Thursday, 11 April 2024

Shape of a Heart


I'm sure went used to have an H  When -t?   'Keep watching Mouse' 

'I'd not recommend that Ren' Why?  'Cause I shoved you threw everything'

I know but? You told me to keep watching...
'That was listning' 
A difference?
 'Yes'  ok..  Onboarded.. Why though..  'Give it a go'  ok

'Any thing you didn't do?'  Nop... 
'Royal flush'  A card thing?  'Mmmm look that up?'


What is a Royal Flush? 
The royal flush represents the strongest hand you can possibly make in a game of 
poker. Royal flushes top all other hands in the poker hand rankings and are 
mathematically the rarest made hands that you can draw from a 52-card poker deck.

'Juggle that joker style with your gno-ledge of other shit'  Why dose it start at 10?

'Good question, I won't spoon feed Ren' 

You're not afraid of gaming with Gods Ren'

Leon told me that first?  'Find it if it helps'  can't could you help plx?

'When it suits me'  ??


Where Did Card Suits Come From? 
Originally, suits had nothing to do with cards at all. They were first used in the Chinese 
game of Tin Kau, a gambling derivative played with either dice or dominoes. Their suits 
were based on the regional money system back in the 1100s. 
But the idea of card suits sprung directly from these early dice games. The concept was 
brilliant, because card suits introduced a new level of complexity to games that might 
otherwise be far too easy. Stacking matching, or comparing two cards based on 
numerical order can get boring. But introduce a system that has rules based on how suits 
interact, and it's an entirely new dimension.


New dimension of 4??


Hummm...  Ok... Thanks...   I know what your getting at.
Was the male and female chakra systems, cross Celtic cross. 

Not sure how this fits...



I'll juggle.... 'I know, YOU WILL'  I have a new intention plx 'Then go ahead'

I'd like body flow back next, the ability to go into a feel and follow - I miss it.

'Ok'  Simple as that? 'As simple as you bitch, your wish is my command.... For now at least, BUT 2 way street'

Ok....   Lol   'Yeh Ren, neither of us are perfect at staying in lane, at least I can get us to your destination'  🤔



First dream, odd version of work....  I'd been on lower floor and come up for something.

Upstairs Lea is there and she looks terrible, her arms and hands are covered in burns that seem to be slowly healing but she feels sick.
Everyone was just standing watching as she starts retching.  I go in the store to find a sick bowl, they are slightly diffrent with a wax waterproof lining.

I chuck one infront of her face as she starts to vomit... At first it's like rice coming out of her nose..
Then she voms projectile style all-over the floor and into the kitchen.

Others still aren't doing anything so I'd gone to find some gloves to hand out so we could start to clean up.

I was looking for a yellow clini waste bag, but all I could find were rolls of bags I'd not seen before they were a kind of peach colour, marked biohazard.  They were better than nothing so I grabbed some of them too.

I set about clean up, the others had left dirty gloves all over the show including the kitchen.... I recall thinking fuck this place is going to get messy when everyone else gets this.


Richard from maintenance was there, he was in a cupboard full of keys with a key cutting grinder.  I'd asked him to ask housekeeping to bring the carpet cleaner up.  He also had a stores for a shop, and there were odd ghost like kids just handing about.


FUCK ME!!  Lol  was that a dream with you or DDad?  'You had us both for good measure'  lol  I couldn't wake up!

'You got your lucidity 😈'  lol that  was fucking wyrd!


I'd gone to work, it was odd and a little diffrent, but I'd kinda thought it was changes the new manager was making.  New kitchens up top floor and stuff.... Oh yeh, was a follow on from the first dream with Lia voming.

Anyway, I'd gone back to bottom floor.. New kitchen equipment had been delivered here too, but the place was a mess with loads of old food, also the lights seemed borked so I was working in semi-dark.

Someone had set up a little tuck shop with the supplies from the first dream, small cards and gifts, little treats.

I recall thinking it was sweet, everything was cheep... Under 50p.


I was clearing up when I realised I needed the kitchen trolly.  At the door I was met by a guy who pushed me back he said to the other 2 sitting in chairs by the door 'There she is'  He seemed to call one Freda.

This was a lot like that lucid dream with the dentist!
  'lol, keep writing Ren'   This could take a while....

Anyhoo, The guys in my face pushing me backwards.  They are all dressed in dark green, paramedic/ambulance uniform.

He says to me aggressively and with a hint of menace 'So. You finished your therapy?'  I told him yep, and I'm not in psychosis   'He said, Really?'   I replied...  'I never was, I'm just a bit loopy'

Once he had me in a corner I could see his face more clearly, short bark blond hair and miss matched eyes.

Once in the corner he told me I had hit him...  
I had some vague recall of this.. Me hitting him in the stomach - I had warned him before, he just hadn't expected a gut punch!  I kinda shrugged and said 'Well, you should have tensed up' 
He tells me he'll be watching me from NOW ON... Then I had the oddest sensation of someone laying on me here.

To heavy to shove off.. But I got distracted by my new kind of watch, it plugged into a screen and had a speaker and loads of gadgets.  It was another layer to the other dream and astral here so I was kinda splitting.
I tried shoving the what felt like a guy off me, but he was unrelenting. 
So deciding I must still be dreaming but the only place I could wake up to was with the other guy in green still in my face.

He tells me again, he's keeping an eye on me.
I'd asked him about the 2 people with him one he'd called Freda (My Mam's name.. Named after Fred, also referenced in the dentist dream)  He told me the other was from Alnmouth,  only person I could think of from there was Benny (another Andy) 


Not able to wake up or shift the dream continued with me getting increasingly lucid.  Everything there was new, smelt new, felt new...   Doors that were a bit too perfect, smelt of silicone, paint and varnish.


I realised I had no recall of the day before and my last recall was of being in bed so I was fairly sure I was dreaming..... 
But this is the type of dream that is solid. Hyper real and tricky to fuck with. 


I'd shoved past the guy telling him I had work to do, and he followed keeping me in view.

I thought about asking someone outright when an invisible hand I know well starts tickling my ribs on the right, leaving me squirming and giggling.


The other dream characters are all looking at me..........

Then the paramedic guy appears in front of me points and gives me the I'm watching you sign, like a game referee.

I get up off the floor and the tickly hand prods me on.


I can't stop laughing writing this up!!  'You just fucking asked for sensation back!'    I didn't expect it so fast!  'Didn't I tell you, your wish is my command?'    there was a 'Two way street?'  Oooooo   'Keep writing the dream'  ok


I realised I was going to need to be smarter about testing my lucidity...   Though by now though I knew I was defiantly dreaming - Just wasn't sure how the fuck to get out 😆


I climbed up some odd controll equipment, looked a little like a film camera on some kind of rig and jumped over onto a desk on a ledge where 2 disinterested looking women were filing there nails.


I could feel the tickly hand now as I approached people, the other guy quietly watching from the shadows.

I left it to a quite moment with Lucy in a stair well...  I told her 'I think I'm still asleep as I have no recall of waking up or how I got here'

This seemed subtle enough to let me out of the building and slid/fly down a grassy hill lined by trees with a ground covered in pillows.

At the bottom of the hill surrounded by trees is an entrance to a narrow stone corridor/cave.
A lion and a pale sandfox stand in the way, at my approach the fox walks away.

I ask the lion may I come in?  He nodded then showed me his cubs that he covered with hay.

He walked back to allow me to pass down the narrow passage.
I pass the cubs first and greet and thank them, same to him as he lets me by.  The lioness is next, I ask her blessing to pass.... She nods and I move forward and then stop to let her pass to join her family.


The room beyond is an arcade room, lots of similar small games, with simple controlls like claw grab, I look at the names of the games.   The names above ar stuff like 'guides'  'Lucidity'  'Dreaming'  I'd gone to one that was 'Way - something'  Possibly way showing but as soon as I touched the controll I finally woke up!


'Satisfied?'  Mind popped tbh...   Jumping them 2 HGV's with all of you guys, Leon finding us a new hub me being really tired and oh!!!     'Yeh Ren, Dath asked you for a lift back but you were too tired to jump us back out' SO I dreamed with you both!   'Yup'  You also warned him 😮  'I did'    not to fuck me up so much I dissociate?Oooooooo   'New book?' 

I suppose I should!



Lions are Royal - Leon/leo/Sol?  Was only room for 1 to pass easily so we let eachother by


The wobbly Jesus in my main dream space that told me stay in my lane..


'Bk to sleep Ren, while it's still dark'  ok

Irene's garden...   Loads of mud and cats, the grass had been churned up, there was the same fox too amongst the cats. 3 pet slugs that turned out to be pea pods.
Irene cleaned the garden and covered it with a large old rug.  Birds taking rubbish for nesting materials...  A blue tit got caught and sort of took of the top layer of it's wings... 
I was holding them in my hands when I woke back up.   A tiny set of blue wings...
'That you could stick on a mouse, should you be daft enough too'   😁


Ok... Look the other dreams up....  Ok.


Not sure how this fits...




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