Saturday, 20 April 2024



'TWISTING YOUR HEAD WITH AN ELIE AND SHANTI'   AYE... but they are perfect... plain sailing here.Shanti means peace or something?


Well the staff awards party was brilliant, was a very wyrd evening due to the frame of mind I was in, but I'd been there before it's a place, but a layer too a slightly diffrent reality and so just kept my gob shut and navigated it'   I see why I had to do this INSIDE first 🤣

'I KNOW - this time U ride it' 

My forehead hurts.
'Mmmm,  My hub, or I'll collect you' 

Ok, so tired after dancing for hrs.

'You've been on'  Coming, so tired.


Lovely sleep lovely morning. 

Was considering all this racing thing! 
lol reminded me of the racists night. 

Rase and race ?? Oh same word.. 

Reminded me of the night in a dream, me and em were racing for fun.. We were rasists but I just liked playing games in dream.

But I kinda got sick of all the racing, tec, and other stuff and thins...  'I know exactly what you did'  lol Yup 😁


Well I was just trying to Ohhh. Human beans..  'Their Beings Ren'  lol Yes well Obviously  'It's a lot Hu?'  

Aye, no shit man.

I think I need a brew and a poo  'Idiot'  Haha


I'd forgotton you made me into a witch on a giant wooden spoon shit stirring broom!

Well till yesterday that is,  Dose NOW have a yesterday?   'NOW has YOU'  lol still want a brew.

Is this like the worst witch that keeps coming bk again and again?  'Depends what shit you cook up next!'  😂

Ah, I think we just sorted out the rainbow racing - racist thing.

At least I didn't have to walk down the street with blue period pnts and a toilet wand 🤣
I sent Jole a


Are we making an Arch / Arc ?  Hummm...


'You're off Track focus on what you are doing then go out' 


Oh.... right! I did it here lol the same thing we did.

only is was an xx with a college caled Hecel She's Filipino Her name was He Cell. I'm in her Cell, she was my escort. She told me to stay with her and not leave her. Ohhhh Meby I should have got in the car too. But my Instincts told me to walk the silver tray back to work. Whole thing was like a lucid dream



Today at 11:11 AM 
That thing on my shoe... Meeting 2 friends who were telling me that the youth club had 
been taken over by street dance... But they'd moved it to the JR school on Lions Lane. 
Last night there was something going on in the school. 
So they took all the kids to the Green 
Lions Green... 
101, I feel like I'm on some strange round UP program. 
Better finish this and go out before I crash into myself


Today at 11:13 AM 
When I said I was bringing the love and magic back to the Lions lane... 
I didn't expect to be weaving it with a fairy realm! 
101 cause I'm a domestos fairy with a fucking toilet wand 
That Inka is currenty going to shove in my eye or up my ass if I don't to what he tells me 


Ah ty.  Sorry...   'It's ok, was letting you roll on to prove MY point'  Yuppp...

Auctions and Biddings?? 


bid (v.) 
probably an early Middle English mutual influence or confusion of tv,ro older words: The sense in 
bid farewell is from Old English biddan "to ask, entreat, beg, pray, beseech; order" (class V 
strong verb, past tense bæd, past participle beden), from Proto-Germanic *bedjanan "to pray, 
entreat" (source also of German bitten "to ask, " attested in Old High German from 8c., also Old 
Saxon biddian, Old Frisian bidda "ask, request command," Old Norse bidja, Gothic bidjan 
"request"). This, according to Kluge and Watkins, is from a PIE root *gwhedh- "to ask, pray" (see 
bead (n.)). 
To bid at an auction, meanwhfle, is from Old English beodan "offer, proclaim" (class Il strong 
verb; past tense bead, past participle boden), from Proto-Germanic *beudanan "to stretch out, 
reach out, offer, present, " (source also of German bieten "to offer," Old High German biatan, also 
Old Saxon biodan, Old Frisian biada, Old Norse bjoöa, Gothic anabiudan "to command"). This is 
(with a shift of meaning) from PIE root *bheudh- "be aware, make aware" (source also ofbode

'Go on then Ren if your going to do it'  Ok...
I'll just put the picys and go out my head feels funny.  The coin flip thing is handy... Glad my coppers not bent

Daft Punk - Get Lucky (Official Audio) ft. Pharrell Williams, Nile Rodgers



Toy Dolls - Nellie the Elephant (We're Mad, Sunderland, UK, 1984)




The Police - Every Breath You Take (Official Music Video)




The Police - Message In A Bottle (Official Music Video)

Bent Coppers... 
Mines tiny with a Ren on what side..  Been fl

Prince of bell air! 
And I think my Sam Sung is not speaking to my Dell hel atm. I'll go walk, meby they 
need some time appart.

So I rembered one of my alters...  The globes bulbs gone.   I thought if I give it's bulb bk.. Might help my middle earth issue
Or make it worse.. I'm not sure.


Had to pull it appart and turn it upside down to get the bulb out... It's only a wee one.


Max 15 watt 
250 volts



My Farthing flip told me time to head out.


Shopping trip was fine, Zak came too

Popped into the Vap Shop 🙄

Then got the bulbs in the light shop, card took a second attempt but the guy tops me I was approved.


Zak said he's never been to the party shop, so next we popped in there.
He wanted a ballon, we diced  / decided to get a packet.
We decided to get one filled with hellium  Hell i um?  Helium

He picked purple number 10.

Bumbled into Nick who just turned the big 50 ... Oh Yeh!  There was loads of bee balloons pitayas in the party shop.
It was Zak that wanted the Honey comb -  Seems it came from Amzon  Amazon....
In the shop, Zak put the Z in front of the name JOHN that was on the shelf.  Pushed the J back and made Zohn  Spelt his name.
Then took it away cause he said
'Nah, my names all over the place allready' 😆





The ballon will only last a day ... He told me it felt like having a baby cause it was blowing in the wind, we were tring to avoid prickly plants like holly!  (Oh yeh, the Holly & Daisy!! Holly and Daisy are the names of the friends running the Youth Club!

Crossing the lights with the ballon to visit Grandad, were we talking about the missing green man or is it red?  I duno there is a light out.

When I was talking to Dad crossing the other day trying to teach him green cross code... He's rolled his eyes at me and said 'Yes Dad!' 😆 Green cross code man played darth vader  ....ffs...
So if that wasn't wyrd enough, I go into work Lia is working Azalea again.  She comes into my Dad's room Like she allways dose and they both stood side by side blushing and laughing at me! Lia and DarthDad
I duno if that makes me the hand solo, masturbating, masticator, shit eater  😮... And Idea I got from my shit eating dog who chews his own tail.  Or meby I'm LOOK!   cause I make my self look a RIGHT TIT
Prehaps being a dr do little and talking shit with animals wasn't my finest idea!   But.... Lia and my Dad seemed to find me funny.
popped open the Pringles again..  Me and Zak had some.
Dad just looked at Lia rolled his eyes and said to her 'NOTHING IS SAFE' 


I think I made a new dinosaur I'll call it a whatthefuckdoyouthinkyhesawUS 😆

I got the new bulb for my globe... I've popped it in and it works...   Not sure if I should put it back together again though yet.

Oh yeh...  AAndsorry to all the vapers & smokers and jokers and tokers...  It's prolly my fault that vaping it bad for you..
Well meby Inkas too  fuck knows... 
He kept blowing smoke rings and bubbles in my face and dreams... Then I went crazy and started mixology in my body starting to vape blowing vape juice  up his ass, while loked up as IN sane in a Crazy place... 

Inka, I've got a head of steam up.... Can you tip me over and pour another cup of witch brew please! 

'Yeh Ren, I told you it would take a miracle to prove your not insane'   Can I stop shape sorting yet please?  'Haha Bitch, no sorry - but please fucking listen' Ok, I'll try and sleep.

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Strange Summoning

  12th Was v tired after 3 night shifts, but did dream all night. Was all over the place though as I was tired too, so falling asleep i...