Saturday, 20 August 2022

Cooking and Cleaning



I'd been in a 3 story residential block outside the front.  I was mixing herbs into tea.   People I've never met before coming and going.   Some taking the tea.

A drug was going to be legalised for the first time.  A festival was near by.


Kelly and a woman arguing, oh it was our new neighbour but we were in my main dreamspace in a strange version of Mayfeild.

I was moving stuff around, piles of everyone's laundry and lots of the same small wrapped gift. 
Taking them up and down stairs.
The gifts all had different paper but were the same shape and size.  I didn't know what was in them.   I'd tripped on the way up the pile of small gifts spilling and said 'oops' a guy was standing on the stairs in front of me and he laughed. 


House party at sheilas.   I was cooking on 4 green foam cushions.   
Lots of people including Em's Mam & Sister were on a huge inflatable matrass, it was like crawling across giant bubble wrap.

They had a bunch of guys with them they wanted to introduce me too but I'd agreed to help with the meal.

Lots of children were there too with piles of bored games.  They were in the way of the cooking cushions, and I was trying to help them tidy up but the meal timing was falling behind. 

I was being tempered..
Was a lot of people we were catering for.
My mother and Sheila appeared to help me.

Next bit was odd....  A room above and a wide stair case.  I had on red net tights and under them were lots of sequins, they flowed and moved like glowing spotty scales until a girl cut them with some small silver scissors.

The sequins started falling out onto the wooden floor that was already covered in straw and dry grass clippings.
I was vacuuming it up, the room would be needed for something else.

There was also a fire or coke or coal a female was annoyed she couldn't get it to burn hot enough.

Inka appeared in the morning, joining my awareness here.  I was seeing cell division again, formless awareness watching it.  The stage were the poles pull appart.

It was going back to above before I got sectioned this year. 



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