Tuesday, 2 August 2022

Jumbled Stuff

Lost yet whole.

Probation from my life,

the axe of mental health hanging over my neck.

Fighting my way to the surface again threw the haze of the medicated mental hell.

Scared of my power, scared of my fun.

A gimmped way of living this path I've begone.

Still no space, in my space no still,

I need an area to be and a place to fit in.


Argument... - Sell out and blow the lid of something massive. (blocked with milk?)  Something had had to be fool proof and it was now only hanging by a thread.

Ireans house.  There alone, I was waiting for others to come home.   Making bubble and squeak while I waited. 


A toddler male.  Asian looking or mixed, in a sleep suit.  I was taking care of him and one nostril, ear and eye were all infected.
I was telling and old guy who was his guardian he needed to get it checked out but I was cleaning and comforting the kid in the meantime. 

A dog with human teeth and a rat having sex with a mouse.

Strange outfits I was trying on.  People had asked me why I bought them but I didn't recall if I had.  The head dresses that went with them were making my head bleed..... Sharp and scratchy like a crown of thorns.

A dark room like a box.  Leon, Malico and my uncle ken.  I was filling the room with experience. 


My Dad taking a supplement or medication that was making him sick... I was telling him to stop.

Strange beautiful glass equipment with blue and green water in it.  The water was glowing making beautiful patterns.

The same kid from earlier.. He was older now.  Rude to Christine, I'd asked him not to be.

What was ok with his friends came off rude to people who didn't understand it and I was trying to explain that to him.

A woman in a 'mother care' place was talking to me of charity and increasing need.  Was Durham or that area, they had more and more mothers and kids in need.  

They wanted me to meet their lightworker.


An old lady feeding birds.   Lots of seed, she was the one who had taken me to mothercare.
We were looking at a white lurcher dog, it had an ear missing and 3 legs and was covered in cuts.
I was helping to hold it for an injection.   The dog was already covered in stitches were someone else had patched it up.
I was asking if the injection was domitor and the lady said no and gave me another name... So I'd asked instead is it a reversible anaesthetic as the dog was losing consciousness as I held it.  It was.

An Ethiopian tribe, shaman I was being shown a name written down It had alot of s's and I's Their shaman were very long limbed un naturally so and a mix of tribal to modern with futuristic cosplay outfits. 


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