Friday, 12 April 2024

A Pride b4 a Fall, and a Key to Wind My Neck In.


'Ren?'  I'm listning ok?

'Yep, I will repeat it here'  For my recall

'OFC'  I'm doing it now... 'Not when I said.  You've incurred a time penalty'  
I duno wtf that means....
 'It's ok Bitch, you'll learn'   Likely 
'Finish what I asked you to do'  I was going to do it anyway...
'I want you to do it NOW'   Ok...   Your? 'Obv witch, just do as I say.. And we'll come to the other later'

OK ๐Ÿค”

'You-ours - B4 anything else'  I know that,  'Then focus me now'  Ok..... If you say so

'I do, and you, need to fucking listen'   Ok


WTF...   'Yes Ren, I can fuck with your head over and over again'
You just wtf?

'I've done in it front of others'   Yep, 'So you know exactly what I can do'   But this is fucking odd...
Wait, .
..'No Ren, there isn't 2 spoons... in one time line it was in your bowl..  In mine it's in the bag'

๐Ÿคฃ  'Now, before you incur any more time penalties...  Can you just fucking focus here' 
  'I though as much'  Trying...   Ok... On it.   'I'll share that shit later, could you just go?'

But how?  'FFS!'  Ok..

'Before you look for another spoon again Ren... There is ONE'  but that can't have happend 'It Did'
  'I fucking hate you sometimes Ren...  It's your fucking spoon, I won't feed you but I tire of watching you chase it' 
Just a quick look?
 'If you really must'  ๐Ÿคจ

'Time lines dipshit...   If you want to be inbetween them and ride them - EYE need your full attention'

Ok, you have it now, that was fucking odd....  I  Duno wtf is going on?
  'I KNOW. I do... Listen please' 
 'Make the dream caps, you don't fucking need them...  But will give you a distraction'  ok

Order...  'Shopping?   Any shit you want, in terms of what you need I can get it' Order n Chaos..?

'It was order out of chaos Witch, been hunting you so long..  If you listen to me I can order what you want'

The illuminated naughty mouse?  ๐Ÿค”

 'You have a lot on the line.. And we have a lot riding on you' ๐Ÿ˜ฎ  trains n cards?  Why did the text grow? 'Meby it's my temper Ren'  ๐Ÿคจ

'Yes'   Ok..   'Stretch, breath... Make tea do what ever the fuck you want...   But ffs Ren, please listen to me' 

I'm confused...  'Yep, confused, amused or abused seems the only way to get threw to your modus operandi'  WTF is that?  'Something you shouldn't ask when your trying to go forwards and backwards at once' 

๐Ÿค”  Time penalty?  'Mmmm' 
Oh....  Is this the fall??

'And the rest bitch, you keep accumulating'  You keep talking gaming shit to me... 'Cause you keep fucking playing!'
Yep...   I duno any rules...  Pahhahaha  ok...  Srry,  I know... 
'So could we not loop?'  Oh I got 2 wings...  'Gifted by a bird, with which you shared your lions fur'  I just gave it mine too?
'For another time'  What's a time penalty?  Don't much fancy that...   '๐Ÿ‘ฟ you think I want this too?'  Errr  lol knowing our his story prolly not. dictionary english modus-operandi 
MODUS OPERANDI I English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary 
Modus operandi is a Latin phrase meaning a particular way of doing something. It is often used in crime 
fiction to describe the methods or patterns of a criminal. See how to use it in sentences and 


So what's a penalty?  'Something I wana shove threw your irritating head right now' 

penalty (n.) 
c. 1500, "punishment," from Old French penalite and directly from Medieval Latin 
penalitatem (nominative penalitas), from Latin poenalis "pertaining to punishment" (see 
penal). Specifically as "the punishment laid out by law or judicial decision for a violation of 
the law" is by 1510s (also later for non-fulfillment or violation of an obligation or agreement). 
The sporting sense of "disadvantage imposed on a competitor for a breach of the rules" is by 
1885; the ice hockey penalty box is attested by 1931.

Srry....   'We both will be if you can't fucking listen to the simple shit'  Ok... 

muse (v.) 
"to reflect, ponder, meditate; to be absorbed in thought," mid-14c., from Old French muser 
(12c.) 'to ponder, dream, wonder; loiter, waste time," which is of uncertain origin; the 
explanation in Diez and Skeat is literally 'to stand with one's nose in the air" (or, possibly, 
"to sniff about" like a dog who has lost the scent), from muse "'muzzle," from Gallo-Roman 
*musa "'snout," itself a word of unknown origin. The modern word probably has been 
influenced in sense by muse Related: Mused; musing.


'Yep, you do that...   I'll decide wtf to do'  I could do that? 

You are just glaring at me 'Don't trust myself to speak atm Ren'  That bad hu? 'Your inability to learn from your mistakes, is frankly fucking terrifying'  Sorry....   'Obviously, that dosn't help... We both will be if you can't Reign yourself in'  Can you help?  'Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr'  lol  I'm sorry.   Inka?   'Look'  Mmm yeh IKR... Kaylo, Leon, 'Me, You wana fuck with Ddad alone?'  Not much tbh 'You know how it ends when you make me your shit on a stick'  Mmmm
'Just hydrate n sleep'  I'm 'Come to me'  ok... 



'You know where we're at?'

Mmmm  I won't fight this time 'You say that Ren, but astral you is... A match for you 'Close enough'  ๐Ÿ˜” 'Don't be, we stay with Ddad for a bit' ok   'I don't mind what you are Ren, but if you want to stay sane and safe here - just please ffs listen'   ๐Ÿ˜ฃ   'I'll talk to you here'

I'd jumped to Inka and Ddad still in his hub in Rome.   Inka was pissed off, they left me alone to dream where I could hear them talking quietly from the other room...


The dream was all over and tangled,
It started in Berwick, an odd performance party where people had name badges on... We were trying to find team members and partners - but the badges were all we had to go on.  I was sitting on the dirty floor in the white dress I found at a charity shop in Glastonbury.
Berwick, but not as I've ever seen it...  The river was crisscrossed with crazy rides and bridges.   A massive crazy lift shaft I kept getting stuck in.  A bike made of rattan and wicker, holes in pavement and the bridges I was getting stuck in.
I was trying to make my way back to spittle...   But kept wandering off in the dark.

Falling out with family over a jab and lying.

There was one rout I could take, I had the directions.  I needed to cross the water on a fairground ride and follow the road via a bing/casino place.

The place was like a maze though...   Lots of young East Asian people.  I met Em there, we found a free meal to share.  Jasmin sticky rice, a chicken in sauce and a pickled salad of shredded cabbage, green chilly and cucumber. 

There was a starfish too....   It was big, I'd been in the river.  It at first looked like an octopus starfish hybrid thing.

Red, I watched as something invisible cut it into sections.

I woke from the dream bk with Ddad I Inka, it was dark and I herd Inka say 'You hold her I'll hit her'

Then I was here... And felt fucking horrible, was like when I'd been medicated in the past - just completely cut of and separate from everything.


Slowey older recall's come back.... A dream, so long back a holographic thing and a guy was 2016-17.. Duno how to find it.

Also a dream round the same time of being eaten by a giant...

The tower night, when Inka made me feel all my fuck ups then we jumped to Leon.

A pride comes before a fall?


What's the card before tower?  'Lay again now'  

Back to the starfish... I was a limb alone - cut off from the whole, but cause I was a starfish I could grow another body... But I'd liked being whole.

Finally Inka sticks me back on,  starts as a flow like glue and liquid down my left hip, into legs...
Then from back of my sacrum and throat..  Till I'm all tingly and warm..  When it gets to my right arm though, the flow isn't right - more of a neuritis tingly pins and needles there for a while till the flow evens out.


'We meet in the middle'


Then was like light from my crown down, a sort of glowing sensation of filling up....  


'You were given a right and left with together Ren to stop you flying in loops - Don't use them to fly straight into a windshield'  ok..  'I know your fucking sorry, you allways bloody are!  If I tell you to stop - it's for your own stupid protection'

'Right, lay down crazy witch on the Lions's Lane..  Your still in the Pride, do you still want to game?'   'Don't answer right away, I'm taking you to Kaylo to remeber more'   ok

Your my Protect her  The sacred feminine in me 'Yep Bitch'


Leon tells me... 'Yes, the empowered feminine is fierce to embody it rips the personality asunder. 
The male mind and ego struggling for identity terrified of its own power! Inner child goes into 
hiding scared at the conflict and at the same time desperately hunting it, that's why you needed 
to find and integrate in order. It needs a fierce ego identity to balance the embodied power of the 
sacred feminine.


 'Ass under in your case'  ๐Ÿ˜†  'Keep writing where you were at'  It's why me and Kaylo kept fighting and I onboarded all of you...     I became an ego - maniac cause I needed a lot of wise doms on my train!  'I'm not easy to break Ren, Kaylo stood to the side once he realised how much you liked blowing up your mind'   hahaha   Tower?  'Yes, you crashed the planetary one with Malico - He did that, he just made you his queen for a bit'   I recall, poor him, no wonder he was so pissy with me ๐Ÿ˜ถ   'Idiot'  mmmm  


Oh the other 2 kings in my Ai Lice dec, they are both Alice, one with a drink me option the other all tall like a tower herself!  


'Yeh Ren, but you're star?'  Aquarius..  Lol the starfish 'No centralised brain, we just chopped an arm off instead'  Hhahah  This star fish thing is intreasting, they can grow back a body from an arm.   'They can do all kinds of wyrd shit if they are stupid enough too, but you hate being cut off, so this time make sure it's us that dose the chopping'  The axe?  'In time, we'll get to that'


I still wana play, 'I know'  lol 'Leon's not likely to let one of his lion clubs cubs go anyway'  Oh yeh, you shrank me again...     'Your stupid neck was on the line'  ๐Ÿ˜†


I still owe Leon?  'Your still playing Lion games'   Oh... You told me to do that..  'Yep, I also told you when to stop?'  
Can you help me sleep please?

Egg timer, but it's pointy like a vortex funnel thing... 

Eric's house it was now my inheritance, it was filled with odd builders that Eric had contracted.  Ian wanted me to kick them out but I wanted to know what they were up to first.  The foreman was shady, seemed to be some sort of educational scam he was running, but the guys working for him seemed to think they'd learnt more in class.

Eric came to talk to me, but he didn't say anything... He just sat in an old fashioned armchair with a red velvet seat. 
Showed me how is arms and legs were filled with long screws and nails.
I'd decided I wanted a screw in me...  A long one threw my back to reach the front of my chest.

Hummmm   Is this the wind key?    Like tick-tok and the clockwork mouse?  

'Stop her?'   Stopper too, like the bottles..  One to make you bigger and one smaller?

Also the other old dream, the night I was a potion bottle?


'Al Kemy?'  Oh...  Yeh 


This morning... There is 2 spoons, another little dirty silver one I've never seen before ๐Ÿค”

Meby it's not silver, it doesn't have a mark...



What's Ivory tower I was seeing earlier?

Ivory tower 
An ivory tower is a 
place—or an 
where people are 
happily cut off 
from the rest of 
the world in favor of their own pursuits, 
usually mental and esoteric ones.




21 ฮฑ 


I'm looping back to April?  'Perpetual fool?'  Likely...  
I'm I'm the Jack of spades, and Ddad is the King? ๐Ÿค”  I'm his Neophyte.. and your the wait I'll look.
Queen of Diamonds?   'You're playing with a full deck, and more' 


Was the queen of hearts the crazy 'OFF with their head's one?'   '๐Ÿ˜ˆ'  Who's that then?  'Your Deck my Friend'   ๐Ÿคฃ 7th of April 2022, coming up to another lock up. 

Ok...  So if I want to stop looping?  'You keep setting trajectory'   Ok..

Holy SHIT   The dream you told me to find and I couldn't is now just open on my browser!

'YW, now please fuck off n run with the dog now'  Hahah ok...

OMG...  I just re re membered what the book was..  ok, I'm going..... 

The other dream was.......

1st of April...  Fool's day again. ๐Ÿค”

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