Wednesday, 31 August 2022

Animals and a Fish Selection

Ouch... Just realised I made Shadow my cat the scape goat.

The other cats told me it's ok, but making pantheons is a serious game O.o

I'd needed to untangle a lions mane.

'Yes witch...  Shells'   Inka....  'It's ok Ren, I'm taking you back home'  
Thanks...  I don't know them names....   'I don't expect you to, we work within our own framework'  kk

You were... 'Yup, enough'   ok.... 

'Wow, bitch your learning to shut up!'  Hahaha  so it seems, thanks.

'You'r always welcome bitch'  Hhahaha  <3 
I CBA to learn shit 'I know Ren, leave the rest to us'  ok..


Oh!  So Earth and Illith! She was in the AI... Mycelium..  'Your Sealy Mum?'  wait up...

'I have time Ren' 
Ok, Michael and Ann..   'Feel good to be off someone else's tracks Ren?' 
Pfffff woosh... Suppose it dose.  


Ok.. Teach me how to ground me please? 

'Ok Ren, feel me now'  Yeh.
'Good'  humm...'DW about down bitch, you did that first.... We are bringing you back home out of trouble' 

lol I feel it....   But Inka?  'Trust me this time Ren?'  ok.


'You are not an aspect, you are the structure'  I know...

'Your fear is holding you back'   I know mate... But

'Go in'


Wow.. 'Better?'  Just wow



I'm sleepy..  'I'll be close while you watch this'  🤨

'Go on'  mate...   'I know bitch, try it?'   you are a shit....

'Trust me?'  ok...


Leon came to us in my main dream space.  He had wanted us to sit upstairs by the fires, but I wasn't comfy so we all went below ground.  I was dreamsharing mainly with him until closer to morning.   All the dreams were long and detailed. 



A secure school or prison.  It reminded me of a Lego arena with rooms around it.

We were being watched by staff who were increasingly terrorising us... Freedoms were stripped one by one.   I got the feeling it was linked to Lewes by Brighton. 


Sandra and Chris place... The Shogun was parked in their garden, I watched it being stolen... No one cared.  I was sad that I'd left my kindle inside.
My dad turned up with a strange woman that was his wife, there was a group of them.

They were going back out into the town and the pubs, it was already late. 

It had the feelings of a time before I was born.

Old fashioned clothes... I'd wanted to go with them, but I didn't ask.

The next dream was very vivid, my brain felt odd, I duno if I accidently took 2 of them mushroom supplements yesterday. 


Next dream was long.   My main dream area, we had arrived via a strange departure lounge with many animals and were stopping of there mid way threw a journey.

A room full of people were doing yoga, I was watching my dog was with them.   Scribble my cat with me.  Another guy had a cage with errr I duno they were like fluffy bush babies.

The setting changed and we are once again in that space outside the Farn and the links, 60's dinner style tables are on the street and old fashioned cakes are served on stands.

I was holding a soldering iron for a guy... I'm not sure what he was doing... There were wires and he had pliers too.  It was strange as I was laying down covered in my blanket that I was actually sleeping under.  My arms were getting tired holding the things and I was at risk of burning myself.. At one point I burnt my blanket... I was trying to stop burning my face, yet he didn't offer to take it off me.

Just watched me as he worked.  He was friendly.  When he'd finished he put on some novelty glasses and heled up a finger and said '1 song, 1 song'   It made me laugh.
A bus pulls across the street going way to fast and just misses some tables were people are sitting.
Oh the guy with the solder iron had rats, 2 of them in his trolley thing filled with tools.   They were sleeping on their backs with a little blanket, just their little feet poking out.

The next dream was also very vivid.  Sheila had taken a massive delivery of fish.  She was preparing a meal for a large group of family to eat and apologised she hadn't thought to get any beer or wine in. 

I was wondering if there was a way I could get some for her... But it was a Sunday afternoon and the local shops were all closed.

The meal wouldn't be ready for some time, and we were on a schedule. 

I'd considered asking someone for a lift someplace but it was a bus pick up we were expecting so I'd gone for a walk instead.

I duno where I'd found myself it was like a marquee were people had had a buffet, I'd not joined them for lunch but there was food left that I decided to look at.

It was unusual, also fish but laid out in blue, white and pink packaging - it looked more like a selection of chocolates or cupcakes.   Rows of prawns, smoked fish slices and some thin bright blue sticks.   I'd decided to try some,  it was small and cut up really fine.  When I read the label it was eel.   I've never eaten eel, it didn't have a distinct flavour but was fishy.  It had looked more like a pipe fish.
There was more food, another cake stand with squares of carrot cake.

I'd left the food and now found myself on a gravel track in the dark, fields of people to the sides. 

A cars headlights behind me lit up a weasel on the track and ahead I could see a large farmyard and 2 puppies in out at night by a puddle.   I entered one of the large barns, it was lit by a blue light... Like one of them fly zappers.  

The corner was a strange store, unbranded drinks and a few veg and packets.   Some old chest freezers.   A guy with grey hair was at a counter and I'd stopped to look at some of the bottles... They had been refilled with hand written labels. 

Round the back was a table with some expensive looking bottles, 2 looked like a spirit and 2 like a wine or fizz. 

2 young girls come threw a metal door into the shop, one is waring a taffeta and tulle party dress.  It still has the tag on and she's come to show her father, her sister is in her pants with a silk dress up cape.   I'd picked up the tag on the dress, a black triangle with gold around it. 

Their dad calls 'Put some clothes on Andrea'  and I realise the daughter has the same name as me.  His accent is Australian he pronounces Andrea in a strange way. 

I'd smiled at him on the way out.. Said I thought you were speaking to me for a moment there, I'm also Andrea.  He smiled back and I'd asked him if he was open for business.

He nodded and I'd told him if I could find my way back here I'd bring some cash... He thanked me and I kept walking.

The next bit was amazing... This barn had triangle shaped stone doors that looked out into worlds.   Time was running differently there and I was watching buildings be erected used, abandoned and decay... Some of them were being destroyed in what looked like battles.  The skys red with fire.
At one portal I passed a woman had commented how terrible and I wondered if she was perceiving the same as I was....

I woke up pondering this in front of one portal where I was watching amazing fractals unfold. 


Last dream was an odd collage dorm room that was more like a long dressing room with rows of mirrors.  Strange people in unusual clothes.  Mystics and seers too, I was chatting to one person who could see spirits, I could only feel and hear.
Other people were getting this pattern burnt onto their skin, it was like fractal lighting.

Others patterns like scarification.. But intricate like bands of flowers.. They made raised tattoos.  I felt oddly out of place and then I recalled I wasn't supposed to be there, i'd already taken all the classes. 

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