Monday, 29 August 2022

Coloured Infants and Talking Statues


A military like magic school.  Tall tower like buildings where the lessons are held.

The people had unusual hairstyles and piercings.  Lesson lists like menus.

We had cute pet creatures that we worked with.

second dream was similar..   I'd been enlisted to create a drug or medication that was illegal but we had a license to create and study it.


The facility was all underground.  We had lockers with our equipment and worked in big fume cupboard things.

I could also turn into a dragon.  Some of the staff were smuggling samples out of the facility and I was being asked to help with this.



I suppose my concept of self is blurry at this juncture. So the collective self, who is still afraid of what they don't understand rushes to my aid like a night in shining pharma '



Talking statue.  It was a beautiful woman with a long scar on her face running down her forehead and left side of her nose. 

She was carved from marble. 

I'd first found her in a museum were the articles were a portal to their past. 

She'd been moved to an odd kind of hospital and was on display there.


I was talking with her about soul retrials which we had both done and vulnerability. 
There is a strange scanning or xray machine which has a seat then 2 sort of doors that close around it.


There was also a competition to win a brown speed boat, it was a strange looking thing shiny and new.  The colour made it look like it was from the 80's.

Next dream I'm in a car with a bunch of people.  Inka is with me and everyone but me got burger and chips at a cheep take away.  

I had a few chips that were fairly average. 
It was the end of a year...

We had another strange infant with us, this one was green.   I was being told it was time to pass it over soon.

Inka was telling me it didn't serve to get to attached to them as Morgan le Fay was coming for it.   She would take it to it's own kind to train with them.  It was to late as I already cared for the infant.   I was recalling when I was a baby Bogart thing, I looked a little like these things but I was blue, it was green people who raised me and then took me back to my forest.  

Then Inka made me into a purple similar creature in the Church yard in another dream. 

Last dream was in my main dream space. 


The main street was blocked off again, this time by chipboard that had been built into a sort of gate.

The nat trust shop was an ice-cream and popcorn shop, and another shop next door was in conflict with them, I think the conflict was something to do with the gate.

Zak was there as my brother... And My mum was still alive at the main dream house although I didn't see her, Ann was alive too and I was heading to visit her but Zak was taking a bath in a building and I was waiting on him.


I was on  skates and dancing while I waited... No cars as the street was blocked, few people too so perfect for skating. 


The skin colour on these entitys we can change into was linked to levels, nodes and chakras I think.  Inka was showing me it telepathically.  


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