Thursday, 24 February 2022

Train Spotting

23.23 I'd been 'Played again?'  😆 Kinda 'It's why I play you mouse'  Haha Inka, it's fun...  'Yeh Ren.  Don't make me lick your head'  That's fun too!  'That's cause your fucking odd' 

Oh Yeh!
 'Yes Ren, you're supposed to be with me'  Hahaha Coming back.    'He won't be far away Ren' Hehe.. Can we all team?  'Just come here'  ok.

Wake at 515

My recall and lucidity is crap without Inka.. I knew I was dreaming but it was so hazy. 

Emmmm.   I'd gone to find Poseidon too and that had helped a bit.
I was back in Eric & Sheila's main dream space.  It's cleared out now ready to sell on.
Even the yard was cleared of plants.  
I was watching the neighbours.  
One side on my right was veg growing, nasturtiums and courgettes and beans.  It was sunny there.  
On the other side to the left it was dark and I was again watching the destruction of trees.
A massive old oak was being removed, the guy doing it was making a really bad job of it too just mashing up this poor old tree and feeding it into a white shredder in a garage space.
It wasn't triggering me in the way it used to when I exploded. 

I'd been having a conversation too in another place with a male and female friend.  We'd been hugging as we were parting ways again, the guy had been reminding us all our actions come from love cause of what we are.

I was seeing grids of light too.  Not like the hyperspace tesseract grids.
This was more like a rubix cube made of prismatic squares of light. 
It was attractive in it's own way but it lacked organic movement and flow that I'm used too.
It felt 'static' 

Inka returned closer to morning.   We jumped to my roundhouse space and he was showing me stuff like where he had been
Then we were above stuff.  Outside here formless, looking at the lay of the land here from above.

How it had been shaped by the flow of water.
It felt like looking at lines for fortune telling on a giants palm.

He was reminding me of the dream with the wreck it ralph dad, a red glove that kept falling off.
Also the film too - also Red & Blue.    - Humm that was with the dream of a war started 🤔

Next up I'm above train tracks with him once again without form.
He was telling me not to worry about what was on the trains for now. 
Just get used to spotting the different shapes and learning the way the signals worked.
They were mainly red trains I was seeing, with either flat or pointed fronts.

Reminded me of that really grubby passenger train from that junction I was at were new lines were being folded and created.   He wanted me to be able to manipulate the signals ... The lines were going to get busy.

Last a dream in a very strange space.  Was like symbolic rendering of a strange dragons layer.
A huge mountain of copper coins, they were ancient, shiny but with edges of green.
Weaving in and out of it were organic errr worm holes?
They were made of living sand with organic faces.  
Large mouths with serrated teeth that were coming out of the copper coin mountain and kissing to make living sand tunnels.

A dirty pit of water too that I was standing by with my dog.... We had a copper pipe we were dipping in to get samples of water out. 
Inka was mentally telling me our crew currently had an unexpected advantage.... We hadn't been expected to go to such extremes and still stay connected.
I was putting the water samples into a tank that was fastened to the collar of my dog.

In a space a small curved screen tablet that had auto dialled my Dad, I'd gone to take the call and when I look into the screen the space I'm in changes.  I'm in a huge hanger inside a mountain I was aware there was a huge strange plane / space craft there.  
DarthDd I could feel was close too.  
The same organic sand worm holes were weaving in and out of the dark rock walls.
after I'd taken the call I was just listening to a conversation I wasn't involved in.

It was about a currency I'd never herd of ...  Err 'Galactic's'  I think it was called.  The conversation was about the cost of insurance on this of space craft. 

Is this about me splitting to explore every way at once??

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