Monday, 22 August 2022

Dog's and a White Rabbit


Making toy tracks for cars and trains, loops and hills more like a rollercoaster. 
Diving into dark waters for dropped toys. 

Lego boat parts I think.  I needed a lamp or light as the water was too dark.


2 large children's story compilation books.  A white balloon that changed shape, sometimes looking like a mouse and others like a dildo.


Main dreamspace garden but with a huge granite cliff where the garages should be. 

Looking at star constellations. 


A medical place, I was looking for a connector for a giving set to give to a person before we all left for the end of term.

A black dog was being preped for surgery.

A convo with Clair T.  She was upset about poverty.  We talked about land ownership and agriculture.  

My dog was with me as we made our way down a big hill to the station at the bottom.

Other dogs were tied to posts.

The station was a mix of old and modern more like an amphitheatre and another hill grassy had running horses and yet more dogs.  My dog ran off with them for a while, I was waiting and shouting beside a couple wo were getting engaged.



An odd meal with friends I didn't know, at first it seems like a street on a costal village but when I leave the table to walk to the house I find myself on something more like the deck of a cruise ship.

Bright neon signs over doorways... One is Red and for the Viking something. 

The hosts were a male and female couple, the guests felt like kids from care or something.

Then a witch and wizard city... It felt like my main dreamspace too but medieval and castle like.

I'd met a red skinned demon with 2 different horns, one spiral and straight, the other curled and pointed up.  He showed me the sky were there was a flight way, people using coloured angel type wings and cloaks to move along in a fast air current. 

Brad was there too, he had a rabbit he wanted me to look at to check for fleas.

I'd collected a comb in a below ground petshop, it had cardboard hanging over the door and an escalator lined with monoliths and huge gems.

I had a large gem as a communication device and was trying to arrange a time to meet him, but the thing just kept scrolling and changing threw many different colours, bright blues and pinks it's surface was amazing.

When I did catch up with him I'd forgotten the comb, it was a small white house rabbit he kept as a pet, I could see fleas running threw its fur so was going to come back again with treatment.


Next dream was with Mel, we were in a dressing room that was all mirrors with a few sinks. 

I didn't look like me and had very straight hair cut in different coloured layers, the bottom dark brown, then white blond and with a pink fringe and stripes.

I'd had on some strange stage makeup and it was very hard to remove, it was making my skin blister.   I'd eventually managed to wash it off at a row of sinks with dirty water.


Last dream was a party in my main dream space, was high up in a room over the newsadgents and I was laying on a bench with Jack.  The party was for a female who wasn't well liked, I was going to find colour changing light for her.

Next thing I recall is being outside round a old grand piano, carry my old cat is there.  She keeps crossing a busy road into some woods on the other side.

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