Saturday, 5 February 2022

A Giant Pearl

Back in that odd version of here.  Dark, all built up, a bus was arriving back I'm standing at my window watching passengers get off.
One of my teeth had fallen out and I was holding it in my hand.  It was a human tooth but like a baby one with no root.


An unfamiliar town, also dark there. 
Em had a market stall I was meeting with her and looking threw her stuff.
Not as a customer more as a friend.  There were children's handkerchiefs and lots of ear rings.
Gold and Silver and all kinds of gems and shells. 
I was aware I needed something a certain shape to fit in my toe ring but nothing seemed right.
On her market stall was a café order pad.  The duplicate kind with the blue paper in.  It was slim and unmarked, yet unused. 
I'd been looking at it as I woke up

I'd been having a conversation with my dad another bus had arrived back with him...


Then I was in a strange dream.  Oh yeh I'd been dreaming with Kaylo at first in the hunters room, Inka had arrived back and been fighting he just fell asleep fast.

I was restless but they wanted me to dream there, as my hips started to hurt I recalled I was supposed to be grounding threw my souls and so wanted to jump to Ddad.   Inka woke and told me no and to call darthD here. 
I did at the flow changed, he also said he'd take me outside for a change of scenery.  I was bored with how lazy the other 2 were being.

We jumped to the outside fire and Inka joined us too, them 2 sat on logs and I lay down in the mud with my feet at the fire the contrast of warm and damp and slidey felt kinda nice.

The dream was long and detailed I was in a white religious building  only it wasn't any denomination it was just plan... Light came threw the walls which were thin.  

It was beautiful in it's simplicity sort of organic like it was made from shell or coral.

The light into it was being shadowed by people standing around the walls outside.


I'd left there and into an outdoor plaza café were I seemed to be a waitress.

A young monk walks in in long orange robes followed by a blond woman in white Indian looking trouser suit with a veil. 
She was very attractive and the monk guy seemed bothered by her so I moved her to a different table. 
As I did this another guy joined the first and this helped him relax.
I find I have another duplicate order pad, only this one is wider.  Almost square.
Again it was unused.
So I ask the guys what I can get them.
They asked me what was available and I told them honestly I have no idea, I'd suggested they tell me what they'd like and I'd see if the chef would make it.

They decided on tea, water and pancakes with fruit and so I'd  gone to find the kitchen.

My writing on the pad was in green and awful as my hand was sore, the last 2 fingers were bruised and was painful to hole the pen on the paper.

The kitchen was white and unusual and the chef was inhumanly tall!  I found when I started talking to him my mouth wasn't working!  Or it was hard to form words so I'd just looked at him a bit before starting again.

He had in his ear a most unusual ear ring.  It was made of cogs and wheels and looked sort of clock work.   When I spoke again he could understand me and he asked me 'do you often have trouble with words?'  I'd smiled and told him... Now and again yeh. 

I'd apologised for the state of my writing too, while asking him if he could make me some pancakes. 

He was happy to do this.   While I was waiting we were chatting, he was new there too. 

The owner of the café was a female called sue.   She's found him in the black swan pub and offered him a job.  I seemed to know this Sue and I'd laughed that they met in the pub.
There had been a 60's religious song playing too I duno it's name... Hummm

Oh this!!  That's what was playing outside.

George Harrison - My Sweet Lord

As I'd woken back with Inka and Ddad I was aware of them both as colour.  Inka was currently black and white and on the left Ddad all the shadow colours like water on oil and he was still on my right.   I was still laying in the mud looking up at the dull grey sky.

Inka told me he'd sent someone to hunt me.  They'd chase me in dreams...  I'm not sure if they caught me or if this was something different but I have a recall of standing with a unfamiliar guy.

He was holding my left hand.  

In my right I had a really large pearl, it was broken like a roughly segmented orange pulled into 4 parts.
It filled my hand and the insides of it were like looking into an amazing living fractal.  
Rainbow pearlescent breathing and folding colours.

The last dream was in a white plasticky school hub.  The kind of place with no windows or outside. 
We were leaving in 3mins 33 seconds.  Only this was being reset over and over in a fractal fashion.
It was almost like a tv series that people were to watch but I didn't want to 'watch'  I was doing other stuff.
Cleaning up and sorting laundry out.
Others seemed to be content to watch the same event over and over again in this kind of series but others kept moving.   I was impatient to move again.

I'd nearly cleared up and was waiting for collection.
I wasn't sure if the coloured washing I'd put on would be dry in time but at least it would be done, I was washing for a lot of people in our group.
Worse case people would have to pack wet clothes.

In the mean time I was trying to get some friends to play... But they had all been locked away from me as I was a bad influence 🙄
I'd been shouting to Em who was in the space too, but she was on the other side of a white metal locked gate and wasn't suppose to see or speak to me.

As I was looking for something to do I met a dad with his son.  Both tall they were looking around.  The father I think was considering sending his son here, but I'd be gone by the time the kid started.

5 butterflies 4 white and one blue all flew into my left cheek at some point too. 

We were making shell /pearl bubbles too.   Darth Dad took a load with him, then Malico appeared he knew I'd be restless stuck in the same place so we made more.  Inka appeared and said he couldn't take them so Malico suggested splitting them 50% each.   Still Inka said no.  

So Malico asked for just one.   Inka told him that was up to me. 
I'd held it for a bit feeling it ripple out and realised it would likely be cloned or end up in one of the clone reality's or used to try and blackmail me I'd looked at Inka a bit considering and he just shrugged... He told me mentally we'd been there anyway. 

So I gave a bubble seed to Malico to take. 

The were the same as we made here only bigger.

Hummm I didn't know dragon with a pear was a thing!  'You duno Shit Ren, and your memorys rubish'  Well theres a lot in it!  It's not easy trying to remember future and probable events you know! 🤣


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