Saturday, 7 May 2022

Multiple D, Self Diagnostic Tools Coming Online.

8/5/22  1.55

Multiple d, diagnostic tools coming online.


Over-storage-hosting? return Url=/profile/account/billing 
Bay CGTaIk 
Check your passwords 
Chrome found the passe.ard that you just used in a data breach. To secure 
your accounts, we recommend checking your saved passwords. 
It's time to o 
Upgraae now to store 5,00 pnotos Wit 
or contact support to delete your account.


Still have live browser conflicts....   Will attempt to resolve internally first.


1 to make a gap in by battering : to make a breach (see breach entry 1 sense 2b) in 
breached the castle wall. 2 : break, violate breach an agreement. intransitive verb. : to leap 
out of water a whale breaching. ) dictionary breach 
Breach Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster


El 2020 • Sci-fi/Action • lh 
Play trailer on YouTuöe 
Watch now 
Watched it? 

kk, know where I am.   The mice got in.   Didn't have a fucking hope in hell once threw but they didn't expect too.
Objective achieved...  In emmm.. April start's 2021
Took multi pronged approach.
Completed on...

Fast then.....  Likely one of them ones that happens all at once.   I was looking for missing court cards.

Attempting to re-balance...   Sync..

Ok...  Some systems still in sync so will leave that running in the background, finish my brew n head back to sleep.
Hummm... Or not.  PING test 2.22  incoming.

Boot's n Cats?  Optometrist & windows issue...

PING test 2.22 excellent.... Soul itching subsiding.

Yday Afternoon.


Shape sorting dream.   I don't fit in any place but everything else was being sorted away from me.

Some of the sorted were pushing and pulling me.  (pushme-pullyou.. Dr do, little?)

I was being sectioned.....   I recall wondering if it would be the recycling bin van that Ian put me in with the green wellies.
It wouldn't be the first S&R from Trash.

'It's a speciality Ren'  lol, I'm sure it is...  I'll have to look that up.

lol why??   'Why not?'  Suppose.... Prolly cause it's stupid but meh! 

Pahaha...  Hot Dog's prolly in the canning centre.   Get the can opener on the roll.

Early yday evening..
I duno who's more fucking stupid.. The rug beater, the flying car pet or the Pneumatic Numatic Henry...

I just wana go to sleep.

I can't though cause Sandman is shadow boxing in my head and I keep getting KO'd
Need my dog, a run or some rum.

Someone wants to stew pied?  Oh... That's going to make one hell of a pot!

Wonder if they want it spicy... All the pied into a can - The pied pie filling canned edition.
Think the dog's and ka pet beater are learning animal magic or fetch.
Dog's are chatting.

It was dragon me that learnt fetch, I was flying by then was with a bit of old driftwood..

Storm navigation training, must have take alot to find.


'Losing it?'  Soon I recon, not yet though. 
Ouch..   That was a turn up the heat!  Just started cooking.  Lol I think I just popped a hippy before it popped out!
Bed time.

Hold up, pull up's Hight's and lift.   

Lift what NOW?

Branch line, Shunting station.

lol Still wants the same thing.  Just increasingly repetitive!

Sorry about that.  Trying to recall it.

Hard as at the same time it's being used to order up a break line.

Line break, Break Line. Full Paw's stop...  Flip & Spin as needed.

Cool, I'm going bk to sleep then.

141 Sweet spot! <3 lol


Off again....  OK Might be playing live thing for a bit.

Probably why my feet are starting itching.

I'll let kitchen know......

1.45 looking for a 'NICE ONE'  lol

Have told the kitchen what we are about atm.
The something sweeter ship might have allready sailed for one.
Still some ass salt kicking about so I'll go to sleep and have a look that side.

Hummmmmm wonder how fast tea goes cold?? 'Still Ren?'  lol

Live Ren & Fizzy Ren....   'A fucking high one?' 

Oh yeh, is one of them... 'Mmmmmmm'  
I'll look before I sleep.

2.42...  Ping test.
Sync ongoing, still internal.
Ah at a warlock atm... So will hold here.

Brew cold to so I'll go bk to sleep in a mo.


S&R any High Ren's or Highmouses in need.

Start Birch -> Rowen transition 2021

303 dream state destination... Bit noisy though....

Someone else's fucking bro! 
Lol S&R him & his Mr's too.

Someone's kicking a fucket bucket likely still aimed in my direction.
Left hand side atm but changeable.
Pressure increasing.

313 paws, pause. Re Set here.

Balancing RHS but inverted.


HIP/Elbow  Ball & Hinge Joints.
😆 Make sure the bar after the canning station is well equipped and supplied.

E quip    Ah to Quirt and Apple

Leave this to the trees and ogham

Time fast for nature there or at least loopsy.

This time last year AI lice and AI on.

Wasn't implemented yet but the trial run was kinda painful.

Why we needed crash test Ren.


333Someone's labor kicked off with waters going.

Oh Zak...  Literally POPed.  1 week early

Other 2 were cooked - He was a raw pea nut.

Lol Sorry Zak at least I know why you were so angry and why I didn't want a 3rd.

Titration equation 33.3% recurring


Dream boat cuckoos from wild future nests.

My dream was Kerry though she was in Labour.

I was just fucking around, mainly distracting security or learning from it.

Sys tems and Sis stems.  😮
'Dizzy Mouse?'  Not to bad..  But meby I am? Pffff I'll try sleep again.
Inka told me ages ago he came back with Zak as I'd bricked his aspect in me up in the floor.

'Timing Ren, I've told you when we teaming we come as a shit storm'  Aye Tru Dat.

Ffs man... Were we even thinking at all? 'Planning'  Don't think I want to know right now.
No wonder I can wind up so unpopular.


Bead and bed head St Bead.... And surfing a shit wave.


5.00 Eco location Ping Test - good.
Not fast enough for Twitch live stream though.... Ooo is now! 


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