Wednesday, 24 August 2022

Lions Gate and a Faceless Man


'Not many people chose to dissociate from aspects of their entity yet then adore them for eternity'   Hu?  Feels like I'm cosmic play-doh  'Just stay still and connect wyrdo'  ok...


Very detailed and odd dream...  A town or village that was all part of one hummm  trust? I duno it was all owned by one thing.

It's name was Lions Gate and it was accessed threw a raven or gap in a cliff wall.

We head down into it where it's in a grass valley with a river flowing threw it.

All the doors, windows and railings are painted black, the buildings of grey stone.

It was full of visitors and I'd left my family to explore alone.

The paths were odd, some spiral slope leading to no where except a view.

I'd passed 2 females with a couple of dogs, one in a wheelchair and we reach the top together were there is a view of a small but tall medieval style stone church.  We stop at the railings to look.

They head back down and I stop there.  There is a shelf filled with stuff and a small old battered enamel bath that's been pulled from a building.

I lay in it and curl up going to sleep.

I'm woken in the same dream by a female, she invites me down to sleep by her and her partner were they will watch over me.   The couple are in their 50's with a converted van/camper. 

She sits on a bench smoking a distance from me, then shows me some resin and asks if it's cannabis.   It looks like it but smells wrong, I ask were she got it and she points up the slope to the shelf.

I go up to look and see the resin block on top of a small green tin.  This smells more like I'd expect it to smell.  I leave it there and get into the bath again where I fall asleep. 

This time I'm woken by a young guy who's going to throw some old fiberglass insulation in the bath.   I ask him to let me get out first so I don't get itchy.
I'd headed back to the couple and told the woman it was cannabis resin, I was going to smoke with them when my family arrived back to tell me we were leaving to travel north.   

I was saying goodbye then had to search for them as they'd left without me.  


First part of the night was odd, I felt like I was compartmentalising my mind and sorting threw it.

Sheilas house again.. It was being emptied and a new family were moving in.  I was watching over the place waiting. 

2 young boys were with the family.   I got a call from a care place that wanted me to help.

It was odd there.  A mix of people I knew and didn't.   I quite liked it.  We lit Chinese lanterns in the garden.

I helped someone with a meal then had a strange experience of a head in a box that had stopped breathing... It had a sign on the box what to do when this happened so I'd reported it to a woman who kissed me on the crown of my head.

I'd been sent back to their house to collect my phone - the house was now segmented like a department store, I was in a section filled with old fashioned teddy bears.  Some of them were huge.   I didn't find my phone and went back to the other place where a resident... A strange male with no face grabbed me from behind and wouldn't let go.

All the other staff had gone and the guy started getting sexual. 

I'd woken up asking people to get him off of me.

After that Inka came to me, apologised for not being around atm... Told me he was still about.  Then I had a small demon, gargoyle.  It was little and in my arms, I felt a strange connection to it and it made me feel homesick.  

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