Friday, 27 May 2022

Love & Connections

26th May

Wake 303

Hu?  'Mmmm Squeaky'  😆 I was dreaming 'With Malico & I'

Wow I have no words....

I liked it though!  'Good, we did too'  lol

Was like some insane life review, reality show, relationship competition that encompassed my whole life 😵

Hehehe it had got insanely out of hand.......

The lengths I'd gone too, to get out of one thing and then landed head over heals in something else.

Was a love story to rival Shrek.

'we' were trying to escape with out love child that was an emmmmm I duno wtf it was but I loved it.

'lol Ren'   It wasn't quite human.... Nor was my lover.... But it was also so human and real.

There was so many twists and no one could believe my motive was love till right at the end.

🤣 Our escape plan involved a mother in law, cigarette smuggling and a church.. Police and customs.

People in it were astral versions of people I know 'and crew Ren'  Hummm Leon was there too.

'We told you we were coming to you'

It was like Jeremy Kyle, Shrek and Cinderella were the ugly sisters get it on with the pumpkin!

'Come here again Ren'

I'm seriously stranged out....   It was like I'd birthed my pet cat but it was a deamon too.

'Ren?'  Oh the dream where he cried a dragon or something...


I miss Shadow
😢 'He misses you too'  I believe you.  'About fucking time'   lol

'Come here'  Yeh ok

I'm awake 'Good we're coming back to you anyway, will help recall' 


If I was prone to paranoia 'You'd not be where you are'  Haha I like crazy people 'and they like you too but you don't belong behind bars Ren, however open they are' 

Mmmm I know.  

'Good, they only bar you tend is so fucking low that anything's welcome there'

I loved 'Everything... We know Ren, it's why we're stuck with you'  Now, lay down n shut up'


That dream it literally was shameless 'Faithless and blameless too'    Hahah speaking of faithless where is DarthD? 'Far enough away for you to sort your shit before he's back'

Haha ok.


Wake again 404  tweeting twitter birds 'Spreading the word'  

27th May

Didn't wake till gone 4.  Had been dreaming but recall rubbish.
There were blue speckled fabric eggshells allover... Things had hatched from them.

A missing friend.
I'd also been waiting ages for a connection or collection. 

Music and crowds too. 

Another dream was long too I know there was a huge massive borehole going down into the earth.

Witches / Shaman at a rave too.   We were contacting each other in sleep.

Ancestors too and a place with lots of hot air balloon parts.


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