Monday, 14 February 2022

Chocolate Rain

Slept early... First was big long games. 

Some people were taking them way to seriously.   I'd pissed off some game crew like ours...  As fighting crew people were making me weight?  Wait?  It was both?  Hummm anyhow I'd ended up stuck in the middle of an unsolvable riddle 'Ages Ren'  Generational gaps??  'Will show, come back'  thanks.

The track...   Out of time, but we were outside of time rather than not enough...
Oh I'd been asked to pick a crew for tonight and I'd picked 'wide time'  lol
'WILD again Ren plx' 

I'd gone into a dream with Jean and Em, we had dried herbs we were sniffing and Em had something written in black ink down her finger.  We had left Jean and Em and me were wandering round, I was lucid she was just pointing at stuff.
We are in a dark town and she keeps kneeling down and pointing at drops of blood appearing on the ground. 


Looking up I could see the shadows of winches and hooks but not an obvious cause for drops of fresh blood.
Then I hear a rumbling and a strange vehicle is approaching.
It was nothing like I've ever seen white and wobbly and it was for wires and cables only it was  sentient too.

As I was so lucid I knew my reaction to it would influence it but it gave me a chill in my stomach it was very similar to the machine the first time I had a lucid nightmare.  It stops and the metal bends and turns as it looks at me.

I wanted to stay asleep but the building feeling in my tummy woke me up!

Next dream I had was with Inka and Darth dad... I'd been with Loci, Kaylo and Inka at Inka's Mono story hub but wanted to move so I'd jumped there with Inka too.

Oh yeh!  Darth Dad had told Inka to make me back into something less domineering
Inka had apologised... He'd wanted me to balance him as we were dreaming with Loci and Kaylo.
I was sick of being so big too so they made me back into my imp like thing to dream there with them.

So the dream I'd been in a trendy shop, I'd arrived when it was night and closed and just walked threw the wall.
I wanted a duvet cover but didn't want to just take it so I was looking for a bit of paper to write a note that I'd come back in the day and pay for it.
As I was looking a guy turned up, said they were all up that night as they were heading for awards ceremony. 

I could pay him.
I did and then the dream jumped to a golf club! I was sort of working there but not very good I kept forgetting words and having to mime things or draw them.  I thought it was funny then suddenly lots of people were annoyed with me.
This bit was wyrd..
They were all shouting at me to.  Go home, that I didn't belong on this planet and my kind were not welcome here. 

It was making me sad and me being sad was making chocolate sprinkles rain down on my head! 

So I was curled up in a sad ball as they all shouted at me to go home, while I was getting buried in these choc flakes. 

I woke up while making a speech from in my choc heap   I was telling them that I'd always been on earth I was just from inner earth and I'd come to see what the sky was like here and forgotten how to get home again and now I couldn't even see the sky as it's raining chocolate on me! 

Inka and Ddad were helping me with symbology showing me how last week all the planets were squashed between Mars and Uranus the 2 planets I usually dream as.  That Mercury and the Sun had been between Pluto and Saturn and that's why I'd been dreaming with Kaylo and Loci..  Ddad & Inka.

They were also showing me animal husbandry and the order to kill a mother and kid!   This was goats and linked to Capricorn.    Hummm Mars & Venus both 15 in Capricorn.. 

Them 2 were taking it in turns to dl and show... Energy flow was in my adrenals on alternating sides. 
Mama symbolically... My Mother dying first and then how I'd stuffed my self in the way of my kids and unwanted meds.
Then the earth as the Mama and Planets are Mama's to all kinds of entity's - They don't differentiate.

The Egoic, God, Gestalt complex is different.   They were helping me to understand the difference.
This is more possessive of what it creates - not in a grabby way.  
It's easier to understand than explain!

Also helping me to remember this again, how the constellations are archetypal awareness's too, and that we are here to grow that we are all presented with lessons and value fullfilment as needed.


I'd jumped to Leon too.. He was reminding me of all the schools and lessons and how much I have learnt threw being asleep! 🤣  I can only access the recall though when I'm in the same vibrational state.

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