd been going to show it to someone but when I walked into the room it had vanished.  
The other person was looking at me like I was nuts.  As I just looked at the place were the display stand had stood.
Someone yelled at me 'You should be used to this by now!'
Another strange male and female and a long journey with a horse and a carriage... The guy wanted to be able to sleep in the carriage as they were moving. 

'Leave them be and talk to me'   Hummm.

'You know what I asked Ren?'

Yeh...  Wife or Queen.  

Hummm..   I didn't know the etymology of wife
'You picked queen'  Yeh cause the likelihood of me obeying anything is laughable.   
'And?'  Oh Yeh I asked you to be king...  Cause I still duno what the fuck I want and I like to play! 

Sooo Monarchy   Mon arch?   Mon Key?   Monk?? Mon ey?  Wtf is this mon thing?   Mono??


One?   Hummm  can't find what I want   'Keep looking and talk to me'  Ok. 

It tickles?  'Focus Ren'  Malico!  'You asked for my help too recall' 
Thanks.   So



Greek...   Mono  one/alone    so what is ark  like architect and that stuff
OOOo  Archon and I get the meanings.... The spellings   Spell ings.

That's the tower of bable babble  - I was dreaming this reacently??
 'Yes Ren'  

Hummm  So mono  singular   ... 
Money etymology makes no sense??  '
😈' lol Yeh IKR it doesn't either...


This is veil split head shit??  'Yes Ren'  lol my head is tickly as fuck :D

Sooo  'Feel like your growing horns yet?'   Hahaha  yeh a bit.  
Oh Horns and crown?   'Go on'   Hummm  kk This is different patterns of head energy flow?

'Closer'  Oooo   OK..  As above so below..  So 'Inside your skull a north facing star map' 

Hummm  The zodiac, and brain anatomy  ... This shit makes me dizzy awake.

OK...  So The big dipper would make a swastika above.. Need to see brain map...  'Ren, Leon allowed you to explore his' 

Oh yeh - Could I revisit that plx??  'If you're nice bitch'  Dutch???

Hummm Shell...  Dutch.  Royal Dutch Shell ...  Fuel?


The loosh and the oil dreams!   Andrea's Hell   & Royal Dutch Shell.  

I'm basically still asleep right??  'We keep telling you that Ren'   Mmmm I know.
But when I start to get more lucid here everyone things I'm insane!!

'Want to wake up and navigate?'  OFC!! Ooooo  energy now all in chest! 

'Bitch, feel and listen ok?'   Mmmmmm  

What is a Monkey then?  Ooooo!!! 'Yeh Bitch, we are playing'  Hahah  kk

Monkey and the ... Wow, my recalls good...   Thanks.  I've felt so asleep all day. 
'You are welcome Ren.  If you want to learn look in'  Thanks 

My Energy flow is crazy....  'Can sleep if you want witch.... Follow your horns'  Haha they are very tickly. 
Hummmm  Uranus is in Taurus?? 


Plus.... my

Inka?  'Yeh Bitch?'   Can you teach me about that game shit plx?   'Yeh Ren, you know it but you need shown' 
Yes please. :) 
All that craps so fucking complicated makes me want to
'Not play?'  Yeh   😂  'We know mouse' 

I don't wana think about playing.... That isn't the point! 



Oooo That's trajectory ... Set by intention??  'Sleep soon Ren'  kk

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