Sunday, 7 August 2022

Mansion and Cafe


u/professor-cactus • 59m • 
something found by my dad at the prison 
he works at, made by a schizophrenic 
-3 27 s



What is it the collective taps into Inka? 


'Collective Ren or the maladaptives'  wtf dose that mean?   'Look it up bitch'


OK...   but there is the fact we likly do not want to adpt to stupid conventions


'I didn't ask what you wanted'


OK.  sorry.  'Think carefully what you are asking Ren'   lol I can't help myself hu?


'No bitch you can't and I promised to help'




Kk... I suppose I do know what it's like hearing voices and experiencing stuff others don't :P

Inka...'I know Ren'  meby in dream?

'We'll see' 


I did i polarised negative 'no Ren'  you just told me I'd never been here before

'What is here?'  Now?  

'Close enough'


'Our relationship has changed Ren, we have both grown'   mmmmm

'Just let me help you for now then?'

Kk thanks


Hummmm 🤔   'Ren, I will show you. 

I have shown you.  I can tell you the last thing you need right now is to explore the mind of a psychopath'   and...

'That makes you want to do it more'

Wow..thanks what was that

'Me sitting on you'

OK thanks

'Chill Ren'  kk


First dream was of a huge mansion, a house or hotel.  It had belonged to a famous writer my Dad was in the dream with me, but we were to pretend we didn't know each other.

Someone took me to a shop too.  It was the most expensive shop I've ever been in one kids toy operating table cost 2million.  It was sewn with soft fabric and had toy fabric instruments.

What's with these operating tables?  'You should have asked me last night'  

I know I'm sleepy atm...  'You like experimenting on your self Ren' 

Mmmmm  'Keep dreaming for the moment, it will fit into a pattern later'   Ok.


Next dream was a beach resort, a busy beach with a cafe, miss matched tables and chairs.  I'd gone to wait for a friend who was working there alone and started to help by filling the dishwasher.
The plates are the segmented ones you get in canteens in schools and prisons. 

While I was doing it my friend. Marie (middle me) told me It was my shift now. 

A guy would be along to help me.


The guy was young and blond.... The cafe was way to big and busy for just 2 staff but the customers didn't seem in any kind of hurry.


Each table had it's own order pad and each was different.  I found a lady an order pad and then went to take an order from a table outside that was so big I had to fly up to it to be at the right height.   They were taking ages to decide what they wanted and the order pads were all filled with writing all ready.   I'd found a clean ish page and was keeping tally of the teas.  

They had ordered 2 teas, a mango and guava squash 1/2 pint of beer but there was still many more people at the table to order.  

Another woman wanted cake and I showed her were to go look at the selection of home baked stuff.


Last dream I'd been doing something in my main dream area.  Looking for a kind of paste that was needed for a magic trick/demonstration.   I pulled a thin strip of parcel tape out of my nose.
Mathew was in the dream again and Zak.  Zak had had a dream about him going missing.

We'd taken a bus ride inland slightly... The coach was old and strange on the way out I'd been looking at giant animals in the countryside.  

We reach a storage shed were I'm still looking for the same paste but Judith is there too.

Mathews mam.. She asks us if we know where he is, as he went on a bike ride and they'd not herd from him. 

Zak did... He'd drempt it, a house in Asia that he'd going into with a gate and a glass chandelier.

He was being heled there.
On the coach on the way home workmen were storing tools under the coach seats.

Women and children were getting on and police stopped the bus to question one woman.

She refused to get off and phone call from her husband seemed to placate the police officer who got back of this odd bus.   It was red inside with red velvet seats. 

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