Friday, 26 August 2022

Cartoon Jesus

It tickles...  'Good to see you coming back online mouse, just behave.  I'll help' 
Your help can be unpredictable Inka...  ' I know Ren, just listen this time?' 

I did listen....  'You argued too'   Mmmmm

I like the pushback...  'Yeh, we know.  How much more of a pushback do you want?'  

Lol ok, yeh... Not the permanent stasis threw medication. 

What's with the babe you gave me Inka. 

'A symbol Ren, I don't need to explain it again'  It's you?

'We are as one now Ren'  could you help me understand? 

'I asked you to take it some place'  oh yeh, I'd recalled the infant crib in the hunters room, I'd first gone their on beltain too...

'I'd not be the first aspect you've rebirthed'  ok...  'I trusted you with my egg Ren'  There is a lot to recall.

Egg was at Hogmanay.


I took the little red demon like babe to the crib and slept in the bed there.

A ring, like animal training...  Labour too, and breeding.  We were being kept as pets, or oddities and used for work.

It was surrounded by barns and farm buildings.   We were preparing for a deep sea dive.
Sunk into the ground were bottomless pits.  Oh the whole place was set in a strange forest with a q to get in and out.
I was one of the things being kept there. 


A game with a giant plant, plants vs zombies style... Was funny


Very detailed dream of Irene's house..  There was a large elaborate fire place on the wrong wall with a glass door.  Shirly was there.  She'd been moved from hospital into that house but her and Irene were not getting on well.
Julie was there too in a blue nurse uniform. 
last dream... Main dream space again,   we'ed been there at dawn. 

I'd met a massive cartoon Jesus there.  I'd greeted him going in the other direction and he'd laughed at me and said 'You do you Ren'.  It made me laugh cause it was like a friendly warning to stay in my own lane!

I'd travelled south again and we were staying in a large house split into 2 flats.

The bottom one had a tarmac yard outside and the above one that we were in a grass hill with 2 sets of swings.

The hill looked out over the town at night.

We were waiting for the moon and the following dawn and I was playing on the swings while we waiting. 

Was good fun, the swings could fly :)  I was zooming round on them.  A guy with us was going to take delivery of some furniture for his sister, she was in between flats and needed to store it for 24hrs.  

I was woken by what sounded like knocking on a wooden door... no one else seemed to hear it. 


Inka came and visited me in the hunters room.  We merged till we were one entity and he reminded me that before Beltane this year and Ddad's hub take over, I'd switched him off.

He also reminded me how he took care of me when I rebirthed myself last summer.... Lol he also  turned me from a kid into a bloke then punched me in the face! 
he told me he would also grow fast but asked me to watch over him.


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