Wednesday, 17 April 2024

Mask on a Ballon


Fuck man....   Outside is freaky.  

In... Inbetween again, and reality is glitching.


But, I am in danger too.


So Since Sunday my dog has been freaking out at the traffic lights outside the pub for no reason.


We sat in the back beer garden today.

As I was taking my Dad across the road I was trying to teach him green cross code.

They don't have traffic lights in Seahouses...   Well apart from a lolly pop that you suck!

So he's still looking at the traffic... it's a 4 way busy junction and the view is obscured by flowers...

So as I'm trying to tell him....   Look at the green and red man. 

He just replies to me 'Yes Dad' 

When I told him about his cousin and his sister...    He just fucking giggled..   Well...  It was amusing, Chris at least the way his wife told it.


We stopped outside the home at the rememberance garden.  He wanted to know what was written on the tiny stone sort of seat/stone type structure.


'Perhaps the Stars in the sky are our loved ones leading us home'   - That made him cry!  🥰


After dropping him off,   I'm crossing..  Same place my dog keeps freaking out at.

As I go to cross the junction with no lights... a grey van corners fast not indicating on my right as me and dog were about to cross.  The driver was just grinning at me!


Inka reminds me of this night.


All the eye stuff, my Dad has a thing were one pupil doesn't dilate properly?


The EYE am in danger... 'Aye' 


The game of darts in Astral where he was chucking darts fast at my eye and I was catching them and chucking them back...  He'd asked me 'Your fast Ren, but can you keep up?'  Keep UP?


was christened there was watching that me from over the river. 
But not your infants' Show more pix?? 
Return 101 that Was nuts!! 
I'd jumped back to Darth Dad who watched me face him. 
He told me '/ am uncertain if you are brave or simply foolish' 
Then We Were in a dream playing catch With a dart!! 101 
He's chucking it at my head fuckingfa5t!! I was catching it and throwing it back. 
He'd asked me 'Can you keep up?' 101 1 duno?? Do I want too?? 
Oh before that...Leon had asked me how much 1 was willing to take the shit for?? 
101 the injections, needles?? Darts?? He was aiming for my eye! 
Come again crazy mouse' pfffffff ok, why not 515 sheesh. 
He put his hand on my head this time, with his thumb over my forehead and probes and inquires 
mentally 'What has your sibling done to you?' 
I didn't really have any answers but he seemed content as he told me, 
Continue to amuse me and / will agree to fight you'

Then there is the HoP on Pop.   

Or. Seuss 


That got me locked up second time
I made it into a game of bubble popping.

Then 3rd time was the canning factory when I god sent to God-Den green.
I got shoved in a can of spinach cause I though pop eye was funny too! And I'd not been olive oil before
From the perspective I was at everything was funny! 


Inka just kept winding me up this morning.  He told me I should probably talk to one of the others .
So I'd asked Ddad  He just told me
'My deer, you are a help - less case'  😆


Above & Beyond Acoustic - "You Got To Go" Live from Porchester Hall (Official)




Above & Beyond - Miracle Lyrics I 
And too late is too late for me and you. No more time left for you to borrow And it's too easy to turn d 
blind eye to the light. It's too easy to bow your head and pray. But there are some times. When you 
should try to find your voice. And this is one voice that you must find today. Are you hoping for

Then this plays..   Blind eye to the light.  Hummm when I'm manic both my pupils dilate like I'm high

Meby I need to play keepy up with a balloon?  

Wonder if Dath likes balloons?  Oh fuck!!   'Hahaha Ren!'   Ooops  'Yeh possibly not after what we did!'  Hahah  the pink chair and all the balloons.......

Shit man!!  'Aye'   Pffffffffffffffff


Haha... That song!!  Shit!

Fell unconscious last night, need a 'KO'  Aye


I had a dream I'd been with Jean  ... Gene?  'Find the dream where you met her on an escalator'


She was going up I was going down... We met in the middle.   


Can't find it...  Just other stuff, but that helped too.   Was it the night you took me hostage in a bus??   '😈'    Hummm

Not that night... But it's odd..  My Dad moved down here when Pluto Ddad came back to Aquarious. 
Humm, someone also gave me a flyer the night you want me to find? 


Still can't find it?   Can you help please?  'I agree with Ddad atm Ren, better you be a help less just for a bit'  lol ok..  

The other dream.

Me and one other we had red and white folded fabric. 
Like a sheet or a flag.  We were passing it between us.   Ripped the shite?  'Mmmmm'   lol  ok, lets not go bk there!   'Good Idea'  Hah


Hummmm  Ian wants to be the soul/sole provider?  He wanted me to give him cash, but I gave it to one of the kids then spent a couple of £100 on flea stuff for the pets.... He wanted me to give it to him to dish out - but I didn't see the issue as it's all for the house???


Hummm that flag stuff!   I'd forgotton I'd even said that!!  🤯


Hummm   Rip or Burn.   ??  Ah...  The burn, that's what's going on with my cheeks atm 😆

When I go all in I get a royal flush blush!! 
It's anoying, but also reminds me to wind my neck..    Lol  from here.....


  • Mask.. The blush is also a mask.   Disguise?  'Costume?'  Ooo ok.  



Oh shit!!!   'Remeber what you were doing now?'  Yes....   😮


But I duno how... I was just making any shit up and dreaming 😆


'Let us help a bit' &  ??


Ok..  Thanks.  I feel ok again now.  Will go an run :)


Couldn't run.. Too full of hot air, was chatting and recalling stuff with Inka as I was getting ready to leave.

This Blush, Face Flush is annoying...   'It's ok you're bluffing'  😆

How can I get rid of it I don't want a crown!  Can I give it to someone else? 'Not at the minet queen' 



Hu?  Lol  ok...

Can you shove it round my middle??    'Life Ring?'  Oh yeh... SOS 'I've chucked you a few of those'  

Lol....  Why did I think making Saturn snacks was funny 'We kept feeding you Alphabetty spaghetti'    Alpha Bet i e??  Lol  'DW bitch, we'll flip you again soon' 

What's that backwards e thing??  Lol  why you glaring at me!

rosacea?  Also a humility thing... For me anyhow!!   Hummm  Why did I think mapping reality into My body was a good I deer?

'Cause you're a massive Hera tic'  lol   Yeh... But in our dream I was just a little tic sucking on you who were a big tic  'correct'


Hera Tic...   'Tick Tock'  lol   I agreed to be a windup mouse on a spring in a grandfather cuckoo clock for what reason again!!  🙄 


I still can't find the dream you want me too....   'UL now'  Ok...

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