Friday, 20 May 2022

Crossed Wires and Wrong Games

20th May

Spanish Air



Dream early... Cool.  Em and her Dad but here too.  I was split into many aspects.

I'm in a game feeling out rules, giving hints and tips and taking them.

Feeling of sharing and competition.

Tricks and triers..

We were fulling a fire.

Inka was with me and not, we play as we swap.


Wake next not till 616  - a fan fair..  Fare.    Even the odds 💜


21st May

Wake before 2 confused.  Dream had been so long I thought it must be morning.
I was being tested and on trial.  I needed to be saved by the bell... Only bell is at home.

Pluss all the people who knew me were confused.
It was a strange hotel, swimming pool complex that I knew I recognised from other dreams.

An odd kind of ritual.

I'd got muddled into some family prayers for salvation, so was looking to claw my way back out.


I'd been looking for a shell key, but found a movie nurse instead.

I realised the place I was in is for a diffrent kind of game, one me and my brothers don't usually play.

But... They would play to help a sister out.

333 I woke I'd been asked about law but my writing I can't read.

Morning... Ring, rings... Like telephones ...

Can someone get my dreams to an exchange please?

All the wires are crossed!

'It's fine Ren, you're learning switch bored too'  Oh....  I need a brew.

A light in a box.  Candle stubb cube it had been a leather cube....  Linked to Ian 

It had snuffed the candle as no oxygen.

I needed a metal lantern to keep burning.

'Bird cage Ren'   Sure, the doors you leave are open

'I have no need to close it Ren, You fly home to me'   Mmmm

Can I see you please.

'Come here'  Where

'Feel'  Can't jump... meds to much :/

Manage to jump to him... He's leaning on a wall waiting.  Brown overalls but covered with a black and read leather bike jacket.
I give him a hug and as he vanishes I'm left holding a copper heart.

It's made from a hammered half penny...  It's dirty but shiny in parts.

Rough cut and the cuts contrast the new metal with the old greening of the rest of the coin.

It's sharp.

The 2 copper pennys from this time last year

Loops... I'm being diminished?


Hummmm  Contracted??

What's with the Sun too. 

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