Thursday 11 August 2022

Sleep Awarness

Inka I feel dizzy  'Serves you right Ren'  Sorry...

'I know you are'  Can you help plx?  'If you help your self'

I'm trying.... Joel is 'Like you Ren, fast'  ok... 
'It's why you like talking to him'  Mmmm

'Go outside again'  ok.


HELP... 'Dick head'  Thanks...  'See'
Yeh, trying to hold on makes me dizzy? 

'Yes'  But Inka?  'So don't get pissed Ren?'  Sheesh

'It's not rocket science'  suppose..

I... Inka, I.. 'Yes Ren, lets learn quiet' 


I hate the fear... Wow.. 'Mouse, I know you ok?'  Seems so



Dreams like false awakenings... Dreams of being in bed. 

The only one dream with much detail was going to rent a shared accommodation with other females in London.
'You feel better mouse'  Yeh much.

'You like your independence'  So it seems.

'I can come to you there?'  plx do. 

'Malico too?'  Sure. 


First dream was dark woods....a journey out into the crazy wild and back and brining the wild with us.   It was a school, learning type of dream.  We wanted the wild within. 


Dreams were like last night... More like meditating in my sleep.  

Inka joined with me.. Like we're inside each other overlaying.

Our bodys were gloves of light and shadow but I'm not sure who was inside who....

I guess he was inside me as I was aware of being in bed.

I woke at 201, 302, 403, 504.


When I did dream they were dreams of being in various beds and rooms.  Dreams within dreams of Em and me young or me young with my bro. 

Yeh my sleep app says only 25mins of REM sleep.   It's usually a couple of hrs. 

All my deep sleep was before 1am. 



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Best of Beasts

  Tails just got a 6 Inka - You want 6 of the best or 6 of the beast?   'lol, Fuck off, Ren'   hahaha   kk I'll ask Kaylo late...