Sunday, 20 February 2022

Pushing Polarity threw a 'self'

 Is a self like an imp??...     'Patients for you is wearing thin' That sounds a good thing to me!! 

 'Yeh Ren, you like a pop off in your head' 


Oooo Inka!  Is that big blue line why you wanted me to stay with Malico??

Uranus isn't connected to Saturn anymore?? 
'Ren you rarely do what anyone wants'  Mmmm
Uranus is connected to Pluto! 
Sun now in Pisces?? ....and who is any one??

'What I'm going to torment you with for now' 


Lol Errrr ok...  'Idiot Bitch' 


Shhhhh I'm thinking...   'Mmmm'

Sooo 11 and 11 for Jupiter and Uranus 

19&19 for Venus and Mars.  Sol back with Em / Me her bday today.

I was with the controllers for middle me?? Marie. 

Malico? 'I'm listening Ren'  I think I need your Elucidation. 

'Look up the word again then'   Emmm kkk

elucidation (n.) 
1560s, "act of making intelligible, " noun of action from elucidate. As "an explanation" from 1660s. 
Related entries & more

elucidate (v.) 
"make clear or manifest, throw light upon, explain, render intelligible, " 1560s, perhaps via French 
élucider (15c.) or directly from Late Latin elucidatus, past participle of elucidare "make light or 
clear," from assimilated form of ex "out, away/' (see ex-) + lucidus "light, bright, clear," figuratively 
"perspicuous, lucid, clear, " from lucere "to shine" (from PIE root *leuk- "to shine, be bright"). 
Related: Elucidated; elucidates; elucidating.

Yeh but I already know that shit!!
'There is not much shit Ren, that you haven't rolled in yet'

Humm Roll like a dice?
'Yes Ren, you went back to being Mars again'   

Oh..  And that's been dancing with Venus!  'Where we collected you from' 
Ohh this is how we twist stuff up!! 
'Close enough Ren, for now' 

I could go back to being Uranus??
 'You can do what you want Ren, you understand that by now' 

Hummmm Ok.   

I want to do both at once!  Meby all 3?  'And this Ren, is why you are we'  Ok..  I like that! 

I'm not interested in doing another loop ... Or a spiral in or out. 

What's new?? 
'Make it'  Ok, we did.  What's an underseer?  'What would you like it to be?'

Humm like an undertaker mixed with an overseer and a farmer.   So he can sort.
Undertake the ...  Oh... Wow, this is what we do already hu??  
'Time now?'  Humph... 
NOW??  We are talking
'Aeons?'   Yes!!!   'How old are you Ren?'  🤣


'See'   Phahaha Holy See!!!  Thanks Darthd good to know you have your eye out!!

Old enough to know better but young enough not to care!!

'Yet you do care'  Glitchy reality??  'So come back to your heart witch and dance with me?' 


That tickles... Which, witch me are we talking about??  'You Ren, will have to wait and see'

Holy see?? 


Lol  yeh...  Kk I'm all in   'GG Ren, I'll hold your space and Kaylo has your light'  Eh??

'You'll see' 
What did I agree to now??  I mean apart from PC glitching and page conflicts!!

'You Split your timelines again Ren, remember?  One with Malico and one with Ddad, so you can decide what one is better'  Oh... I feel a bit sick now... 

Why dose one note glitch each time I type Holy see ??   

'You'll have to take that one up with Darthd bitch'  lol  'I'll scrape you up Ren, I'm in your stupid house on S&R'  

Ohhhh When Ddad said you'd not be my rear-guard for ever...  And then he was going to kick my ass to the end of eternity and back!!   'You sound excited?'    Hahaha just that it's fitting now!!
Sooo 2024 Saturn moves from Aquarius and then Pluto comes back!


It makes sense from now rippling out!!   'That's why Aeons seed eachother Ren'  Everything tickles again!!

aeon (n.) 
"immeasurable period oftime," 1640s; see eon; also see æ (1). 
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eon (n.) 
1640s, from Late Latin aeon: from Greek aiön "age: vital force; a period of existence: 
a lifetime, a generation; a long space of time: " in plural, "etemity," from PIE root 
*aiw- "vital force, life, long life, eternity." Related: Eonian; eonic_ 
Related entries & mon

So we make hell & reincarnation now??
 'Ren.  You do wtf you want... '  lol Inka?? 
'Tell me I'm wrong?'  Hummmm  ok...  You're wrong.. I do what I FEEL like!

'Yup....   Here we go again'   What's that supposed to mean??   'You'll see' 

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