Thursday, 18 April 2024

Hell on an Accumulator Dolly?

Why dose thinking about the Paladies make me wana blow chunks?
 'You'll find out soon enough, go take nap in the Sun'  Oh yeh, I should I've been awake since 4am and just swapped my night shift! 😮




You were showing me frequent sys in the garden.

I could here the vibrations.  
Flicker rate, I recalled learning how to change n ride them.

Birds too..  how they communicate with eachother.  The bees buzz.

'You are safer in the garden or at work Ren'
I was thinking about the Trolly with safety wheels and imagining playing with a brother in it.. 
Was wondering can I now  -Go to hell in a Handcart?  Inka just giggled... I think this is my accumulator
🤔  🤔
An octave Higher than Aquarious.. But I go an Octave lower at the same time too?


The track I've been hearing in my head all day.

Tommy Jayden & Castion - Untouchable




Ian ordered a dolly, a wooden one, arriving tomorrow.
He left the one we got last year in the garden and it went rotten.....NOW he needs it.
Don't have the safety rails! 


Hummm  living dream reality. 

'Just navigate and try not to amuse your self to much' 

I'm fine if you don't imp plant stupid I deers.  'You don't need any encouragement there'


The extra pyramidal side effects..


All the eyes in pyramids...  Leon let me and Kaylo fight in a hall of mirrors! I was seeing myself in everything.
Am again..  'I know Ren, just chill like you are now.  Let others pass'

I need to keep out of Ian's way for a bit...     'Mmm, Navigate, stay chill and let me drive'  ok..

Abakus - Dreamer



I can't see that from words..  'U have seen it Ren, you know exactly how it works' 

Yeh, I'm struggling with this level of waking lucidity RN..   'All you have left'  I'm still enough for me, I like company and friends & fam though 😏

Fuck my head's hot can you not just pop it and let me cool down.  'Sorry not yet, Navigate - but row row row your boat... Don't fucking rocket!'  Hahah  ok


Oh the Timmy Trumpet... On my way to Mars with my Teddy 🤣.... 'Aye and straight back out of your own Ass'  😆   Is that why Leon Fucked it with a solar flare??

'You are XX rated bitch...'  Stupid enough to be the answer to your own questions, it's how you got a Y  🤣


This loop Man...   That was the 19th April 21   - So tomorrow... Soo the flare was 2 years ago??
I was dreaming as Mars? Or Mars was in the way?


'Just go sleep at work with Your Dad at work Ren, I'll keep you company'   😆  Yeh, whatever!

Call bells?  'I can wake you when you need as you well know'  tru dat.  


I'm sticking in that blue trolly.... at least someone can keep a handle on me and before you ask I don't wanna be a fucking teapot!   Cause I think I already did that 🙄

Oh.. yeh I did, the pissed doormouse in Alice.

Bk again leabe in a mo.

Turns out being a teapot was ok.   He showed me I was poring muself the wrong way!   He tipped me over made me bow and from my 3rd eye lots of hot water came out...

Why do I think he's going to make a Witch brew with me as the bag 🤣

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