Thursday, 17 February 2022

Racing What?

First dreams was a convo above street level, we were arranging something.

Then I was below street level and had 4 white baby bulls.   Very cute, they were in my care.
I had some cow formula but no feeding bottle so was giving them bacon sandwiches for now😄

There noses and tongues were all soft and licky. 
I had purple/lilac trainers, was lacing them up the laces were strange and wide at the end.

Next I'm seeing Nike running shoes.  4 pairs, 3 are red the other blue or it could have been the other way round.  There was 3 of one colour and one of the other.   The trainers were all white with a red or blue tick thing and laces.

We were laying corners...  Was like someone would do for a spell I spose but this was a massive area.

We needed to take the bus to the spots, I was accompanying someone as they were young.

Next white disposable pants with bright red blood.

Then I was pointing at a person in black saying 'It's him, he's an ego aspect'  He was an 'I  Will'  ??
Oh I could hear stuff too but not see.   2 different scenes.

Looking threw almost thin translucent paper, as I pierced it I could see the 2 scenes breathing in and out.
One was a music festival the other there were flashing lights and fire engines and smoke.
I hear the echo of a dog bark in my left ear

I got the red/blue stuff was when the red/blue flow in my body swaps sides, not sure what side is what... I could 'feel' it though and how my dreams flowed with it.

I was just with Inka... He was sort of showing me stuff.... weaving and intersections.
Energy flow was really nice.... Them heartgasams that makes my arms go all tingly and floppy 😆

As I was half asleep I was seeing stuff..   Poop and food??  Lol I was listening to my tummy.
'It's ok Ren, we know chefs and plumbers'   Then Eh??  BBC bite size ??  The kids ed stuff only it was small cubes.
'I fed you headlines Ren, wana try some other media instead?'
   😂 Is this me eating any old shit?
'May be Ren, there isn't much you won't chew out.  You'll have fun though'  hah, go on then.

Also something about hiatus hernia ... Females on my mums side all had it?? 

hiatus (n.) 
1560s, "break or openmg" in a material object: especially in anatomy, from Latin hiatus 
"opening, aperture, rupture: gap: " from past participle stem of hiare "to gape, stand open," from 
PIE root *ghieh- "to yawn: gape, be wide open." Sense of " gap or interruption in events: etc.;" 
"space from which something requisite to completeness is absent" [Century Dictionary] is 
recorded from 1610s.


hernia (n.) 
late 14c_, hirnia, from Latin hernia "a rupture: " related to hira "intestine:" from PIE root 
*ghere- "gut, entrail_ " The re-Latinized spelling of the English word is from 1 7c_ Related: 
Herniated (IS19)_ 
Related entries & mon


Hummm... The speed I do this inside is how I see things change?? 

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