Monday, 2 May 2022


Ambulance dream.  😆

I'm co-piolet, errrr lol, well I'm next to the driver.   😂

We are driving really fast down a motorway when I jump up then fall over and land on all the controls. 

The others are trying to shove me out of the way as we are still speeding and suppose to be on emergency response.... But now out of control. 

Pfffffffffffff 'Idiot'  Yeh well...  You lot took me to the synth shop! 

Awww fuck.. Itchy feet 🙄

'Sleep more first' 

Lol yeh... Oh on the whambalance   wham balance!   Both times were funny, so many buttons!
'Idiot'  Hahahah


😆  'Closer, Ren'  Phahahaha  ffs......   That was crazy and fucking irritating!  I duno, but I think you started it!  😜

I was outside someone's house in the energy grid...  Fucking the power supply back threw the house and into their eyes.  Lol!

'Get me?'  Yeh... Pfffffffffff what could possibly go wrong! 😛

'In that case fuck of to Malico's hub first, will make you easy to clean for a bit'  lol clean easy??
'You really are senseless sometimes Ren'   IKR!  I can't fucking help it!


'Go then'  Ok...  OooOOOOOOO!! 😁 

'STFU'  Hahahha yeh kk 😏

Suppose at least I know why canned spinach now. '👿'


Yeh, well I'm awake and my feet are itchy.... 'Here we go again'   Itchy and scratchy?? I didn't even watch that one.


11.11 shower - I can't remember what that was atm?!  'You will'  lol ffs  🤣



-------------- No way man!!


Hahaha.  I'm fucked against dead pan that was hillarimouse.
Awwww I was supposed to see 'You've seen enough for now bitch'  Hahah  yeh suppose.
Still got itchy feet though.

'Thin ice crazy hot rock'  I'm fucking sure of that!     

Oh.. Kkkk   Hummmmmmmmmmmm 🤔

I want my kitchen back.  'Tough shit Ren, we're cooking with you now' Lol guessed as much.


This would be easier if I didn't already remember so much shit!!  

 'And that's not even the half of it witch'   Hahahaha  Mmmm  I can I mage in.

To many clicks n ticks now.  Mmmm  Oh yeh, OK...   Can't be arsed atm going back to sleep first


Malico said if I'm staying there that the Leon aspect from there coming too and they are shutting me in the library for now.


Oooooo!!  💡  'Mmmmmm'     OK

I feel like the library needs another door.  'Tough shit Ren, doesn't even have a window'  Yeh I know........  Least I can get out and in.

Soooooo  the fire!   'Go there.  I dare you!'   Hahaha witch one first!  'One bullet mouse' 

Hahaha  IKR but I could be either side.  'It's why we hate you Ren'   Hehehehe  💜


OK  I want the manual for the canning station.  I won't burn it, just have a nibble!  😛

'Idiot'  I know!


👀👁‍🗨👁 You are spotted!

Cool...    Eat that again and guess what I'll raise you? 


'I'll get back to you'   Hahaha    OK I'm charging that one from here then!

Kk I'll be waiting. 

Fast 😲 I like it!  'Thought so'   Hahahha 🤯



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