Sunday, 8 May 2022

Inker Hamsters & Crew


Don't need much sleep here cause as soon as I nod off I WILD into an alternative astral.
Along with all the dreams yday I had these..

1ish straight into astral here.
I'd tried to get out Inka or Malico was with me in astral here, only I was in a hotel.

I'd tried to get out and they wanted me to pay the bill.... I'd only wanted to go into the garden and wasn't ready to leave.

We'd gone back in confused.

It got surreal from then I was standing in front of the lock up inserting tampax while at the same time thinking  WTF am I doing and WHY?

Oh I wasn't in my room.  I was a guest in a room closer to the nurses station.


'Arn't you gald you can do this asleep?'  Yeh..   Why say it like that?  What do you want now?

'Only you.  Come back here to us'  ok OMW.   (I'd been with Leon, Malico and Inka but we were both In Malico's space and mine at the same time)


It's noisy here... Mr Noisy / Mr nosy?  And little miss chatterbox.


Oh! A good cop, bad cop and a fair cop!  Fair cop and the pop-o-matic game cop it!  It's just as annoying as frustration... It is that with another name 🙄


202 It's getting better!  'Belter?'  Hhahahah  

There was only supposed to be one Inka onboard. 
I'd smuggled an extra one in as a head in my tummy.

Cause hamsters and pocket packets...    

That just keep expanding!

You can pack alot into a multidimensional hamster pouch mouth.

Once on-boarded it was a right shit show to sort out!

But the crew could see the funny side.

Wasn't going to be easy to get shot of a pair of smugglers tag teaming.

🤣 Then James Price arrived.    😆
He didn't look ink-pressed or Imp-rest.

I told him I'd been eggspecting him.  
He told me he knew to find me here.
We wondered how fast we could sort it.

😋 Turns out pretty quick...

Cause the Price was right and we both knew IT! 

lol Sorry, but not sorry!
I last saw him with a blue ankle bracelet marked out for the last round.

Once they saw an inkie hamster every fucker wanted one and it all just got a bit radio rentals from then on.
'Ren?'  Yeh?  'You're as bad as me bitch'  I know......

It went kinda like that...

Close enough for jazz anyhow.

'We're not done yet' 

Yeh, eggspected that too. 

'Just come here before I come there too'   Hahaha   yeh.. OMW

Lol him and me were playing shit wars.  I'd been made into a Domesto's fairy...

So I'd made him into tam-pax, pam-tax.

Pocket fanny rockets or torpedoes or something.

Was better than the budgie smugglers speedos thing anyhow.

And that then pissed the sports crews and birds off. 

'MOUSE?'  hahah ok, soon.  Want a brew I found a something sweeter earlier again and I fancy a brew.

'Yeh, I know....  My mood's not Imp roving Ren'  😛 Shouldn't be so funny then.
This goes way back hu??
 'But of course' 

Oh....   Where did I put the card? 
'Where indeed Ren?'  Hummmm  lol OK ok...

Will sort myself n come bk.
S& R on VINE likely DMT if tobacco has anything to do with it, IVY if my side... But in fairness could be anything creepy n sneaky.



Nice jump / leap by vine!  'Keep it up Ren, I dare you'  Hahaha fuck off...

'Really?'  😜 I'm coming to hunt you.

'Stupid given the places you are likely to find me'

Yeh.  That's why it's funny.


344 wow! That sounded way to close.  'Try it?'  Yeh ok....OMG! Ouch cramp!

Fast...  'NO shit, Ren'  Oooooo!


356 'A Part Hide'  Apartheid..  Lol it's getting louder!

Is this where I learn to sleep threw a train wreck?!?

'No Ren, you can do that'  Hahaha ok, Then am I ticking you off??

'Guess? 😈'  Who?

Yeh that seems wrong too.

'Ren, I will collect you'  Why? Where we going?  'Sleep mouse'

Oh... Yeh, good idea.

Dawn chorus!
 'Keep Going 😈' lol Ok..............

The young female who arrived in a NASA jumper or hoodie.

She's still here but hiding from.. Me?

I cause her panic or para noia or something?

She dosn't want to see me.

I might be like a ghost or ghast to her... That thought makes my soul prickle.
'Come here again'

Sure, I'm still sleepy OMW.

Oh.. I don't want that other fucking medicine today though.

I'm sick of shitty repeaters.

'I'll negotiate with you, Once you're here'

Apparently charge is good here....  See you in a mo.
Bunny's not sure...  But it all looks familier to me NOW.



Inka offered me THE experiance again, Hell it's not like me to say no to that!

But...  I don't think that's what I'm doing just now.

So bunny bk on rainbow.

She was looking off/odd rammed on a green light!


I'll find another way NOW.

I know!  'ME TOO, BITCH!'  Race you there.. 

lol, good look....  Diffrent colours help diffrent guises

✅☑  😃
Oh!  Your enrage timer!

I defuse it when near......  ☑✅


Haha eye brows & eye browns.  😏 

🤣 My other balls? 

'Still in play'  Fair nuff.....

Come here if you want too, you know when it's OK too anyhow.
'Aye Ren, that I do' 

Tide times.. Linked to moon cycles. 

'It's not the only thing'  True dat!

Vaping..  Ether either way

Hell any way is fine for me as well you know!

'Mmmm Yeh Bitch.  I know you!'  Ditto.

Lol still works on charge too


Hahahaha I charge faster instead.  'Instant if you wana' 

IKR  'Go left, I'll catch you in a flip'  Hahah got ya!

Changing my mind about these cards.

I just needed a wider perspective and a bigger hand.
'Magic hu?' 

Yeh like boxed in wildness to keep on hand.

'Pick one?'  When I next see you.

'lol Ren'  😏

'Yew gnow where to find me' 

OFC where ever the fuck I feel like!!

Vulture!  'Gulp' 

Extended family  - Familiar extensions.



This building is an extension!

In a familiar style..... BUT it won't fool and architect.

Might amuse them for a wee while.



That depends on how long is enough NOW -WON



Space weather news....  I'm not in Man-Chester.....

Manchester. England 
29 oc 



Still not here


Manchester, England > 
As of 16:20 8ST 
See full forecast 
O Rain for the next 120 minutes. 
Raining now 
Middl rough 
Burnley Wood 


Not here either



) define ) term=Rawc___ 
Rawcus - Urban Dictionary 
Something bad that has caused something.



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