Thursday, 14 April 2022


I'm so tired.... 
'Just sleep, we will catch you'  It's noisy..  'You could sleep threw a train wreck and frequently do' 

That was 101....
'And you close to missed it, ass hole'  you are 303 again?  Ok sorry....

I'd been at a gaming table 'We'd' 

Inka...   You were in my kids again today, Fay randomly called me ass hole.. All the things  Zak was saying. 


'Wakey Wakey Ren'  Loci?  Hummm

 It was the ones with the green cloth were I'd been waiting on the table.

But trying to see who was cheating, this time I was also at the table gaming and betting.




'Intention and come here'   Ok..   That table.

Profit and Prophet   ?  'Yes' 


Foresee - what do you foresee.   Is that what you asked me yday?

'No, but close'


Errrr I'll check..  Look forward too.......... That is different.  

Hope and Foresee.


'Go back to sleep' 


NXT or NY3 & my class was XYZ   

It's 212  Time keeping?    
Only I'm really struggling to wake at the time stamps, it's like dragging myself back threw layers.

I'm confused? 'Then find help'  ok.. Ty


That was 303 Mouse Morse code in my right ear  'I'm teaching'

Lol subject 😏  'Yeh Ren you are hard to reach' 

I'm sleepy was to awake and lucid last night.


That would have been 333 I'm about one min late tonight.

The animals are helping...
 'Everything is helping Ren'  lol  ouch my head.
I'm trying to avoid the earth that fucks up?

'You did, you didn't and now you are'    That's not confusing at all.... I'm to sleepy for this tonight.


Next wake and it's 405... So I'm a min behind. 


Right and left.. Is this my watch being seconds faster or slower  on different mornings I wake up?  'Mmmm'

Universe  You Me verse..  I already knew I was everything so my uni verse was..  I'm confused.  Head can't atm


Can someone show me in dream  'Sorry Ren, not tonight you're time keeping' 


Key ping 


Lol Ian just told me his dream.. An abandoned house they found and more and more people arriving getting increasingly more odd until it was uncomfortable and they wanted to go.


What's going on? 


Key - Ping and Keeper    Keep Her  ??

This is the light house thing??

Also ping rate

Loci and the ping-pong game.

To sleepy to wake up 'in time'  -  'out of time'    Is this Inka and me jumping in and out of each other at the moment.
I need to bring them 2 closer or further??


'Bifurcation Ren'  Eh?  Leon?  'Come to me Ren, I will help' 

I can't feel any of you tonight.. Can you come to me plx? 

'Will try, relax' 

Hummmm...   Thanks my minds awake now will get up. bifurcation 
Bifurcation - definition of bifurcation by The Free Dictionary 
v. bi-fuA:at-ed, bi-fur-cat-ing, bifurcates v.tr_ To divide into two parts or branches. v_intr_ To 
separate into two parts or branches; fork. adj. (-kät', -kit) Forked or divided into two parts or 
branches, as the Y-shaped styles of certain flowers.


Y    Y & X       Y= Her  Keep Her?    The Sis Stem? 


Hummmm.... 2011 Spring physics221a LECTURES 
Bifurcations - University of California, San Diego 
The pitchfork bifurcation is commonly encountered in systems in which there is an overall 
parity symmetry (u —u). There are two classes of pitchfork: supercritical and subcritical The 
normal form of the supercritical bifurcation is u- = ru—u3, (28) which has fixed points at O 


You guys gave me a pitch fork.. Cause my reality was a shit show 🤣

These look like the Ogham line- open line close.
The fisherman's parasites that entered my calves

Hummm...   Loci?  Your good at math!  This is all about harvesting too

where v — bh/a2 is the dimensionless harvesting rate. Setting the RMS to zero yields 
n(n2 — n + v) = O, with solutions n* = O and 
At v = thcrc is a saddlc-nodc bifurcation, and for v > thc only fixed point (for 
real n) is at n* = 0 (stable) — the bletch population is then overharvested. For v > 
there are three solutions: a stable fixed point at n* = 0, an unstable fixed point at 
— v, and a stable fix-cd point at n* = — v. Thc critical harvesting 
, which means hc = a2/4b. 
rate is Vc —


'I am Ren, don't worry about that.  You are good at pattern re-cog'  Haha  Thanks 🙂

So in a 2 way split you can't stay in the middle for to long.... 
But if your are in a multi-dimentional  sis stem / System you are already in all places at once.

Lol I'm doing this why again?  😆
Ah...      You lot asked me 'Planetarystabilising entity which system were you originally from' 

I jumped back to that night, I made a time loop! 
Cause he was taking our kids in completely the wrong direction.. and freaking 'OUT' 

Or may be for him it was the right one? 
Lol only I don't have wrong and right like I don't have right and left cause I'm a dyslexic fractured idiot!  Who'd already done everything.
Cause I'd come from the Nephilim Elohim branch of the world tree
Then turned into a golden money swinging threw the branches visiting the changing worlds at the top.

Lol ffs... This  is so stupid!!


That's why I'd walk away from everything.... Cause I already did Time and Time again.

And I'm sick of being stuck with idiots that duno WTF they are!   ... But they are me too! 

And so here I AM  ...     'Wana hug mouse'   Yes plx!  I'm going to feel sick again? 
'Sorry...Come for a walk, Sun up soon' 
Ok 😁

Ooooooo!!!  So this loop 14th April...

2020 I was on this!!   -- Gaia Awaken Project
Stuck on a planet were people were not ready to know what they were yet!

And Holy Holly Shit Bat Man...   2021!!  Just what the fuck!! 
Signed a contract with some dodgy types and was betting!!   'I do try and warn you Ren'

Haha  I got sick of waiting for the dreamers... so whent after the progam ... cause trees like tracks have many branchlines.  

'You are learning the signals now'  lol I always fancied being a train driver 😆

'How about an intergalactic shit tip navigator?'  Hahahaha  Yeh, whatever!


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