Wednesday, 9 February 2022

Fe Male and Metal Flames

A strange mineshaft/hospital.  It was really dirty like a concrete / stone corridor but the equipment was beyond anything I've seen before.   Zak was there with me.
Shirly and Mia.. Something similar.   More and more medical equipment and a strange lorry with 2 trailers and a strange folded thing between them.


Wake at 101 I'd been in the same hospital again only it's very high security.
Going threw it gave access to an outdoor area were a band was playing for 4 people.
The emmm Lemonheads? Possibly.  Yeh it was them
Medical scanners very shiny and modern.   I'd been asked to pass threw one.

I didn't much want to and the radiation made me feel awful and hear stuff backwards!  The woman using the machine was sympathetic and gave me a hug afterwards but I was still hearing things in reverse so I'm not sure what she said.
Oh I was me though!  I'm hardly ever this me in the dreams.. But the scanner had a mirror and I was wearing my usual cloths and had my blue/purple hair.
The woman had asked me about my current hair colour and even corrected me when I got it wrong.

'Where was that?'  Eh??   'Where'  Right front about 1ft away...  Oh no lol Left sorry I'm dyslexic!  'Ren'  lol   
I was being asked about the location of something in our room that had woke me.

Then it was very odd... Felt like astral clicker training
🤣   I was formless in astral for ages...
I was echo locating a hum wasn't quite a click was like a disturbance.

Next I woke myself up asking 'What?' as I could head someone whispering to me. 

All these dreams were with Inka we are still in the roundhouse in the dark there.
I wasn't much aware of being there as I was dreaming alot.

Next dream was back in this strange setting...
High security medical scanners allowing people in and out, I'd got threw them now and was reluctant to leave again as each time you went threw the scanners they were causing a degradation.

The scanning equipment was getting more complex women were crying and being comforted by the all female staff.

Inside was a large hub.. Lines of tables and kids running about.  We were all sharing info and learning skills together. 
How to get someone's attention but stay out of visual range.
It was a form of hypnotism - linked to flicker rate.   Was so much crazy stuff we were learning and sharing.  
I recall the floors and chairs were littered with women's stuff.   Handbags, and makeup purses wallets all strewn about on the floor.


Another dream of a festival only we were commenting how it was unusual to have one outside in the winter.  The field was muddy  and the stalls were selling house clearance stuff like second hand furniture.
I'd had a long phone convo with a friend about her golden retriever.
Some friends had appeared to play with me.  Their eyes pupils were like slits and eyes much rounder.  We were dressed up as the Pokémon Eevee
We played in this strange white featureless street only it had a white roof like ceiling and a large metal travellator up and down the centre.

People were flying and then falling and as they landed with a splat they would turn into plastic skeletons.
We also took someone's kids we found alone.  We were going to take him back to the festival but half way there I realised it's mother would miss it so turned round and took him back.


There was another layer to this, oh yeh.  - & + nodes on our spines.  We could hook up to circuitry, I think it was for a futuristic type game where we could be linked to diffrent avitars.  I was experimenting with which way I preferred the energy flow.

Then as we are leaving I'm back in a place with them medical scanners and now there is increased biometric testing.  The humans are in what were a little like cattle pens but being shoved threw scanners.
A guy was calling out the absurdity of it all and I'd stood to join him voicing the madness of people paying tax's to be used for their own subjugation.

We were being watched and listened to by this massive crowd of people we were in.

A guy in a blue security uniform is glaring at me his eyes were puffy and squinty and he had a black star tattoo on one cheek. 
He warned me 'I will silence you once and for all' 
I'd just glared back at him and then another woman came and joined me.  

Pulling apart her biometric test kit's and dropping the bits on the floor.

It had that strange intensity of the other lucid dreams from the past few weeks.

'Want more anaesthetic?'   Hu???  I sleep enough.  'How do you know it's not me who keeps you dreaming?'  Hummm?? 🤔  'Come'

I'd jumped to Inka who was helping with dream symbology and showing stuff.
The metal
bindies we had put on each others 3rd eyes in the autumn.

He puts on my head a twisted metal tiara thing as he'd showed me it
I see an old fashioned luggage label that says 'created for lady thatcher'   Hummm Iron lady?  Fe Male

Ah this was the night with the metal 3rd eyes.. & metal flames.

Fits to, he was reminding me of that. 

The different metals linked to the planets.
Then he was showing me the last dream.
With one male one female and the others sleeping dreaming, happy to be herded.  
He was showing me this dream with the stasis and the overseers. 

I'd been isolated from a world as I was contaminating it and then the next night shipped to a breeding centre but I was the wrong serial number of human and the stasis didn't work on me.

Hummmm the veil in the mind?  Some people have a veil others an iron curtain.

Next he was showing me the gold flame that Kaylo had added to the candles. 
I'd made like a purple silver.. DarthDad was able to create pink and silver Inka was reminding me how this is Alchemy.

Humm, the overseers and then the gold to repair an atmosphere?   That's the Enlil and Enki shit?  That's symbolic too? 
The atmosphere is the Zeitgeist and people make their own?? 
'Some do'
Where do the clones come in??
 'The breeding centre dreams Ren, and the liquid metal mirror army'  Oh... Yeh!  'Awake again?'   lol yeh, TY! 🤣

Being asleep makes more sense than being awake

Hummm Mars (Iron) is the other planet I dream as both 11 atm

Humm the crown on me that's both them planets linked..   'Violent Asshole?'  Haha shhhh I'm thinking. 
That dream you were showing me what it's like to go unheard
herd / heard..     It's why I just sound crazy and go crazy not to violate free will?

'One Player game Ren'  Hummm all and one?  'Yes'  Oooo The guy said I'll silence you once and for all! One and all ... 'Bat and Ball'  The binary 0 1 .Only it's not black and white for me, it's blue and Red polarity pluss flicker rate... 


My allarm this morning was ahead of Ian's some days they are in sync others his first.  These are 2 close timelines I'm on?  'Weaving' 
Were I rebirthed myself?  Thinking about my main timeline probability's makes me sleepy  'Why it's best experienced in dream Ren' 

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