Saturday, 12 February 2022

Clicker Training


First dream I was sleeping rough.  I'd missed a 4.30 shut off for something so had to wait for the following day.

I was in an amazing blue room with a big high celling and giant vault.  The vault was locked and had over it a strange glass container with ferns.
Before that I'd been talking to Jack and his sister.

Last dream we were being watched both by a guy in particular but also these red eye spies.  All red strange outfit and one wide black eye. 

Bit like the Among us guys.

We also had this strange metal we had found. Iridium. We'd sent it to be analysed and it was rare.  It had been returned to us in small ingots

Oh... j  Just looked it up Iridium is very rare... The ingots we has had more of a golden sheen though.


First dream was a costal town.  I was with Zak something to do with stage paint and stage make up.  I was watching sets designed and people getting face paint some like animals.

I was with Inka at darth dad's hub we'd gone there last night and Inka had come with me so we were both still there.
We were going to get some food and Inka made me into a kid again.  I was about 4 I didn't mind as we manifested my teddy too
I'd not seen it for ages it was blue with a chewed nose, it's also kind of fun looking at stuff from a kids perspective.  

Ddad had spotted us and told Inka it was no place for a kid and If I was staying like that to do what Inka said and stay with him. 
It made little difference to me as I just wanted to dream and I kinda liked having my teddy again.

The dream I had though was wyrd I'd we had been in a strange place or station and all watched some girl be humiliated I understood it was something she had agreed too just as we had agreed to observe it. Though I seemed to be more concerned with making myself a sandwich!  Lol it was grilled chicken in a ciabatta roll with salad I'd been going to use sweet chilly sauce but had found a spicy plum sauce I'd not seen before so decided to try that instead.   I don't recall eating any of it though.

I also had a conversation with a guy who wanted to show me a medication in a tube it was testosterone but it was in a small tube and it smelt like blisteze coldsore cream he wanted me to taste it.  It had the same strong taste

Oh.  ME?? I'm sure this was blisteze it's now blistex??

https://www_amazon_co_uk Blistex-Blisteze-Cream dp 80018PZQN2 
Blisteze Cream : Health & Personal Care 
BLISTEZE cream is a soothing, penetrating formulation that takes the sting out of sore, 
chapped lips, and helps cold sores to heal fast. Safety Warning You should carefully read all 
product packaging and labels prior to use. Product information Technical Details General 
Information Brand Blistex Additional Information Feedback 
S Images for blisteze 
Relief Cream 

Anyway it was in a box and then a small tube like that but this was pastel coloured. 

Zak was there too and another mother who had a boy too.  She was speaking with Zak and her boy about school.
Then it was time for us all to move and what I was seeing was freaking amazing.
I'd almost walked onto train tracks and stopped in time (Just as well as I stick to them
😆)  First a filthy red passenger train passed and then more and more stuff.
It was nothing I've seen before like tunnel digging or mining stuff made into a train It looked like it was designed to chew threw rock and then more and more stuff.


Some of it would lay track.  It was like I was at a strange junction and the track's were being constantly re-arranged - one train was even spiralling in on it's self.  They were huge dirty metal things.

When I woke from the dream I was sat at a large round table.  Darth dad was there and I was still a kid, I'd been sleeping on Inka.
I was aware I was being used as a hostage!   There was a strange tension.  It was odd as I didn't mind as I wasn't actually a kid and was there anyway of my own errr was a word Inka or Leon has told me before - volition

Volition Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster 
Volition ultimately derives from the Latin verb velle, meaning 'to will" or "to wish." (The 
adjective voluntary descends from the same source.) 
Volitionless Of One's Own Volition


Was strange as my perspective was really wide 😆  I realised Inka would likely be blackmailing another some thing or some or part of crew!  I'd got younger while I was waiting and at one point was crawling around the table like a baby.

After that I'd wanted to see Leon and Kaylo so I jumped to them on Leon's island and he gave me a hug.  It made me giggle I was normal size again he told me a good architect creates with a varied team of craftsmen. 
😆  I'd wanted to play again and asked Kaylo if he was up for it. 

Leon told me I could do what ever the fuck I wanted just feel my way around and use my intuition and Inka would likely warn me if I needed to stop.

I'd jumped back to the new ship hub and wanted to dreamshare/void create with Loci, Kaylo and Inka.   Inka told me he'd balance me as the other 2 didn't want my fall out and we are well used to each others crap.
Then as we lay down I was 'Sending and calling'  lol yeh my body was doing odd jumping and clicking.  I could feel lots of stuff from the back of my heart centre & head.

The call was a shout out.. Like when I just hear myself making an announcement - it's really odd
I was calling to people in service.. But this was any service.. Cafe, shop, delivery another me was calling to stage hands and costume makers???

Errrr what did I do now??  'Wait and see mouse'   lol kk

Hehe come down stairs and shadow is there growling at me as he crunches up a mouse snack he's caught! 


From the other day.

Is Ren future me... Is that when I'm dreaming recalling future? 

'You were Bitch then too Ren'  Hahaha  thanks.  'YW' 

What is with the clicky thing?  'You know when we jump you?'  Yeh... 

'We will teach you how to'  Hummm  the clicker thing?? 

'If you listen we can teach you your trans dem loci'  Oh the right/life thing?  'And what way up'  Ok.. Sounds good.      'Shame your so forgetful mouse but it should help you how to navigate when your straddling reality's and where to centre' 

At night?  'Don't matter so much, we bend n stretch you'  Haha


Hummm, The bells in my ears before I was getting sectioned?  'You were hearing the ripples of the noises in the other timelines'   OK... Wow that makes total sense! 


'Yeh, you need to keep a lid on it though, it's not something most can do' 

Hummmm   ok...  Haha that directional node thing last night? 
'Wiring up your JUMP SUIT'  Hahah  that's good 😆



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