Tuesday, 10 May 2022

GG, Girl, Horse or Game?

😁 lol  Bandersnatch? 


A train dream.  Train spotting and smuggling war in a bike frame on one of the carriages.

G or J.  Time wasn't sure of the destination.


A bandersnatch is a fictional creature in Lewis 
Carroll's 1871 novel Through the Looking-Glass 
and his 1874 poem The Hunting of the SnarR_ 
Although neither work describes the appearance ot 
a bandersnatcn in great detail, in The Hunting of 
the Snark, it has a long neck and snapping jaws, 
and both works describe it as ferocious and 
extraordinarily tast_ Through the Looking-Glass 
implies that bandersnatcnes may be found in the 
world behind the and in The


The Bandersnatch is a fictional creature mentioned in Lewis Carroll's poem Jabbenvocky_ 
Bandersnatch may also refer to: 
• Bandersnatcn (video game), a computer game written by Imagine Somvare and later 
released as Brataccas 
• dandersnatcn (Known Space), a sluglike sentient creature in Larry Niven's fictional Known 
Space universe 
• 9780 dandersnatcn, an asteroid 
• Bandersnatcn, a newspaper run by John Abbott College students 
• A Sasquatcn infected with the HMHVV-II virus in the Shadowrun role-playing game 
• Frumious Bandersnatcn, a seminal 1960s psychedelic rock band trom San Francisco, 
• Black Mirror: Bandersnatcn, a television film ot the anthology series Black Mirror


Seems....  Lol  Back of my net then?  

'Or up your bum on the second shelf' I scored another own goal then?
Last year.


12.12 wake destination!  Hold down and lift up's

101 would be on or in the state 😃

202 On the run? ... And no I didn't want to catch that. 

Slow it .. I'm not dreaming properly since the tablet I took...

I know I wanted something slowed.

Wake just before 303 too!


3am data breach. 
Almost 3am woke just before.
Track almost 3am...  My phones.  A Data breach.
Staff won't help me to try and sync. 

Just want me to go to bed and sleep.

Chatted to a friend here instead.
I was sleeing...  I just wake at time stamps, I always do.
No dreams since I took that 10mg Aripiprazole tablet :(
Or very few.  Dosn't feel like proper sleep just oblivion.

I miss you guys.   'We're still here Ren, allways are.  Just giving you a break to ground there'

I know I feel that too.

I don't feel real here when I can't dream true.

'Come to Ddad hub Ren, let some of us meet you'



414 Blue Ka fragment coming back online soon.


5.30 Road kill?....   Still can't recall dreams a magpie was shouting outside though showed me car sliver.....links and I see in the distance the blue.

A part-hide (Apartheid) but real too.  

Just had to hide as I was way to crude oil for even pop eye.



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