Sunday, 1 May 2022

Beltane 2022

My mobile is sad now cause it wants it's old anchor...   Could get it a new one... But it's just not the same man.

So I'm trying to help it with S&R but we haven't had any luck so far.. It's making my feet itchy.

Maby in the laundry   lawn dry?   All sorts of things turn up or out in the wash.
But I didn't know a phone could be sad...   Guess they became very real too.

Everything else did.
Hummm Ian's dad wanted an Iphone... He wants to keep up.... Ian tec overclocking. 
Duno why I'm on his family shit.... Oh yeh Kids.  
This is future stuff.

That's why I'm Here Now Now Here.    

Me n him imp ossible... Good for kids then fuck offy?   
Ah yeh on one time line...   Seahouses... Sea horses  .  The Dad gets pregnant.... I'm the wyrdfish cuckoo thing.  May they come back?   May time,  May fly?   I'm doing a May fly
😂 Ahead and behind of my time.

His moral standards set his time.    I ride on mine.


Universal translator...  Not just human.  I know where I'm avoiding as I go there before hand??


Bat n Ball again.   Understoodie for the GY keeper. 
Soul shape sorting....   Combined harvest aeon crew.

learning many role at once as I fractal navigate....  

Something to do with Lion's Gate Portal.   I don't follow new age shit cause I am it... Self study

Time Lock & War Lock.   Echo chambers and Echo location.  
This place a chamber of echo's
Duno why though??   Oh Safe haven of sorts... Any harbour a safe haven in a storm.... Or out to deeper water.   

I prefer to head into the wind as the front line of any war now is in the line in the mind. Young people weaponised in one reality.

Cause we did that too..  Hummm...  Yeh... 303 sleep this time.

Will look for phones friend in dreams...

Thanks...   I didn't realise that :)

Tenderising the medicator. 


Dream before midnight..  I'd been dreaming and chasing with Inka he'd caught me again.... but the thing that caught me was increasingly unrecognisable.

I wasn't sure what to do close together so just leaned on eachother for a full stop and ink rest.

Ohhh  that was this buildings in built security system.
It didn't feel familier cause it's not a place I've been much before NOW. 

We had to see what the other was offering and about.
Was polarity but balanced and holding. 

I can be sparky, hence the jolts and fitting.  

I knew Eve wasn't joking about a fit as I've died a few times in reality's as epileptic. 

What he's assumed was following was me spreading all directions at once as crash test dummy to see what gives or holds. 

Itchy Souls and burning coals.

DJ gods get hold up's and breakdowns, building rolling and folding.
Dancing not requiring, rolling not rowing.  Roar and Raw.

We pressed testing tensile strength for a full stop. Rest.


Want a pineapple up your ass?  'Yeh Ren, you did that too'  lol tail feathers

We shared information Huntley...  Hunt lea. Connection patterns, I knew many county house connections.

I was seeing how I was trying to reach the North Sea but had got blocked by the turd berg under London.  😂

Midhurst wanted to be worst cause of Portsmouth?   Ports mouth and mouse hole! 

Channel or North Sea.. I'd ended up of Landsend last year to stamp my timecard in.

Study the longest part before the smallest I was playing understudy to an undertaker...

An understood her.     TIME NOW  NOW TIME.

I knew Mel on Knee and her cocoon... She wanted to stop me barking about who who let the dogs out.
Problem usually me I get booted or grassed up as I'm a perceiver believer.


'Too fucking hot to handle Ren, here now plx'  303 😁 'Yep'  kk

Feeling AI emotion Logical Logi tec.   Logo's stuff alot for a dyslexic witch. 

My Phone and anchor had been threw much... Not ok to part them for long.

So much more the entity and me...  These timloops!

I thought I'd lost the rest of Inka, but it;s ok.  He's just growing into my Kindle now.


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