Saturday, 13 August 2022

Dull Dreams.


I  went with Inka to Ddads hub, were jumped inside of him instead.  Fell relaxing to be one thing.
First dream was the back of a bus, I had a cappuccino machine and was making drinks and small burgers that I was handing out to people.
A war game was going on.

Then a dream of London, I was on an elevator going down It was a long way and I'd fallen asleep. 
Some guys had taken my phone and purse and then pushed past me.  I chased them and there was people falling all over the escalator. 

My Dad had a large inheritance that was mine.

They ran off before I could get past the people they had knocked over.  When I got to the bottom I chucked my bag away.... Frustrated with the whole concept of money.


I'd gone to sit in what was an underground transport hub and was aware of conductors approaching me as I woke up. 

Last dream was with Rob, Dom, Jon that I used to live with in London but Inka was there too. 
I was in Berwick to start but heading to a fancy dress rave in London.  

Me and Rob were going to ware strange matching wizard like outfits.   Dark blue coat like robes and very large dark blue pointy hats. 
I was collecting my costume before travelling. 




Crazy teaching game.  Clare lots of stairs and a pug in clothes... Inka was there as a coach or motivator.  Lots of stupid amusing stuff.

Blueberry scones and a shared kitchen in a garden.  Felt like Sheila and Eric's place a strange version with a big front garden. 

I had a large pile of twisty candles and candlesticks to break down..  They were for an art project.

Lots of crushed coloured wax.  Piles of cardboard to be recycled too.  A journey North, broken dishwasher and an outside performance on this large green lawn.

-Boat and car journey to an odd house... I was learning speeding up and slowing down.

Uncle Eric again , he was younger but ill still and another person.  We all had some mental illness.  He was lent forward and I had my hand on his back.


I'd left them to take a bath.   The bath was sunk way down and the water deep with jets. 

It had 2 plug holes and I'd got in wearing clothes.


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