Thursday, 5 May 2022

Nature Calls


Well that was diffrent 'Again?'  All ready?

'Lay still'  My head!!

I'm my own dura cell now? 'Yup' 

Hahah I need a brew a double bag 😁

Effortlessly crude... The dream from a summer sols dice years ago.

The agree to change the plan up.

Crazy dream...  Was with scribble my cat at home.  I was kissing his fluffy tummy.  He was a universal translator but still a cat... He sounded really odd.

Studio Scribbly was on the call.

Inka please help!  'You're fine Ren'  Yeh but.....  'Want horns?'  not back to goats n rams.

'Come bk to sleep'


A bunch of people taking a very strong psychedelic together was a shared trip, we were well into the other reality.....

But it was really really odd.

Help  'No'  shit head.  'You deserve it'  Hah yeh likely.

Same dream.

3 of us had met at the door to go off.

But instead had hugged and started rolling back to see where we'd come from.
Was moon walking hopper popping threw story books and narrative..
Then we found a mirror with a card.
The errrr brady bunch??  I duno wtf that is?!
It had been in a tug of war with the goonies.

Same dream played out to find our hand. 

Lol at the same time I'm a big shit in a toilet pan.

I'd been there before.  Hahaha!

AS we got to the end we'd been asked who really hates us.

I'd said I was annoying but I didn't think anyone hated me that much.

Lol  I got a look and was told 'Guess again Sherlock' 
Was told I could have that one on him.... We got to check our cards and the other hands then told to fuck bk off.

💜 lol sorry....  You know how it goes for us.

Hahahah wake up and smell the fuck offy!!

But we can't fuck off cause were stuck in the pan here!  Hahaha

'Told you I'd fall with you Bitch'
lol yeh, wasn't expecting to land down the shitter.

'Yeh you were too bobby, had to flush or block it'  Phahahha

I'm awake  'No Shit?'

Hahaha that was a fuck of a head trip.
'Write up then'  Nah still dizzy

'You won't sleep with the office cackle'  Oh O....

'Hold that & write'  Yeh ok.



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